As a result, the driver slammed on the brakes, and the coin disappeared.

Jiang Quan, who was pretending to be asleep, sighed secretly in his heart, it seemed that he was really lonely, and the agreement with God must be kept!


When Lin Shuhui saw Pi Xiaoyou for the first time, her heart ached.

I haven't seen her for more than 20 days. This little pink beauty is tanned, and her waist-length hair is cut into shoulder-length hair. Because she slept in various positions in the car, she was originally soft. Her hair looks like dry grass, like a refugee fleeing somewhere.

Lin Shuhui asked her if she was tired.

She said that she was very tired, she had to take a shower and go to bed quickly, she would sleep from tonight to tomorrow night, and no one could wake her up!

When Pi Xiaoyou took a bath, Secretary Xiao prepared a rich supper and milk for her. If you serve the little princess well, you will serve the queen well. My future and wealth still depend on this little princess.

She didn't take it seriously that she flattered her so much, but she was devoted to a nanny's son.

The same goes for the old lady, Jiang Dong obviously doesn't like Mei Lijie very much, she just wants to keep her in the eyes of Jiang Dong, and her family is not as good as outsiders.

Except Jiang Dong, the whole family surnamed Dong are all weird!

Fortunately, I was smart. Before they came back, I had dinner with Captain Wu a few times, and told him a lot of Jiang Quan's dirty stuff.

The little princess is so kind, it's a pity not to let her feel attached to him.

Therefore, to make friends, you must make friends who are stronger than yourself, noble and noble, and only rich people can be noble.

Jiang Quan is really stupid, his family is so poor, and there is a rich man who doesn't take advantage of his very good friend, but also follow his own temperament, can personality be eaten?

Living in such a small shabby house and talking about personality is really funny... Master Dong may have appreciated this when he was alive, but now it's a different day, and he doesn't know how to keep up with the times.

The arms can't twist the thighs, so what's the difference between the poor and the rich.

As long as their mother and son subdue Jiang Dong, they probably won't have any chance.

When Pi Xiaoyou took a bath in his magnificent villa and ate the supper prepared by Secretary Xiao, Jiang Quan was also sent to the watch factory.

She asked the people from the TV station to send her to the gate of the factory, but the staff saw that the lights on the street of the watch factory were broken and no one repaired them, and the only few lights were too dim, so they were a little worried about her safety. , offered to take her home.

She smiled, thanked the staff, and asked him to go home earlier, she was amazing.

When he was still about to say something, Jiang Quan had already run away, laughing while running, and shouted from a distance, "Don't worry, no one here dares to bully me, those who know me dare not, those who don't know me should If you dare to act badly, you will soon know why you dare not!"

He returned home with his backpack on his back, and heard Jiang Hongyong coughing downstairs.

The cough sounded particularly harsh in the silent night.

Jiang Quan climbed the stairs slowly, and the pace of going home became very heavy.

Jiang Hongyong's cough is a semi-dry and semi-wet cough, as if he wants to cough up some phlegm, but when the phlegm is about to rush out of his throat, it will be stuck by something, and he has to exert all his strength to get it out. Squeeze out.

If he could squeeze out that little thing, his complexion would be better. If he couldn't squeeze it out, the phlegm stuck in his throat would kill him. Uneasy.

Between the coughs, there was the sound of his heavy breathing, and there was a whistling sound from the throat to the lungs between each breath.

His face started to turn black a few years ago, and now it is even darker, even his lips are black and blue!

Jiang Quan's mood, which was relaxed because of being taken care of by others, suddenly became gloomy.

Mom is really working too hard. Even if you just hear this sound, you will feel difficult to breathe.

Jiang Hongyong is basically unable to work and has to rely on his mother to take care of him. Although he is not immobile, he is already thin and skinny.

Mom now only needs to go to "Wenqu Xiaoyuan" to cook three meals.

Another young nanny was hired there, who would measure the old lady's blood pressure, give massages and take care of her health, but would not talk to her.

Mother can accompany the old lady and pass the time in her native dialect.

The mother said that the old lady's hair was all gray, but she didn't want to go out to dye her hair. Her mother dyed her hair at home. She didn't want people in the barber shop to ask questions, and she didn't want others to know that she was old. .


After dawn, Jiang Quan, who had taken a nap for several hours while Jiang Hongyong was coughing, got up and cooked breakfast for him.

My mother went to "Wenqu Xiaoyuan" to dye the old lady's hair, and there were many meetings before the National Day, so Jiang Quan made breakfast for him today.

Mother told him not to give him "raw salt".

The so-called "raw salt" is the salt that is put directly in the soup, and the salt boiled in the pot is not "raw salt".

My mother said that eating "raw salt" will cause coughing, but cooked salt will not.

Jiang Quan couldn't explain scientific principles to her, and she always had some secret folk recipes she learned from as theoretical support.

For example, she said that if she was wounded by a knife, as long as the rice stalks were set on fire and the ashes were applied to the wound, the bleeding would be stopped.

For example, she also said that a child in their family was accidentally burned by a charcoal fire. His grandmother picked him up and soaked him in a urine bucket. After he grew up, he didn't even leave a scar.

Jiang Quan was glad that his mother wasn't there when he was naughty and injured outside when he was a child, otherwise, I don't know how she would treat his wound... I was blown up by the oil star, so I put some soy sauce on it, probably the last tenderness of my mother.

Both his mother and Jiang Hongyong regarded going to the hospital as a scourge, and would rather listen to quack doctors who sold "secret recipes" in the vegetable market than go to the hospital for a check-up.

Jiang Hongyong coughed because he smoked bad cigarettes so hard that his lungs were damaged.

The last time he was hospitalized, the doctor told Jiang Quan that almost only one-third of his lungs were elastic, and the rest had lost their vitality.

The doctor's advice is: pay attention to weather changes, pay attention to good hygiene, eat lightly, work and rest regularly, don't smoke and drink, don't get emotional... If you cough, you should go to the hospital for examination, and don't buy medicine blindly.

I don't know if he is obedient or not.

In the middle of the night, when he saw Jiang Quan coming back, he was afraid that his cough would disturb him, so he secretly sprayed some special medicine into his mouth, and the frequency and noise of coughing decreased a lot.

Jiang Quan was going to take him to the hospital after dinner.

This cough sounds quite serious. If it is not cured, even my mother can't sleep well. I have to get everything in order before leaving Sinsa City.

Jiang Hongyong took a bite of rice noodles and said he couldn't eat any more, so he put down his chopsticks.

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