My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1133: Kokusai Sakushu (Kasara! 32)

Su Wu was very satisfied with the results of this sudden attack.

 With a smile on his face, he slowly sank into the bottom of the Xuanyuan Blood Lake.

 The small island in the middle of the lake is in the distance.

 The second layer of isolation in Xuanyuan Tomb has been completely broken. It no longer had the effect of stopping Kangxi's people. This third level of isolation, because the "Nine Tails" had been transporting clay statues for many years, also caused huge damage to this place.

The third level of isolation could not stop Kangxi much.

 But it still has some effect after all.

Su Wu will complete his final blow in this third level of isolation!

—The 'Xuanyuan Consciousness' in the incense burner field has all been integrated into Su Wu's own soul consciousness. This great gift from the ancestors not only enriched Su Wu's accumulation of consciousness, but also gave him a breath of fresh air!

With this breath, I feel more confident in completing my final blow!

 In the distance, Kangxi led four Taoist Masters of Heavenly Mother, approaching Xuanyuan Blood Lake.

After Xuanyuan consciousness was absorbed by Su Wu, he could no longer observe the fluctuations of these people's consciousness, but he was dormant in the blood lake and could collect some useful information based on the movements of those people.

Emperor Kangxi stood on the bank of the Blood Lake.

He looked at the huge jade coffin on the island in the center of the lake. There was no joy in his eyes. He looked at the Xuanyuan blood flowing slowly under his feet, creating wisps of ripples, and frowned: "Use your own blood directly as the first "Three Isolations", such blood, for those who do not have Xuanyuan's bloodline, rashly walking in it, is indeed like falling into purgatory.

 The five fake people who jumped into Xuanyuan's blood river before the first isolation are proof of this. "

The remaining four princes of the Qing Dynasty sensed the emperor's thoughts and agreed one after another.

"However, compared with the Xuanyuan blood in the previous places, the 'toxicity' of the Xuanyuan blood here seems to be much reduced." Emperor Kangxi's thoughts turned, and he suddenly leaned over to take a handful of blood from the river!

 “Your Majesty, no!”

 “Let me do the work for you!”

 “No, Your Majesty!”

When the four Manchu princes saw this, they were shocked and quickly stopped them. But at this moment, Kangxi came back to his senses and looked at the remaining four Manchu princes with gentle eyes: "I have come in my true form now. It's the 'Xuanyuan Blood' here. It's not that easy to damage me.

My dear friends, you have followed me all the way here, and you have gone through many hardships. Both Mingzhu and Shoushan died in the hands of thieves. I really don’t want to see any harm done to you, so I asked you to give it a try first. This is the dangerous place of the third isolation. ! "

 After saying this, he didn’t hesitate at all and actually picked up a handful of Xuanyuan blood from the lake!

The princes of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties heard what Kangxi said and saw him actually holding out Xuanyuan blood from the lake. They watched the golden blood burning his palms like flames, gradually burning cracks on his palms. The time was a bit touching.

If Kangxi had just said this, they would not have been so touched.

 But if the emperor really did this, it is natural to imagine the impact it had on the hearts of these ministers.

They really knew that the emperor was trying to win people's hearts and use this to boost their own morale after a big defeat - but even if they knew, what could they do? The feeling in their hearts was definitely there.

Emperor Kangxi let go of his palm, and the pool of Xuanyuan blood he held in his hand spilled into the blood lake. He looked down at the many cracks on his palms that had been corroded by Xuanyuan blood for a moment, and said: "In this lake, the 'toxicity' of 'Xuanyuan blood' to us people is indeed weakening." A lot.

But if you want to ride the waves and cross this **** lake, it is impossible.

The last level of the three isolations formed by the evolution of "Xuanyuan Blood" - the "Lianxu Pass" - does not allow people to cross in the air. The Xuanyuan jade coffin in the center of the lake is also part of this third level of isolation. The owner of the tomb faces him. If an outsider crosses the void here and comes and goes, it will definitely be an act of trespass. That jade coffin might be trespassing, which would attract all the dragon veins gathered from all around to work together to drive outsiders out of Xuanyuan Tomb and not allow them to enter again. "

Although Kangxi did not personally try to overcome the third level of isolation, he had already made a rough guess about the dangers within the third level of isolation based on various clues revealed here.

He turned to look at the four Manchu princes behind him, and continued: "For the current plan, if we want to get through the third layer of isolation and set foot on the island in the middle of the lake, the only way is to 'build a boat.'"

 “Building a boat?”

 The four Manchu princes raised their eyebrows one after another.

