"Mr. Li, I think you should stop wasting your efforts. Instead of spending time on her, you might as well create a new one!" Wu Yong, who was fully prepared, continued.

"If you think these two pieces of evidence are not enough, then let me ask you, why did she take a year off from school when she was fine?"

"I'm not very clear about this... Didn't Pi Xiaoyou also take a year off from school? Her father passed away, and she couldn't bear the blow and rested at home.

But she suffers from claustrophobia and needs someone to accompany her. Jiang Quan has been with her since he was a child, so it doesn’t seem strange for the two of them to drop out of school together..."

"Don't you know that Jiang Quan suspended school before Pi Xiaoyou? I would like to ask, under what circumstances would a student abandon his studies and books?

Fighting with others on the field, being called Hu Sanhan in school, running away from home without being disciplined by his parents, if the company's money were thrown at him, it would be the same as having an explosive that could explode at any time. What's the difference? "


There was silence in the conference room.

Mr. Li adjusted his chair back, no longer staring at Wu Yong, but looked at a Chinese painting on the wall opposite him... Li Zhen's four-foot banner flower and bird work "Thinking Picture".

People on both sides of the conference table disappeared, and the "Thinking Picture" became increasingly blurry, and finally transformed into Jiang Quan... There are really many mysteries about this child.

Instead of trying to excuse her without any confidence at the shareholders' meeting, it would be better to see what other cards Wu Yong would play.

Although Mr. Li stopped talking, Wu Yong was still worried that Jiang Quan would have a chance to turn around.

A shareholder expressed his doubts, "Why do I feel that this is wrong? I can be forgiven for being forced into a corner? This is not in line with human nature. Are today's children really so wild?"

"It's like this. Pixiaoyou was lost when she was a child. Not only did she suffer from claustrophobia, but she might also be a little emotionally dependent. During that time, her father had an accident and it was understandable that she behaved unusually...

A rich daughter doesn't choose her friends and is very close to the son of a nanny. This speaks for itself! "

Li Min got angry and yelled angrily, "Wu Yong! The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes. Who is your insider? Can he know such private things? You asked your insider to come out and confront them. , don’t hide in the dark and talk nonsense!”

"Mr. Li, I know that you recruited Jiang Quan into the company, and he does have many advantages. For example, he has the aura of a famous school, which makes you think that there will be no mistakes in signing her.

The entertainment companies in country G are much stricter... I can't blame you for this. After all, we have no experience in this area. From now on, we have to be careful and don't let people with bad character get in! "

Li Min knew that he was retreating in order to advance. On the surface, he was giving himself a step down, but in fact, he didn't use any knives that needed to be used.

He nodded, "You have to judge people based on their character. I've also heard that some companies in country G will pay for trainees' dark histories...

I believe we don't need it. Anyway, I have to pick up my children every weekend. I can just talk to the director of the teaching office then. As for the things you mentioned about trying to steal something, you can ask Xiaoxiao to come over and testify! "

"Mr. Li, the paparazzi don't need any verification when they write gossip. People who are clean are afraid of being slandered, not to mention her resume...

Let me tell you, no one has any objections to the tyrant Xiaoyou, so let’s decide on Lu Yanli as well. She doesn’t have any bad information, she’s just a little older. As for how Jiang Quan will be dealt with in the future, I can naturally wait for the results of your investigation. ! "

"So, you are not sure whether what your so-called insider said is true or false? A person must be responsible for his own words and deeds. If Jiang Quan has no problems, why can't he be praised?"

"Mr. Li, who in this world cares about whether it is true or false? A literary pen can turn it into black even if it is white. Her black material will be a blast if used a little bit...

In fact, I am also thinking about the shareholders. We have held three meetings on this matter, and it is not easy for the shareholders. Do we have to let them go for the fourth time? "

"Yes, yes, I have to catch the evening flight to Yadive. It's really hard to buy a flight ticket on November 1. I'd say the difference between the two of them is about the same, so let's just settle on it!"


At the end of Ruiyuan Entertainment's shareholders' meeting, Jiang Quan left the snack bar.

While he was queuing up in front of the most famous BJ roast duck restaurant on the pedestrian street, he received a call from Liu Xinyi. This little girl who had just won the title of Happy Angel wanted to feel the warmth of a cold angel.

"Brother Quan, I'm so lonely, can you stay with me?"

"Hey, are you alone? I thought my uncle and aunt would come over!"

"Well, the school has a three-day holiday, which happens to be the Mid-Autumn Festival, but my parents are busy and all the classmates have gone home. Only my home is the farthest... Xiaoqiu asked me to go to her home, but I want to is you!"

Jiang Quan's heart felt hot, and the playful look of her pouting appeared in his mind, and he quickly said, "You are the only one with a sweet mouth, why didn't you tell me earlier?

I told you I would pick you up from school in the afternoon... Why don't you take a taxi over now, treat my house as yours, and live there for three days! "

"Well, that's good...are you okay, uncle and aunt? Is it convenient?"

Jiang Quan's mind flashed back to him slamming the door and leaving in the morning, Jiang Hongyong's stooped body and frightened eyes. After a slight hesitation, he told Xinyi that as long as she didn't dislike it, there would be no inconvenience.

Not long after hanging up her phone, Jiang Hongyong also borrowed a neighbor's cell phone to call and asked when he would be home.

Jiang Quan returned home with his favorite BJ roast duck and Xinyi's favorite sauce elbow.


The sky had darkened, and Jiang Quan stood in the flower garden at the entrance of the watch factory to greet Xinyi.

After all, it was the last working day before the seven-day long holiday, and the traffic jam had not eased much at this time. Even though I said "I'll be there soon," I still waited for more than ten minutes before I saw a TAXI coming.

Jiang Quan greeted him with a smile on his face.

However, the person who got off the passenger seat was not Xinyi, but a grown boy.

Jiang Quan felt that he was stupid and naive. He was smiling like a spring breeze at a strange man. The man was obviously shocked by him. He blushed, lowered his head, and avoided his eyes.

It looks like I will buy some large 1,000-watt light bulbs tomorrow to give to the property owner... Since the watch factory was sold, the family area has changed property.

This company relies on low-cost jobs. Except for collecting money for sanitation, it does everything else. It even failed to replace a street lamp after it broke for such a long time.

Jiang Quan's smile was stuck in mid-air. Because of embarrassment, he could only go around the back of the TAXI and continue to look at the intersection.

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