My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1097: Dead (22)

Chapter 1097 The Dead (22)

 Zhonghuang Mountain and its surrounding areas have just experienced a heavy rain.

Heavy rains caused landslides, revealing the cliff carvings related to "Nuwa" in the mountains.

After a heavy rain in the Zhonghuang Mountains, the road was muddy and slippery, and wild trees fell randomly in front of the road, blocking the way forward. In many places, mountain peaks have collapsed and rocks have rolled. It is no longer the same as before. Unless you are an experienced hunter, it is difficult to find a safe path in such an environment.

Misty water mist hangs between the mountains and fields, making everything in the mountains look hazy.

In the humid mist, a few apes and deer calls occasionally came out, which made the mountains and fields quiet and cold.

Hunter Hu and several other old hunters rode a mule cart and drove slowly along the muddy mountain roads. Often they could not go very far before they had to stop, re-identify the direction, and change the path.

‘Boss Ren’—Su Wu sat on the mule cart, sticking his head out of the shed from time to time, observing the scene outside.

 He occasionally turned his head and looked behind him.

 After their mule cart, there was a long caravan.

The policemen on horseback, the monks in carriages, and the Taoist priests gathered in the convoy, surrounding the carriages in the middle of the convoy. The people in the carriages were quiet and had little interaction with the outside world. The few people sitting in the carriages were all very quiet. These are the 'young masters' that the local villagers of Zhonghuang Mountain refer to as those who want to join the fun in the mountains.

These young masters who have never been seen are not the sons of powerful families in Dan City.

Dancheng is under the jurisdiction of Zhili Province. As the name suggests, Zhili Province is directly affiliated with the capital - those people in the carriage are all from the capital. He is a true nobleman of the Eight Banners.

“I heard that some Taoist priests from the Heavenly King Temple went into the mountain to see the stone carvings.

How are the conditions of the previous batch of people going in now? "Su Wu retracted his gaze from the team behind him and turned to Hu Orion, who was sitting in the car shed, sorting out various tools and asked.

Hu Lihu said without raising his head: "Boss Ren is still very well-informed... I didn't even know that Taoist priests from Tianwang Temple went into the mountains. How do I know what happened to them later?"

 Boss Ren used to be lazy by nature. Even if he followed Hu Orion and the others into the mountains, he would always be the one dragging everyone down.

Not only does he have to drag everyone down, but when the time comes to divide the prey, everyone has to hold their noses and share his share.

Over time, this Orion team, which has been together since they were young, did not want to see Boss Ren rise. Although everyone did not say it, they secretly rejected him.

 When Su Wu transformed into Boss Ren and left with everyone, Hu Lihu's wife even complained about him a few times, not wanting him to get involved in the current affairs - she was also afraid that he would drag everyone down in the end.

 Hunting is no longer as usual at the moment. If Boss Ren drags everyone down at this moment, it will not only hinder everyone from being able to catch prey, but may also cause everyone to lose their lives in the mountains!

Hu Orion didn't want to talk to Boss Ren, so he just tried to talk it out in a few words, which was naturally normal.

The boss Ren who changed from Su Wu had a calm look on his face. He didn't pay attention to Hu Lihu's prevarication at all, and asked Wang Eryong in front of him: "Er Yong, do you know the situation?"

Wang Eryong didn't even reply to him, as if he hadn't heard him at all.

On the other hand, Brother Sun Qi, who was next to him, saw that Boss Ren was being ignored along the way, and he felt a little regretful and said: "Is it Taoist Shao from Tianwang Temple? He has been in there for three or four days.

This rainstorm came quickly. When it rained, there were still hunters staying in the mountains.

When the hunting family members saw that something was wrong, they wanted to go into the mountain to save their own family. Unexpectedly, the mountain collapsed again and there was a mudslide. Those who entered the mountain in front and those who entered behind were trapped, and they were trapped. Life or death unknown.

At that time, Taoist Shao of Tianwang Temple took several disciples into the mountain and rescued many people and many corpses.

Most of the people died inside, and only their hands, feet, and heads were transported out. The few who came out alive are still unconscious and have not yet woken up!

But our village was okay. The old man in our village said that the weather was not good and it might rain, so he stopped the Orion team that was heading into the mountains that day.

So no one was lost this time... Taoist Master Shao is a great person. He was able to rescue people trapped in the mountains. Later, he also sent several of his disciples who were not practicing well out of the mountains. He should be fine in the mountains. After all...real people with such compassion are all blessed with great luck..."

Hu Lihu and Wang Eryong were not willing to pay attention to "Boss Ren", but when they saw that it was Brother Sun Qi who spoke, they all started discussing in a low voice.

Wang Eryong raised his eyebrows and said: "What on earth happened in this mountain?

We ordinary people can't even hide, but look at these young men - one by two, they are like gold buried in the mountains, they keep digging in.

 Since the appearance of the Nuwa stone carving, several groups of people have entered it! "

 “Who can know this?”

“I just hope our trip will go smoothly and safely.

We can’t get involved in this kind of thing, so we’d better stay as far away as possible..."

"Yesterday I went to deliver seal money to Lao Chen in Qianmen Village. Lao Chen only had one head left, which was wrapped in black cloth and surrounded by talismans..." Brother Sun Qi said with a somewhat frightened look, "Listen to Lao Chen. Chen's wife said that the Tianwangguan Taoist priest who sent Old Chen's head back told her that after the funeral, Old Chen's head must be burned as soon as possible and could not be kept for burial.

 Otherwise it may cause disaster..."

The content of Brother Sun Qi's words was indeed a bit scary. In addition, these hunters were going to Zhonghuang Mountain where the terrorist incident occurred. If they put themselves in their shoes, they all felt even more chilled in their hearts, and each of them fell silent.

Only that 'Boss Ren' asked Sun Qi Ge at this time: "What else did the Taoist Wang Guan say? Brother Qi, do you understand?"

"How could I know so much about other people's family affairs? My daughter-in-law is from Qianmen Village, and her father and Lao Chen's family are from the same family, so my family is somewhat related to his family, so I sent the paper money as a courtesy, and they also You won't tell me too much." Brother Sun Qi showed a look of recollection on his face, and continued, "When I went there, they had just started to hold the funeral, and they had to ask their sons and grandchildren to come see Lao Chen for the last time.

Lao Chen's eldest son stood guard in front of the funeral. Every time a brother or nephew came to the funeral, he would lift the "shading paper" on Lao Chen's head and let those people see their father and grandfather for the last time.

I was standing outside the door and took a look from a distance...

 Lao Chen's face doesn't look like a human face anymore. It's very different from the face of a dead person.

His face was a little shiny, similar to the color of silver, but it was a bit more different, like silver-gray... At that time, I didn't dare to look too much, for fear that Old Chen would miss me, so I took a quick look and Quickly look away. "

 Skin color turned silver-grey?

  Could it be that it is contaminated with some kind of poison?

Su Wu thought about it and wanted to ask a few more questions.

At this time, Ren Tu'er, who was driving the mules and horses in front, turned around and said to his companions: "There is no road ahead. The big tree has fallen and blocked the road. The further we go into the mountains, the steeper and more dangerous the road becomes!

These mules and horses can’t get into the mountains!

 Talk to the people behind you and get out of the car and go! "


Several hunters responded one after another, standing on the car and shouting to the convoy hidden by the fog behind them: "There is no road ahead!"

 “Everyone, get out of the car and go!”

 “We’re going into the mountains!”

 (End of this chapter)

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