Their two title songs "Love in the First Snow" and "Mission: Impossible" also achieved phased victories, leaving brilliant records on the charts of major music platforms. (Of course, the shadow of MDK's hype is indispensable).

They already have their own fan organization, and under the official guidance, they check in and support their activities in various places.

Fans of the Legendary Youth League call themselves "Legendary School"

This name is an inversion of their group name, implying that the fans are like the reflection of the Legendary Boys, they will never leave and follow their steps.

They hope that this name can bring good luck to their idol and make their idol a legend.

The fans' "cheering color" is red, and the cheering slogan is "Legendary Youth League, legends will always be with you!"... Do what you say.

Many fanatical fans have already started chasing and intercepting them at airports, hotels, and performance venues. (Of course, official guidance is also indispensable).

As expected, Wei Haoran, who occupies an important position in both MTVs, became the most popular member of the group.

He is not only the captain, but also responsible for his appearance, and he is also the most talented.

His self-composed song "This Is Legend" has received hits and downloads on all major platforms, even surpassing the two title songs.

Because, whether it is a group fan or a unique fan, they are all willing to regard this song as a song for fans to support.

Regardless of whether it is suspected of hype or not, at least the statistics of the Legendary Youth League are already very gratifying in all aspects.

If the data is good, it will naturally get more media attention, more performance opportunities, more fashion resources, and even small domestic advertisers have come to the door.

MDK, which plays a dominant role in their business planning, did not help them accept the advertisements of those small advertisers.

They believed that the advertisements that the Legendary Youth League will receive must be at least above the second-tier brands, and the brands they endorse are too low, which will affect their future development.

In short, under the leadership of MDK, a veteran in the idol industry, the Legendary Youth League has made a good start.


Wu Yong is also very proud. Fortunately, when the legendary youth group was filming the title song, he had a fierce fight with Section Chief Jin and the others. The heroines of these two title songs are both stunning, which naturally aroused curious voices from the outside world...the voices also reached his ears.

At this moment, if you don't take advantage of their good momentum to soar upwards, when will you wait?

Naturally, the boys of the Legendary Youth League would not refuse to give the girls a hand.

When recording the interview video, they followed the script written in advance by Ruiyuan Entertainment's publicity and distribution department, and praised the girls that they are in the sky and there is nothing in the earth, and they used all the beautiful words.

In fact, even if the announcement of Ruiyuan Entertainment did not give them the script, they would not be stingy with their praise.

Especially Wei Haoran.

The company notified them a few days ago that they were asked to cooperate with Ruiyuan Entertainment to record the girls' debut promotional video.

In addition, they will also serve as special guests for the debut stage of the girls.

Finally, there was news of them again.

Not seeing him for three months, he never let go of that boy in his heart.

He also hopes that he can be braver, and he can ask the questions in his heart clearly. He also wants to make his love clear, and he no longer needs to hide it.

However, career and love cannot have both, MDK company's single contract is even stricter than Ruiyuan Entertainment.

If the career is not completed, why talk about other things.

After their debut, they not only have to serve as background boards in TV variety shows that don't pay and have to squeeze their heads to get in, they also have to participate in interviews with various magazines and radio stations.

After all, they are newcomers, as long as they can show their faces, even if there is only half of them, they will go.

However, the most tiring thing is actually the "land push"... that is, a province, a province, a fan meeting, a fan signing event, a city, a city's siege.

After debuting, I spend every day on the vehicle. I can’t complain about suffering or tiredness. Success is the result of suffering and tiredness.

Wei Haoran numbs himself in the busyness after his debut, and restrains himself under the strict monitoring of Representative Li.

He never called the phone that didn't go through. Although in his wallet, there is a domestic phone card he bought at the airport convenience store; although in his backpack, there is a new mobile phone that has not been unpacked.

Enduring so many years of arduous trainee career, and the just-started, hopeful idol road, cannot be destroyed in an instant because of an uncertain love.


However, when he thought of meeting him again, his heart began to lose control again.

The seeds of love that have been planted in the heart can delay germination, but cannot be uprooted.

When praising the five beauties who are about to debut according to the script of Ruiyuan Entertainment, the forbidden love that has been restrained by the company for a long time is like a flood pouring down, and it can no longer be contained.

Heart swaying, eyes full of starlight.

How much I want to share with him the beauty and joy after my debut, how much I want him to be proud of me!

He should know that the song he edited the lyrics for himself has achieved such a good result, right? Unfortunately, the company did not agree to add his name after his own, and Ruiyuan Entertainment also gave up the right.

Ruiyuan Entertainment said that the girls' group will use mystery as a gimmick to make their debut, and the members should not be exposed too early. Even the signatures of the heroines in the two MTVs are just code names.

Lu Yanli's code name is Charming Angel, and Pi Xiaoyou's code name is Dream Angel, so what kind of angel is Jiang Quan? This kind of appetizing publicity method is really special.


At the end of the year, there are more opportunities for performances of various types, especially in big cities.

The Legendary Youth Troupe has temporarily stopped pushing the ground, and devoted its energy to various types of commercial performances.

Going to variety shows for free and holding fan signings diligently can gain fans, and commercial performances can earn money.

Although they already have the aura of idols, after all, they debuted for a short time, and they can barely be regarded as fourth or fifth ranks.

Such a busy day, although very tired, but very happy.


After recording the girls' announcement video, they learned about the latest developments of these long-lost beautiful girls... Sure enough, in the past three months, they have also been working hard to move forward towards their dreams.

On Christmas, the girls' first promotional copy was uploaded from various promotional platforms:

At the moment, who is the most promising female idol group of the most popular male idol group, Qichuan Youth Group? ...

At 00:00 on January 1st, you are invited to witness together with the Legendary Youth League at the XXX Studio Center!

From December 26th, on major publicity platforms, the trailer for the members of this mysterious celestial group will officially debut.

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