The little note asked her to go alone, but she didn't dare, and when the appointed time was approaching, Xinyi finally decided to bring Jiang Quan to the appointment.

Jiang Quan was terrified, what would happen if the adults knew about this?

Old Madam Mei likes to listen to operas, and one of her favorite songs is "The Romance of the West Chamber". When watching the opera, she and Mei Lijie criticize it together, that the matchmaker has seduced Yingying, and such a guy who eats inside and out deserves death!

What was the end result of that matchmaker, a thousand cuts or a dead body? There seems to be no explanation in the play, but according to the old lady's temper, if she dares to be a "matchmaker", she may die.

Jiang Quan didn't intend to play such a role, but Zhou Xinyi didn't let him go, saying that if he didn't accompany him to the appointment, she would go to the appointment herself. If Jiang Quan dared to betray her, he would never be a friend again!

This ungrateful guy dared to be so arrogant for the sake of a stinky man! Jiang Quan really wanted to knock her unconscious and lock her in the safe.

She didn't think about it, what if things were revealed and she could be relieved by lying on the ground and rolling around, what would she do? It will definitely be beyond redemption. The old lady is someone who can wrestle with his mother. If these two female devils unite, no one can beat them!

However, no matter how Jiang Quan persuaded him, "Little Poppi" was unmoved. Seeing that he couldn't stop Xinyi from going to the appointment, Jiang Quan could only give up his self-esteem and followed him like a dog's skin plaster.

No matter what, it's better than her going to the appointment alone.

Jiang Quan followed Zhou Xinyi to KFC.

At noon on a Saturday, the business here is brisk and overcrowded. Fortunately, Xu Lang arrived early and took a seat by the window. When he saw that Jiang Quan was also attending the appointment, he smiled and said to Xinyi apologetically, "I thought you came alone, so there was only one seat reserved. .”

Xinyi didn't speak, but touched Jiang Quan shyly.

The big light bulb is suffering. There are so many four-person seats in KFC, and there are many seats. Xu Lang just took up the least number of double-seat seats. He obviously didn't want people to insert them in it. Who in the school doesn't know how they weigh each other? Don't leave the mound, this is forcing yourself to go out.

The point is, Little Poppi is also a girl who doesn't want to stay. She stares at her big watery eyes and pretends to be a white lotus. When she is at home, she is obviously very arrogant, and she will come even if she says she doesn't come.

After judging the situation, Jiang Quan decided to quit, "I will find a position, don't worry about me!"

Xu Lang quickly helped Xinyi pull out the chair, with a smug look on his lips.

The big light bulb was upset, and sniped at his senior brother, "By the way, Xu Lang, let me tell you, we will go to the library to review books together later, and I will let it go after I told my grandma so." We came out, you know!"

Xu Lang, who returned to his seat, did not speak, and looked at Xinyi who was opposite him.

Little Poppi was so ungrateful, he pointed to the children's playground in the distance and pushed Jiang Quan, "Hey, look, that person is almost finished eating, you go and watch by him, there are so many people waiting for a seat, wait a while It will be snatched away again."

Jiang Quan had no choice but to leave the two of them, and stood upright next to the guy who ate half of the hamburger, staring at the children in the children's playground, with endless sadness in his heart:

What does Xinyi want to do? Most of the boys in the grade like her, but she just likes this guy with small eyes. Apart from being good at wielding knives and sticks, she doesn't know what's so good about it.

If other boys dare to bully Xinyi, he is sure to beat him. This guy is a martial arts champion, he can't beat him, and he doesn't seem to be able to persuade him well.

To be honest, he didn't want to be a light bulb either, if he wasn't worried that Xinyi would be cheated by this senior who could receive gifts from fans every day, he wouldn't bother to come.

Begging myself to come, but also rushing myself to go, do you have a conscience? I hope she is just curious and doesn't come to the truth, or she will die a miserable death!

Suddenly, "Half Hamburger" beside her stood up, "Will you guard the child? Then sit down and I'll pack it!"

Jiang Quan, who was not angry, turned his eyes away from the children's paradise, and stared at this kind person with incredible eyes.

"Half a Hamburger" was taken aback, "So you..., why are you so tall?"

The man was relatively short, and he had been staring at the phone before he gave up his seat. It was very uncomfortable to be oppressed by Jiang Quan, who was only tall and careless, and he didn't adjust the angle of the good-looking man.

I thought this tall man was the father of some child in the children's playground, but now I realized that I had said something wrong. The man in front of me was clearly a little girl with short hair and a childish face.

Jiang Quan stopped his ferocious gaze, and scolded in his heart, "Tch, you say I am tall, why don't you think I am too short!"

Adult men who were six or seven centimeters shorter than Jiang Quan didn't want the half hamburger, and fled.

He didn't sit in his seat right away, but fanned it with his hands for a while, wiped it with a paper before sitting down, he didn't like to sit on someone's hot ass.

After he was seated, he finally turned around and could see Xinyi's direction. The strange thing was that there was only Little Hooligan left at that table, and Xu Lang was no where to be seen.

Xinyi also looked towards him, smiled, and gestured OK to her.

Only then did Jiang Quan realize that Brother Huaxin walked up to him and brought him a cup of Coke, a bag of French fries, a hamburger, and two pieces of chicken wings. While posing, he joked, "I've never seen such a sightless person, is it worth it!"

Jiang Quan pretended not to hear, turned his head, and made an OK gesture in Xinyi's direction.

This guy Xu Lang held a grudge, and responded to his sniping just now, "I'm going to go to the movies with Xinyi after dinner, don't you want to go too?"

"No, anyone who allows it will be discovered by adults!" Jiang Quan was taken aback.

"Xinyi has already agreed," Xu Lang couldn't hide his pride, "She said you said you were going to the library, but she didn't say so, then you can take her bag and go alone, and I will send it to you after the movie. She goes to the library to meet you!"

Jiang Quan suddenly panicked, and countless darts shot at Xu Lang in his head. Xinyi always went back to the villa by the lake on weekends. In order to date this dear man, he actually lied to Liu Hongda.

Said that the teacher asked him to practice the manuscript of the English speech contest, and he could not go back, and even dragged Jiang Quan to perjure her. He originally thought that everything was under his control, but who would have thought that his brother from the same sect would dare to steal the tower because of his superior move.

"No, you can't go to the cinema, what do you want to do by taking her to a dark place?!"

Seeing him in such a hurry, Xu Lang laughed, "A dark place? How can it be dark in a movie theater... Oh, I understand, to be honest, who took you to a dark movie theater?!"

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