She said that she hadn't had a good meal for several days, and she wanted to eat a good meal today to replenish her energy and continue to work hard to prepare for the postgraduate exam.

Jiang Quan didn't take the initiative to send him to her door to care for her as he used to for fear that he would not be able to get rid of her relationship, and he was also afraid that he would delay his future.

It gave her some vague hopes—the ice finally showed signs of thawing, and it wasn't as invulnerable as he had shown.

Jiang Quan didn't know what kind of mentality he had in "chasing Li Hong back"—hey! Let's take it one step at a time. What I owed her must be paid back. I can't wait for a while, but I can't wait for a lifetime. Delay her postgraduate entrance examination.

When eating with Teacher Lin, Li Hong secretly laughed several times. Seeing her overjoyed appearance, Teacher Lin couldn't help asking him, "Why are you so happy? Is there any happy event?"

He said that he has been informed by two schools in the past few days that he can participate in the summer camp held by those two schools, so he feels very happy.

Teacher Lin smiled and congratulated her, "Being able to get this opportunity in advance proves that you are really good. No wonder someone didn't sign the "Single Contract" for you!"

Then, Teacher Lin said to Jiang Quan, "There is nothing wrong with the company doing this, the whole industry is like this now, and the most loyal fans are at the age of dreaming.

In order to ensure that their dreams will not be broken, they have to sacrifice their emotional life. It is really difficult to let go of such an excellent friend. How to choose depends on what you need. "

Jiang Quan knew that Mr. Lin still had high hopes for him, but he really couldn't confess his "black material" to the company.

He felt that Dong Guoan didn't recognize him not only because he was afraid of Lin Shuhui, but also because he would bring shame to the Dong family. The deceased was already dead, so there was no need for him to be stained.

Whether he ran away from home or dropped out of school, it was all his own fault, and he had to bear it by himself.


That night, Jiang Quan sent Li Hong back to her dormitory.

Li Hong said that there are all kinds of people in this world, and there are also all kinds of likes, and she likes the fierce and arrogant ones.

Jiang Quan said that he made up his mind to be single and didn't want to harm others.

Li Hong said that people's thoughts may change every day, and she is willing to wait.


Jiang Quan followed Li Hong to the library to look for materials.

For him, nothing is more than money.

If you want your mother to live a good life, you have to work hard to make money.

The idea of ​​not wanting to owe anyone is abnormal. It is impossible for a person to live in this world without incurring debts and debts.

If there is a next life, you have to pay back what you owe to others, and take what you owe to yourself.

He no longer has to draw a clear line with Li Hong, anyway, his greatest ability is to turn suspected suitors into good buddies.

Li Hong finally settled on four summer camps, two in Kyoto and two in Shanghai.

What will happen tomorrow, who knows.


After Mr. Lin and Su Xiaolong came to Shanghai, they also lived near the "Ruiyuan Entertainment Shanghai Branch".

This place was originally a university town, and most of the people who came and went on the road were the proud sons of heaven, making Su Xiaolong, who had dropped out of school due to family conditions, envious.

He graduated from high school in the same class as Jiang Quan, Pi Xiaoyou, and Wan'er, but he was younger than them. He called Jiang Quan "Jiang Quan", Pi Xiaoyou "Sister Xuan", and Wan'er "Sister Li".

Boys are generally younger than girls in mental age, and he has never seen much of the world. When he comes to a strange place, he is afraid that he has done something wrong, so he always looks timid.

Jiang Quan has always been willing to help others, so he often took care of this little brother who had just arrived in Shanghai.

At the very beginning, he was not used to the food in Shanghai, but the aunt who cooks in the company can't take care of his taste, so Jiang Quan often took him to the school cafeteria to eat, where there are all kinds of food from all corners of the country, he picked it out, Jiang Quan Just swipe your own card.

Su Xiaolong looked at the group of carefree college students around with envy, and couldn't help talking about everything in his family and the regret that he would never be able to go to college.

Only then did Jiang Quan know that Su Xiaolong was not unable to go to university because of poor grades, but because of the poverty of the family and the extreme short-sightedness of his parents.

She told Xiaolong that she had also been Xiaoyou's assistant before, and as an assistant she spent a lot of time waiting, if she could make good use of that fragmented time.

You can also effectively improve yourself - reading is not just sitting in the classroom, people who are interested in books can learn every moment.

Jiang Quan borrowed a lot of books for him from the school library, encouraged him to sign up for the self-study exam, and was willing to help him with his least favorite English, and begged Li Hong to teach him how to use the computer when he was free.

Su Xiaolong is very grateful to Jiang Quan, and feels that there is no one better than him in this world.


It was only when Teacher Lin arrived in Shanghai that she realized that Tang Yu'er was very lax in her practice. She was lazy when she could, and skating when she could.

The professional teacher in Shanghai reported Tang Yu'er's situation to Wu Yong, but he suppressed them and did not report it.

Wu Yong himself had chatted with Tang Yuer many times, but after a few days she would revert to her old ways.

Ever since she joined Ruiyuan Entertainment's "Young Master", Tang Yu'er has become even more arrogant, arriving late, leaving early, and making soy sauce, making the ruffian and the others very angry.

Just because she didn't work hard, a lot of other people's energy was wasted, and even Lu Yanli began to tire of her.

Wu Yong is very close to her "Prince Charming" family. The business card of "Prince Charming" was given to Tang Yuer through his assistant, and he also introduced the house rented by "Shaodong's" in Shanghai.

"Shaodongjia" said that whoever is still singing live, 99 out of 100 people are lip-syncing, what's the matter, other people are willing to sing for real, and Tang Yuer just needs to lip-synch.

In order to win their father and son's support for him, Wu Yong also acquiesced.


Tang Yu'er sang lip-synch, danced and paddled, but she was first-rate in competing for the camera. No matter where she went to perform, the first thing she looked for was the position of the camera. Wherever there was a dispute, there was her.

Wu Yong is used to her, but Teacher Lin is not.

Teacher Lin reported Tang Yuer's performance directly to Mr. Li, and Mr. Li asked his "undercover" Su Xiaolong to check the situation, and finally realized that Tang Yuer, who was protected by Wu Yong, was definitely not a suitable candidate. Corporate cronyism.

He kept his composure and asked Su Xiaolong to continue to observe the troubles of the Shanghai branch, and to report to him the latest situation of Jiangquan at any time.

Among so many people, Jiang Quan was the only one who took good care of Xiaolong, an inconspicuous little character. He naturally only said what was good, but there was really no way to hide it from Li Hong, who Jiang Quan had no intention of hiding.

Li Hong has become a semi-open secret in the Shanghai branch, and the Shanghai local trainees who practiced with Jiang Quan also know that she gave up her debut for "love".

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