They said that it is not easy to be the wife of a warrior, and she has to endure loneliness and support her family; they guard the frontier, and their wives guard the family. If they can do this, they are a remarkable woman, a woman worthy of love.

Pi Xiaoyou and the others found similar news.

These girls were overwhelmed.

These days, they have suffered so much and suffered so much in the team, but they are not as good as one ten thousandth of these fighters, and they are so simple and unpretentious, their love is closely linked with the defense of the country , What a group of admirable people.

Jiang Quan read the promotional materials on the way to the "Sea Snake Commando", which listed the development history and achievements of the navy since the establishment of the territory. Behind every achievement was the contribution of the soldiers of the navy. Island guards for two or three years", those who can fall in love with them are the most beautiful souls.

Jiang Quan was originally most afraid of this kind of "love" topic, but now he is more determined than Sister Wenwen, and must help the brothers to show themselves and find true love!

On Saturday night, they were sent out of the camp by a bus to a corresponding sports club.

That night, Jiang Quan and the others were extremely winking, showing the girls the special soldier gestures they learned, and Sister Wenwen taught me I love you, I like you, I am willing, contact me...

The girls also learned these gestures and played one-on-one gesture games with the soldiers.

Every time I love you, I like you, it always arouses warm applause from everyone, and the faces of the soldiers are even more embarrassing than the faces of the young ladies.

Their captain was also one of the fellowships sent out.

After arriving here, he brought pickets to check the hygiene of the "men's class" and "women's class" every day. He punished the men to do push-ups and made the women to stand up and squat down. His expression was terribly serious.

When meeting young ladies and sisters, his brows and eyes shifted, and he looked so amiable, gentle and kind.

He seemed to have a right eye with a young lady, and after the two chatted, they danced a few dances.

That young lady was extremely brave. Before their bus drove back to the camp, she made a gesture of contacting me with the captain. The captain was molested by his comrades all the way.

Sister Wenwen asked him to call Miss Sister when she was in the car, but he was too embarrassed to push left and right to block and would commit the crime.

Sister Wenwen directed the girls to use the captain's mobile phone to send text messages to the young lady. She said that if the captain and the young lady could get along well for a hundred years, they would definitely be bridesmaids and best men for him.


After returning to the dormitory, Jiang Quan asked Sister Wenwen, what was the name of the movie she starred in, and what was the ending?

Sister Wenwen said that the film had an open ending, and the heroine only found out after many years that the actor had given her many, many hints back then. She returned to the tree where she parted ways with the actor, and then the cast was announced. !

Pi Xiaoyou said, "Why are you asking this? Didn't you never like to watch romance movies? I saw that sister Wenwen's character was just as dumb as you!"

Sister Wenwen smiled, "That was my first drama with a female lead, a literary film, pure and simple, it wasn't a blockbuster back then, it's normal that you haven't seen it.

Sister, I also stayed there at that time... Hey, thinking about it now, no amount of money can buy back the stay at that time! "

Jiang Quan didn't feel like he was staying.

He had originally planned to buy a big house and live with Mei Lijie for the rest of his life. Everything that stood in his way was a stumbling block that must be removed unconditionally.

How can a person who even his father is unwilling to accept have true love.

The third day of joining the company was Thursday, and I finally slept peacefully until 5:30.

After daily physical exercise and breakfast, the squad leader was ordered to take them to the arsenal to collect weapons.

What we are going to learn today is the use of sniper rifle weapons.

The arsenal was closed to the cameras, and the TV guys were locked out again.

From the moment he took out the QBU-88 sniper rifle, the corners of Liu Yifan's mouth remained the same, and his eyes became brighter. There are many people who play special soldiers games, but how many of them can hold real weapons?

When the squad leader and the others were busy distributing weapons and counting flammable objects, he couldn't wait to raise his weapon when no one was paying attention.

The mouth of the weapon pointed at Wei Haoran, and a "ba" sound came out of his mouth.

Wei Haoran cooperated with him and shook several times, exaggeratedly leaning against the wall and sliding down against the wall.

"Bah!" Another one fell down, and Pei Junmin also opened his teeth and claws to play with the treasure.

One weapon for one, 100% accuracy!

Now, the mouth of the weapon has moved to Gao Fanjie!

When the sniper weapon was pointed at Gao Fanjie, Liu Yifan hesitated a little!

"What are you doing!?"

The squad leader who had received the combustibles was shocked when he saw him pointing at Gao Fanjie with a weapon, and his voice jumped out like a weapon!

Liu Yifan was shocked by the squad leader's yelling.

"Liu Yifan, this is not a game. Everyone has only one life. There is no resurrection here, let alone a do-over. Even if you don't have a weapon clip installed, you can never point a weapon at your teammates. Did you hear me?"

"I heard it!" Liu Yifan put down his weapon and replied in a low voice.

"Say it louder again, do you hear me?"

"Listen! See! Alright!" Liu Yifan raised his voice.

"What did you hear?"

"Never point a weapon at your teammates!"

"Again, what did you hear?"

"Never point a weapon at your teammates!" Liu Yifan also yelled.

For the first time, the good-tempered squad leader made Jiang Quan feel intimidated.

After taking the group of recruits out of the arsenal, he still didn't calm down, and ordered them to yell a hundred times on the spot, "Never point a weapon at your teammates!"

"Never point a weapon at your teammate! Never point a weapon at your teammate! Never point a weapon at your teammate..."

Wei Haoran, Jiang Quan and the others yelled over and over until they firmly engraved this sentence in their hearts!


The air today is particularly good, and the sun is particularly glaring.

It's late September, and this small town at the southernmost tip of the Huaguo mainland is still extremely hot.

Instructor Xiao Wei waited on the sidelines of the training field wearing sunglasses and staring at his watch.

He is tall and straight, with a strong physique, his brows are tightly furrowed, and he is not angry and majestic, with a faint murderous look.

Thirteen minutes have passed, and the "men's class" and "women's class" have not yet appeared on the training ground.

Those who were punished on the lawn outside the arsenal were almost smoky, and they were punished like this before they started formal training. It seems that their luck will not be too good today.

Last night, the female soldiers chatting in the dark recalled that on their first day of training in the "Company of Heroes", they were almost afraid of this stern and selfless instructor Xiao.

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