
Picking a wild fruit can remind you of that old layman, and Jiang Quan is like the teacher's comment, no longer caring.

Suddenly, he felt that something soft was stepped on under his feet, and it seemed that he was still twisting. She instinctively looked at her feet, it was black and blue, and she was sticking out her tongue...

"Snake!" Jiang Quan screamed, shattering his eardrums.

His shrill cry spread out, and the men gathered from all directions...

The first person to arrive was Xiao Wei, the devil instructor. He pulled the screaming Jiang Quan over and swung the knife in his hand!

Although Jiang Quan is courageous, he also has a dead spot. What he is most, most, most, most, most afraid of is snakes!

The snake was cut into two sections under the sharp blade of Instructor Xiao, and it seemed that there was still blood gushing out...

Jiang Quan, who was usually daring, also fainted, and fell straight on the body of Instructor Xiao.

Pi Xiaoyou must have a grudge against Jiang Quan's eyelids.

Others wake up a fainted person by pinching someone or pouring some cold water, but she just likes to roll people's eyelids.

Jiang Quan didn't know how they tossed himself back to the campsite. Anyway, after waking up, he was lying in the tent shared with the ruffian.

He felt that he was so ugly, even Pi Xiaoyou hadn't fainted before, but he actually fainted.

Outside the tent, the smell of meat wafted in.

Pi Xiaoyou said that the male soldiers caught a wild rabbit and several snakes and put them together to make a pot of soup. In this forest, there are more snakes than people.

God, they're going to sleep here all night, those snakes won't get into the tent, will they?

In fact, rain ditches had been dug around their tent, and anti-insect and snake-proof treatment had been done, but Jiang Quan, who was afraid of snakes, still felt creepy.

Pi Xiaoyou ate the wild fruits and vegetables brought in by the deputy squad leader.

It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and this is their lunch.

Jiang Quan, who loves meat and dislikes, ate some sour and astringent wild fruits and bitter wild vegetables with her, and found it really hard to swallow.

Someone outside the tent asked them if they would like to join them for some broth.

Pi Xiaoyou looked at her with his eyes, and he looked at Pi Xiaoyou with his eyes. These two unsteady people went out of the tent and made a bowl of wild game and ate them.

Now that they are delicious when they are hungry, they can no longer care about fear.

Jiang Quan had actually eaten snake soup.

In the week before the college entrance examination, all the students returned to their homes.

She was probably too nervous, and she had a nosebleed when she woke up. After Aunt Wang found out, she said that she was too angry.

After that, his mother served Jiang Quan a bowl of soup every day, saying it was a refreshing soup from Aunt Wang.

Only after the exam did I realize that it was snake soup.

My mother went to the vegetable market to buy snakes every day, but she was afraid that he would see them, so she asked Aunt Wang to process them for her. The soup was actually quite delicious, as long as he didn't let him see the snakes, he could eat them with gusto.

These male soldiers are very cute. A rabbit has four legs and takes care of them. They only ate some bones and wild fruits and vegetables. How can there be enough food...

Liu Yifan and Gao Fanjie were tied together and learned to feed each other. Holding the bowl with the left hand and holding the vegetables with the right, the two of them have become more and more proficient in cooperating. It is estimated that the two of them will never fight again in this life.

The training still has to continue, and as long as there is breath, the task must be carried out.

Afternoon training "deep penetration and covert reconnaissance".

Instructor Xiao said that infiltration is divided into three types, sea-based infiltration, air-based infiltration and land-based infiltration.

Sea-based penetration includes long-distance swimming, fully armed night swimming, diving, underwater transportation and island survival training, etc.

The space-based infiltration has to be completed from multi-model parachute and aircraft drills, and the infiltration devices used are parachutes and paragliders with driving devices.

Specifically, their tasks today are "lurking" and "rock climbing"

Lurking is to paint the face with oil paint and use various camouflage methods to ambush under the eyes of the enemy without being discovered by them.

When Wei Haoran and the others were practicing "lurking", the male deputy squad leader caught two more non-poisonous snakes and placed them in front of them to test their concentration.

Jiang Quan saw the snake writhing around them, but none of them made the slightest sound. All the male soldiers passed the test.

The female soldiers also accepted this test one by one, even Xiaoyou closed her eyes and gritted her teeth to pass this test in front of her eyes!

Jiang Quan was the last one lying on the ground.

A white line was sprinkled around his body with lime. Once a certain part of the body exceeds this white line, the challenge will fail.

Instructor Xiao asked him, "Are you sure you can pass the test? If you really can't, you don't need to force it!"

Jiang Quan knew that he was very embarrassed after passing out in his arms. He was really ashamed and humiliated. How could he not pass the test that even the ruffians could pass?

He closed his eyes and nodded.

The surroundings were suddenly terrifyingly quiet, the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, the sound of birds flying by, and even the sound of water droplets.

Although Jiang Quan's eyes were closed, the pores all over his body seemed to be open, and he was extremely keenly detecting the surrounding situation...

She didn't know that at this moment, her face became pale and pale, her nostrils opened and closed, and her whole body collapsed tightly, as if it would break off at any time.

Ten minutes later, Instructor Xiao said she had passed the test.

However, he didn't feel the weight of the snake on her body, nor did he feel something twisting on his body.

The devil instructor actually let him go.


Jiang Quan, who was not afraid of heights during rock climbing training, got an excellent grade.

He knew that he had failed the latent training and hoped to save face through this training.

Wei Haoran said softly behind him, "Actually, there is no need to force yourself to be excellent in everything."

Pi Xiaoyou did not participate because of a foot injury.

In the morning, when they were still watching the mountain mice fight in the woods, the staff of the TV station negotiated with the team at the suggestion of instructor Xiao.

Admitting that they are indeed not made of special materials, the screening of special forces is already very strict, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as one in a million...

Starting tomorrow, the disrupted teams will be reverted to "men's class" and "women's class", and they will have their own training.

After the "rock climbing" training, they returned to the campsite. They took out instant noodles and dry rations for war. They had already practiced self-searching for ingredients at noon, so they didn't have to shoot the same shots at night.

The food of the team is really good. There is also Jiang Quan's favorite spicy chicken in the self-heating set meal.

After dinner, the men forbade the female soldiers from approaching Tianhu Lake, they wanted to swim there to wash off today's fatigue.

Wei Haoran loves to splash in the water since he learned how to swim. Human beings probably have the instinct to seek new things.

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