"Since we want to cross the big lake, we naturally need to travel by boat. I have come to use the national destiny as a boat to cross this Xuanyuan Blood Lake!" Kangxi looked indifferent. He raised his eyes and stared at the huge coffin on the island in the center of the lake, and then said, "Just now, after the traitor killed Shoushan and Mingzhu, he suddenly ran away and was nowhere to be seen.

He is dormant somewhere in the Xuanyuan Blood Lake for some reason. My dear friends, you need to be extra careful when crossing the lake by boat. "



 The Taoist Master of All Heavenly Mothers bowed and agreed.

Subsequently, Kangxi took control of the fate of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, and in an instant, he took over the four princes of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.

The green and black kingdom turned into a giant boat in the blink of an eye, sailing into the golden Xuanyuan Sea of ​​Blood!

In the Xuanyuan Blood Sea, there were already ripples and waves gradually rising. At this time, as the national destiny boat sailed into it, a wave of violent waves was immediately aroused. The golden blood flowed across the sky wantonly, slapping on the giant boat, causing The giant boat also began to rock.

 On the boat, Kangxi's independent bow was visible.

Four princes of the Manchu and Qing dynasties unfolded the Heavenly Mother's various chakras and gathered around Emperor Kangxi. The mysterious rhymes of the Heavenly Mother's six paths intertwined with the aura of desolation exuding from Xuanyuan's blood, making the place even more sinister and sinister!

Emperor Kangxi stood on the bow of the ship, keeping his mind calm and reflecting all the changes in the outside world in his heart.

The four Heavenly Mother Taoist Masters were equally nervous, always on guard against the 'uninvited guest' who would suddenly attack and catch them off guard - the traitor's strength was unfathomable, and the six Heavenly Mother Taoist Masters joining forces might not be able to fight him, let alone What's more, there are only these four left now?

The thieves may not be able to defeat their master, Kangxi, with one blow, but if they suddenly rise up and strike with all their strength on any Manchu prince here, the Manchu prince who is attacked will have almost no chance of survival!

Kangxi was worried that Su Wu would rise up again and kill his own children, so he previously transferred the crown prince Yinreng and the princes back to reality through the "Heavenly Mother Breeds the World Wheel".

Fortunately, the giant boat was crossing the lake. Although it was swaying all the way and had numerous cracks due to the violent waves in the lake, the boat arrived in front of the island in the middle of the lake. Kangxi and the four princes stepped out of the boat and landed on the island in the middle of the lake. After that, the thief still didn't show up.

 The four Heavenly Mother Taoist Masters relaxed a little.

—If the thief attacks them in the Xuanyuan Blood Lake, they will have no effective means of defense.

Now that they have set foot on the small island in the middle of the lake, they at least have room to move.

 But Kangxi frowned at this time.

 In the lake surrounding the island in the center of the lake, the power of the ‘Xuanyuan Blood’ accumulated has weakened too much. As far as Kangxi was concerned, the third level of isolation was essentially useless!

 Under such circumstances, he actually had a way to cross the Xuanyuan Blood Lake more quickly and efficiently.

 He can directly control the destiny of the country, and build a bridge of destiny from there to the island in the middle of the lake. The bridge of national destiny condensed by the mighty national destiny brought together by him as the emperor, even if the blood of Xuanyuan was pouring for an instant, it would not be able to shake the bridge of national destiny by half, let alone destroy it - but Kangxi did not do this, he Deliberately build a 'national boat' to cross the lake.

 Deliberately causing boats to travel on lakes and lakes to make them "surrounded by dangers".

The reason for this was to deceive the thief who might be lurking around. At this time, he made full preparations. Even if he could not kill the thief, he could still severely defeat the opponent so that he would no longer be able to harass him. He So that I can calmly open the Xuanyuan Jade Coffin, so that I can use the body of the baby with Xuanyuan's bloodline to 'reborn' in the Xuanyuan Jade Coffin.

 But the ‘thief’ didn’t take action when he was crossing the lake by boat!

Even though there was such an excellent opportunity before, the other party did not take action - Kangxi realized that it was impossible for him to give up this opportunity, but this was the fact.

“Is it possible that the thief is not dormant around?


Emperor Kangxi stood on a clay statue on the island in the center of the lake. His feet were not stained by a trace of Xuanyuan's blood that spread on the island. He stared at the jade coffin placed in the center of the island in the center of the lake, and frowned even more.

 In his heart, the ominous feeling grew stronger.

That thief—could he have buried himself in a jade coffin? !

The surrounding dragon veins have begun to gather here, and there is gradually a trembling feeling caused by the swimming dragon veins in Xuanyuan's tomb - even Xuanyuan's blood, which has always been as cold as ice, has begun to stir up waves!

These signs are clearly signs that someone buried themselves in the ‘Xuanyuan Jade Coffin’ and began to ‘reborn’ through the gathering of dragon veins from the mountains!

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