Jiang Quan's stubborn temper is actually not suitable for the entertainment industry.

In the end, he decided that Jiang Quan would continue to be the "invisible man" and help Tang Yu'er complete her debut performance tonight.


When the Legend Youth Group arrived, the Angels were interacting with fans on the stage. Jiang Quan, who was left alone in the lounge, heard the noise coming from outside the door and secretly opened the door a crack.

Today is probably the last time I see them in person up close, right?

Tang Yu'er is just a bit squeamish, but she still has some talent. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to get into the Conservatory of Music. As time goes by, she will no longer need her as a substitute.

This gap in the door has separated the distance between each other. From now on, they will be the shining stars in the entertainment industry, and they will be one of the ordinary people, and there will never be any intersection.

The group of teenagers outside the door seem to be more handsome and confident than three months ago. Wei Haoran, who once broke into his dream, still stands out among them and has a majestic appearance.

They entered the lounge next door, where their laughter could be heard.

It seems that they should be very happy. They have been able to appear on such an important New Year live broadcast stage just over two months after their debut, and their performance was so perfect.

Their fans sat in the audience to cheer for them and call them. The corner of the auditorium that was dotted with red balloons and red ribbons, although not big, was already quite impressive.

Jiang Quan, who was waiting alone in the lounge, saw their New Year's Eve concert live on the TV. The five teenagers seemed to have the momentum of high-quality idols, leading the audience to dance to their heart's content...

Jiang Quan closed the door of his lounge.

As an invisible person, I am not worthy of appearing in the sight of non-staff members. If I stand on this last duty, I will be free.


Jiang Quan sat on a chair and read "Child Psychology".

To leave Ruiyuan Entertainment, you have to sign an industry prohibition contract, and you will not be allowed to engage in related industries within 7 years. By then, you will be 27, and you will soon reach the retirement age of team members. Who else will want you.

I still have four more years to study at the Conservatory of Music. I have to make money after I leave school. I have learned how to sing and dance, and it is quite good to make a living with this skill. I can also dance swords, and I will also set up a martial arts training class when the time comes, and I will be better than that. Lu’s master is much stronger...

If you want to be a boss, you have to start as a soldier. First, you have to take the "Teacher Qualification Certificate". That little baby on the train almost broke down. How to get along with children in the future, you still have to study hard. In the future, they will be Your own food, clothing, and parents...

No matter how busy I am, Jiang Quan's book has been open for a long time, but it has always been stuck on page 65 and has not continued to turn.

Jiang Quan stared straight at the TV in the lounge, but he didn't look at it. At this moment, he felt confused - in the past three years, those closest to him had stood in front of and behind the stage, and he really are leaving.

I thought leaving would be a simple matter.

If you leave Pi Xiaoyou, you can stay away from the Dong family; if you stay away from the Dong family, you don't have to miss your father who doesn't want to recognize you; if you don't miss your father, your heart won't suddenly convulse with pain at a certain moment.

However, today he discovered that after leaving this group of friends and partners, he was really like a lonely boat exiled on the sea. He needed to face the huge loneliness and the unpredictable future alone.

At this moment, he was the only one in the lounge...

After the five members of the Angel team finished playing the game, they handed the stage over to the host and the Legend Youth League, and returned to the lounge to change their costumes.

Tang Yu'er's face was not very good when she came in. When she saw Jiang Quan, her face darkened. She hid in a chair far away from everyone and sat down without saying a word, gnawing her nails silently.

Jiang Quan was a little surprised. What happened to her?

Pi Xiaoyou, Tan Liwan and Liu Xinyi didn't look very happy after entering the door, but the performance was about to start at midnight, and no one had time to chat anymore. Except for Tang Yu'er, the other girls started changing clothes in full swing.

Jiang Quan had already prepared. He and Teacher Lin helped them change clothes and zipper.

While helping Pixiao Xiaoyou zipper, Teacher Lin said softly, "Thankfully it was you who performed on stage today, otherwise I would have been on tenterhooks. It's my first performance. If something went wrong, I would be the butt of laughter. That's it." I feel wronged to you!"

"Teacher Lin, I'm sorry, it's just me... I don't feel wronged, and I will definitely complete the task seriously!" Jiang Quan, who was helping Tan Liwan tidy up, responded gently.

Teacher Lin, who helped Zi Xiaoyou zipper up, patted Jiang Quan on the back, "Everyone has his or her own ambitions. You just have to accept what you choose.

I also think that your temperament is too sincere, which is not suitable for staying in this circle...I heard that you have a boyfriend? You’re a local from Xinsha, so bring it to me when you return to Xinsha and I’ll help you take a look! "

Although they have long been accustomed to such a relationship between two men in the entertainment industry.

Jiang Quan blushed in embarrassment, "Teacher Lin, I...I didn't..."

"Still shy..." Teacher Lin pushed him, "Stop talking, let's go quickly, the time is almost up!"

They hurried out the door, leaving Tang Yu'er alone and sulky behind them.

Now, she has to face loneliness alone.


It wasn't until he stood directly behind the stage that Jiang Quan knew that the person who would lead him towards the aperture of the stage was Wei Haoran.

Hiding in the lounge, he had no idea what was happening outside. He was just a little surprised. During the rehearsal in the afternoon, it didn't seem to be in this order...

As the people in front were brought into the circle by their respective "partners", Jiang Quan's heart was beating faster and faster.

Wei Haoran's expression was very strange. After being brought by the host, he crossed the crowd and kept staring at him, up and down, left and right, his eyes full of doubts.

For fear that people would discover the clues, this pair of blue masks was made very tight and covered the most parts. There were also many flowers and butterflies as decorations on the mask.

Lingering and lingering, trying to cover up the subtle differences between her and Tang Yu'er - except for the eyes, which really can't be covered.

After looking at his whole body, he stared at his eyes again, his eyes seemed to flicker for a while, the puzzled expression gradually faded, and his whole face seemed to brighten up.

That's right, unlike the fans and interviewers below the stage who don't know him at all, it's not surprising that he and Tang Yuer traded back and forth, but he couldn't be fooled.

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