The "Lightning Team" kidnapped Pi Xiaoyou from their residence. It is indeed not good-looking, but Pi Xiaoyou is safe, and they, a group of unknown soldiers, can't affect the overall situation. The life of Pi Xiaoyou's captives should not be too much Difficult?

Squad leader Chen quickly shattered her illusion.

Jiang Quan's training time is too short, and it is unrealistic to directly participate in formal combat exercises.

After negotiation between the program group and relevant departments, the drills of "Sharp Knife Team" and "Lightning Team" are actually independent and regular teams.

The "confrontation exercise design" for them is also independent. In their competition unit, the confrontation between the two teams will try to use the tactics and skills they have learned in the team.

It's all done secretly, without their knowledge, in order to increase their sense of tension, belonging and honor, and get them to commit to the competition wholeheartedly.

Pi Xiaoyou, who received the lowest score throughout the training, was actually selected as a "captive". The next battle required strong physical fitness, endurance, judgment and endurance as support, and her physical condition did not allow it.

After private voting by several instructors and squad leaders, Jiang Quan became the only fighter among the female soldiers who was judged to be capable of carrying out the rescue mission. An excellent candidate who is highly expected by the instructor.

According to the exercise design, after the next war, the "Thunder Team" will soon discover that Pi Xiaoyou is the confidential person who has mastered the "password" and "password" of the "Transcendence Team"'s war activities.

What Pi Xiaoyou will face is the cruel "prisoner of war camp" training, which will test whether she can maintain the integrity of a warrior when her body reaches its limit.

If you don't have enough physical strength to do it mentally, you have to go through various tests to join the team.

In order to show the cruelty of war, this task is performed by a team of experts who specialize in "torture" hired by the program team at the film and television base.

In other words, if Pi Xiaoyou cannot be rescued as soon as possible, she may suffer no less than Jiang Quan and the others who rescued her.

Liu Yifan became anxious when he heard squad leader Chen say that "prisoner-of-war camp training" would use inhumane methods on the prisoners.

He felt that he had lost Pi Xiaoyou, and if Pi Xiaoyou was subjected to inhuman abuse, his conscience would be condemned.

He vowed to regain his dignity by saving Pi Xiaoyou with his own hands.


A reconnaissance team of the "Transcendence Team" found that Pi Xiaoyou was "imprisoned" in an abandoned four-story illegal building on a small island in the middle of the river more than 20 kilometers away.

After careful reconnaissance, to enter the small island, one must either attack directly from the west-northern pier, or sneak in from a place with a natural barrier at the southeastern end of the small island.

This time, the battle between the two sides was a tough battle in broad daylight. It was impossible to sneak attack, and there was no protection from the night. Their task seemed even more difficult.

After discussion among the members, the strategy of "striking from the east to attack the west" must be adopted in this rescue operation: pretend to attack from the northwest direction.

The louder the noise, the better; the other route sneaked in from the southeast, and the task of rescuing comrades mainly depended on this detachment.

The superior approved their plan, and specially sent a platoon of soldiers to support them, and also equipped them with a helicopter and several assault boats.

Instructor Lin Tianjiao led four soldiers to join the "Sharp Knife Squad" that needed to rescue the hostages. It was obvious that relying on the existing members could not complete the task, and the attacker needed stronger force support.

According to the road map, they need to take a car to Xiangwei Mountain overlooking the island, observe the internal situation of the island on the mountain, and conduct a preliminary investigation of the buildings and guards where Pi Xiaoyou is located.

Then, they will walk through the mountains for about 3 kilometers and arrive at a wetland park at the foot of Xiangwei Mountain.

After that, they have to wade across this wetland to swim to the cliff at the southeast corner of the island, as long as they climb over this cliff, they can enter the island.

This place is easy to defend but difficult to attack.


The brand-new "Sharp Knife Squad" set off from the station after preparing a complete set of combat plans, and drove to Xiangwei Mountain.

On the hill, they observed that the bottom floor of the abandoned building where the young men were held was a garage. There are three floors above the garage, and each floor has four or five rooms, a total of more than ten rooms.

There are at least five or six enemies active in this building, and there are two snipers on the roof.

With this building as the center and a radius of about 400 meters, 12 armed personnel were divided into 3 groups to patrol uninterruptedly along the forest path.

There are about a dozen people guarding the pier in the northwest of the island, and two people are shaking on the top of the cliff.

Squad leader Chen asked the helicopter to kill the two armed men on the top of the cliff as soon as possible to prepare for their climb over the cliff.

The assault boat squad must attract the attention of the enemy, and they cannot be quickly replenished with new combatants to the southeast corner.


After surveying the internal situation of the island, the members of the "Sharp Knife Team" arrived at the Wetland Park at the foot of Xiangwei Mountain in the standard "armed cross-country" method.

This is a nature reserve more than 30 kilometers away from the estuary of Ningjiang River.

This nature reserve has a biological form mixed with river water and sea water, with various aquatic plants growing, intermittently connecting the water between Xiangwei Mountain and the small island.

Among them, the most luxuriant ones are reeds.

September is the season for reeds to bloom. Clumps of white reeds are blooming, nodding gently in the breeze, swaying gracefully and in a patchwork pattern.

The river flows gently at the feet of the reeds, and the sun shines on both sides of the river.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the reeds, and several long-legged birds with white feathers and red beaks were disturbed by humans, got out of the reeds and flew into the sky.

Instructor Lin and Squad Leader Chen signaled everyone to stop, so as not to arouse the vigilance of the enemies on the cliff.

Today, they are going to use the aquatic plants here as a cover, cross this water area without anyone noticing, and land on the small island opposite.

The "sharp knife team" stopped in the low mangrove forest in front of the reeds, quietly waiting for the support of the friendly team.

After observation, the situation in this water area is still relatively complicated. Because of Wei Haoran's "accident" yesterday, Squad Leader Chen suggested that he return the same way.

Wei Haoran was unwilling to run away and asked to act together with his comrades.


Finally, the propeller of the helicopter pierced the silence of the small island, and the two militants on the cliff were quickly wiped out, and blue smoke rose up.

The assault boat also launched an attack on the northwest corner of the island, and the sound of fierce fighting came from that direction.

The birds in the wetland park were startled by the sound of weapons and cannons. Jiang Quan and the others took the opportunity to sneak into the wetland and divided into three groups to swim to the island.

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