This time, he, who has a gifted person, took the task again.

However, no one will modify the lyrics for him anymore.


At 9:52 in the morning, they came to the release site of the first official album of the Angel の Era.

There are already a lot of interviewers here.

The entertainment circle in Huaguo is divided into the southern circle and the northern circle. Shanghai, Huacheng and Xinsha are representatives of the southern circle, and the northern circle includes the northeast, northwest and Beijing circles.

The most powerful is the Beijing circle.

It's easy to do things under the imperial city, and all kinds of resources in Kyoto are too rich. All kinds of approvals needed by the entertainment industry have to be found in Kyoto. .

The major media that the entertainment industry relies on most are also centered in Kyoto. Even if the head office is not registered in Kyoto, there is no one that is not stationed in Kyoto.

Naturally, the angel team will release their first official album here, and the convenience of the interviewers is also the convenience of themselves.

The masks of Lu Yanli and Pi Xiaoyou have already been taken off.

They are the MTV heroines of the legendary youth group that opened up the road of a new idol group in Huaguo.

After Liu Xinyi took the college entrance examination, Ruiyuan Entertainment no longer had any worries. First, it concentrated its firepower on making them popular, and then made the whole team popular with a little bit of face.

The two of them became the No.1 and No.2 in the popularity of the angel team.

Now, the Age of Angels can be regarded as getting traffic from the Legendary Youth League, and when the "Blue Angel" is in place, they can flex their muscles.


At 10 o'clock, the press conference officially started.

The angels performed for more than 4 minutes with the opening of the regular album's title song Youth Waltz.

This song was choreographed by the choreographer of MDK Company. It is a sweet song with a bright style. The difficult movements are given to two lead dancers. The whole song has relatively complicated movements and formation changes. .

Wei Haoran in the audience looked at it, and felt that something was wrong.

Today, the members of the angel team also all appeared wearing masks of their respective colors. Every time a section was danced, one member took the initiative to untie his mask.

The girl under the blue mask danced very well, and the beat and stuck points were all in place. It was completely different from Tang Yuer's performance I saw when I was on the same stage a few times before.

Ordinary people watch the excitement, and only experts can see the way. For a few moments, Wei Haoran thought he was dazzled.

It’s been a long time since I’ve cared about the Age of Angels. They really work very hard. A year ago, I was worried that they were just going to M country for gold plating. Now it seems that Ruiyuan Entertainment doesn’t want to eat fast food, it’s just bad money!

It's the last bar, and "Blue Mask" twists around as the last note falls.

His face was no longer covered by the mask, and what was exposed in front of everyone was clearly Jiang Quan, who he hadn't seen for a long time, that Jiang Quan who was hidden by Ruiyuan Entertainment because he refused to sign the "Single Contract"!


Wei Haoran felt that his heart stopped for a few seconds, and his mind went blank for a moment.

Before taking off the mask, he hoped that Jiang Quan was under the mask more than once, so that he noticed that the dancers under the mask were different, and still suspected that it was just his imagination.

Now, seeing the face that took off the mask, he finally confirmed that he is back, he really is back!


May 3, 5:30 am.

Li Hong, who accompanied Jiang Quan on vigil, returned to the hotel in front of the hospital, and took the two female relatives of Jiang's family back to the funeral home.

Jiang Quan, who revealed his heart to her, resolutely refused her to stay there, saying that he really didn't want to fall in love and didn't want to delay her.

Freezing three feet does not happen in a day, and Li Hong also understands that it is very difficult to impress this person.

He said, "You didn't delay me, and I'm not as unyielding as you imagined. My mother arranged a blind date for me today. From now on, you will treat me as a favor for you until Ruiyuan Entertainment and You terminate the contract."

"But, if your blind date succeeds, won't this matter become a joke?!"

Jiang Quan didn't expect that this seemingly devoted person could still ride a donkey to find a horse. It was simply too abominable. If he hadn't been kind to him, he would have broken his leg with a stick!

"It won't work. I don't want to go back to Sinsha at all. I promised my mother a blind date because there are only three days off this time, but I insist on coming back to attend the class reunion. If I don't go on a blind date, my mother will not provide me with a return." funds."

Li Hong said, "I have made up my mind. If I want to live the life I want, I must achieve financial freedom. After returning to Shanghai, I will also work and study!"

Jiang Quan didn't want to delay her, so he said right away, "I wish you success no matter what, and don't send me text messages in the future. Think about it this way, it's not fair for you to do this for me, so forget it Bar!"

However, Jiang Quan, who was having lunch after Jiang Hongyong's funeral, still received a text message from Li Hong: "Huaxin Hotel, western restaurant, blind date."

He threw the phone away and didn't reply.

In the evening, Jiang Quan received another text message: "Airport, return to Shanghai!"

He felt that he hadn't made it clear to Li Hong, "Thank you for your help, don't do this kind of thing in the future, it's really boring, there's no need to delay your finding friends because of my affairs!"

Li Hong replied: "I didn't refuse to find friends for anyone. Before I find them, I don't mind being a contractual relationship before you officially terminate the contract."

"What is a contractual relationship?"

Li Hong said that he wants to work and study, so he will provide paid services in the future, as a one-month contract relationship, he will be given a monthly salary of 600 yuan. From then on, Jiang Quan ordered him not to feel guilty.

Jiang Quan didn't expect that he could still be the boss and hire someone else to do such a thing. There are still four months between May and September. In exchange for 2,400 yuan, he no longer has to worry about it. It doesn't seem too bad, let alone if he asks for termination Also pay 500,000 yuan.

Problems that can be solved with a small amount of money are not problems.

He didn't expect that he could use money to solve his "single contract" problem, but he couldn't solve the problem of naive Tang Yuer being cheated by a man.

After Jiang Hongyong's funeral, the well-educated Jiang Quan took Mei Lijie to the justice office, gave all the rights to the small house in the watch factory to his mother, and took her to the housing management bureau to change its name. No one can take it away.

Mei Lijie originally wanted to give the ownership to Jiang Quan, but Jiang Quan refused, saying that he would buy a bigger and more beautiful house in the future. This house belonged to his mother, so he didn't want it.

After that, Jiang Quan, who returned to Shanghai, reached an agreement with Li Hong to hire her as a "fake girlfriend" for four months. From then on, at least there will be no such embarrassing things like buying gifts for himself.

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