My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1027: Borrow the power of ghosts and gods (12)

 “Da da da la da da…”

 “Duwu da la da da…”

“Uncle, you died so miserably—”

"Feizhou and Auntie are following you..."

 “My son…”

Liu Feiyan's eyelids trembled slightly. The elongated sound of the suona from the speakers outside, which seemed to be a sincere cry of mourning, kept rushing into her eardrums, causing the quiet and stable dream world in her mind to keep shaking. With.

 In the dream, some willow branches by the river were trembling, and pieces of willow leaves were falling.

The willow leaves fell into the water and drifted into the distance with the rippling water.

 There is a misty area in the distance, and the mountains are hidden in the mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

 “I am in a dream.

 It’s time to wake up from the dream. "Liu Feiyan was lying in the meadow by the river in her dreamland. Several thoughts suddenly flashed through her mind. Then, the quiet and peaceful dreamland she was currently in began to tremble more and more violently, and was swallowed up by darkness. Finally, She broke away from this dream, slowly opened her eyes, and saw the beams and rafters covered by a layer of darkness.

 This is her own room.

 There was everything she was familiar with here.

 But her mind was still settled in that relaxing and bright dream. Her consciousness suddenly returned to reality, but there was a slight sense of loss and aftertaste in her heart.

Liu Feiyan's shallow emotions were quickly dispersed by the crying and mourning sounds coming from outside the house.

She propped her elbows on the bed and tried to get up from the bed, but as soon as she made the move, a feeling of weakness and weakness came from all over her body. Her head felt dizzy, and as her body swayed, waves of nervousness arose. Headache. Liu Feiyan's face turned pale and he couldn't help but lay back on the bed and rubbed his forehead with his hands.

   “You were invaded by Li Wei Yu Yu and fell into a serious illness.

 He has not fully recovered yet. "At this time, a calm male voice sounded from Liu Feiyan's bedside.

Liu Feiyan was startled when she heard the male voice - she looked around the room just now and saw no other people, but now she suddenly heard a man's voice - how could there be a man in her room?

How should she behave when word spreads about this?

Father, mother and brothers don’t know how to abuse her or insult her when the time comes? !

 Father, mother, Feizhou…

Those scattered and disorderly memories were reorganized in an orderly manner as her mind completely turned around. She finally recalled: "Dad, mother and Feizhou were all entangled in those black hairs.

 With their heads turned like that, they should be dead...

 The cries of mourning outside the door, are they the cries of mourning from dad’s parents and relatives?

 What did I experience later?

How can you lie down in bed well?

Or, was everything before just a dream? "

Thinking of the terrifying appearance of her parents and brothers before, Liu Feiyan felt fear in her heart, and at the same time she felt a little sad. Although her growth has not been easy and she has suffered from the harsh treatment of her parents and brothers, her parents are the ones who gave birth to her after all. , the two of them died like this, she still couldn't help but feel sad.

“Everything before this was not a dream.

Your parents and brothers have died at the hands of Li Gui.

You couldn't resist that Li Jui's charm, you should have died at the hands of that Li Jui..." The green mist spread beside Liu Feiyan's bed, and the figures of Su Wu, Bai Ju, and Hei Nuo slowly floated in the mist. appear.

Su Wu, who was standing at the front, looked at Liu Feiyan who looked frightened on the bed, and said gently: "But your destiny is quite special, and it matches that weird destiny, so it cannot take away your destiny." Life, you survived because of it.

Your relatives are everywhere outside, and they come to hold funerals for your parents and brothers.

 Someone should come into this room soon to discuss with you what to do when your parents and brothers are mourned. "

"I, I passed out in the end..." Liu Feiyan hid in the bed and looked timidly at Su Wu and the other two people who came out of the mist. She recognized Su Wu and recognized that Su Wu was eating at her noodle stall in the morning. The little brother of the Li family who met him gave him an extra piece of silver cake. Thinking of this, Liu Feiyan calmed down a little and still asked Su Wu in a low voice, "Did you save me later?"

Su Wu smiled and said without comment: "Your relatives have emptied out all the furniture in the houses where your parents and brothers live, but they haven't found the money your father hid yet. Wealth and food.

 When someone comes to see you later, they should also ask you about this matter.

Think about it, how should you deal with them later? "

"I, I don't know where dad hid the money and food..." Liu Feiyan's eyes were blank and frightened, thinking of those relatives who usually looked down on him and were often mean to him, but now he was standing outside the door, asking about his property. Looking at her with eager eyes, she became even more frightened. She pursed her lips and said, "I, I also hid a hundred coins secretly and hid it at the foot of the bed on the left. Give this money to them..."

"Why should you give them your money?" Su Wu looked at Liu Feiyan, shook his head and asked, "I am an outsider, and I shouldn't interfere with your family affairs, but you have a special destiny, and it may be different from mine." There is some causal connection with an old friend of mine, so I will help you more, which can be regarded as helping my old friend.

At present, your parents and brothers are all dead, and the property left behind should belong to you.

 Why should you give something that belongs to you to others?

What's more, you don't know where your family's money and food are hidden, so this matter has nothing to do with you. "

After being awakened, head to a certain area in the southwest.

  The trace disappeared in an instant, and it was suspected that he was accommodated by others.

However, Liu Feiyan also survived under the law of Fagui's death disaster - Su Wu later calculated her fate, and found that her fate was also consistent with Fagui's.

Because of this, Su Wu did not let go of the speculation that she might have merged with Jiang Yingying's soul.

Jiang Yingying's sexual nature is dispersed in the wine, and the fusion with others is silent. There will be no signs on the person being fused. Only by chance, some Jiang Yingying will flash into his mind. All the memory fragments, when more and more of these memory fragments flash out, Jiang Yingying's fragmented sexual intention will gradually become prominent in the person being fused - the clues can be seen at this time.

If Liu Feiyan initially merges with Jiang Yingying, Su Wu won't see any clues, but it is normal.

"But they won't give up if I don't give it to them. If I report it to the government, the government will favor them and won't care about my life or death..." Liu Feiyan lowered her head and murmured to herself. Living this kind of life of being bullied, I have been resigned to it for a long time. It is not easy to learn to resist.

Furthermore, in today's environment, when parents are newly deceased and only orphans are left, being exterminated is almost an inevitable situation and a kind of "hidden rule".

“The laws of the day cannot protect you in such a situation.

 The current favors cannot protect you.

It seems that only the power of ghosts and gods can protect you. "Su Wu said.

"With the help of ghosts and gods..." Liu Feiyan looked up at Su Wu, "Will ghosts and gods be willing to help me?"

Su Wu smiled: "I asked the ghosts and gods to help you, but they didn't say whether they were willing or not."

“Then, what should I do?” Liu Feiyan asked in a low voice.

“When someone comes to you and asks for money, just refuse. If they force you to give money, go to the corpses of your parents and ask them to appear and make a will.

Your parents did not protect you during your lifetime, so they should do something for you after your death. " Su Wu said.

When Liu Feiyan heard that Su Wu's 'method of using the power of ghosts and gods to protect her' actually required her to communicate with her parents, she shook her head subconsciously: "Even if my parents come back from the dead, they will never do it." Help me."

"I asked them to help you, and they must help you." Su Wu said firmly, then looked out the window and said to Liu Feiyan, "There is someone outside the door. I can't show my face here, otherwise what will you do?" I can’t even tell.

 Just do as I say.

You only have this chance. If you are determined to retreat and dare not move forward, no matter how powerful the ghosts and gods are, they will not be able to push you..."

Su Wu’s words slowly faded away.

 His figure disappeared into the blue mist.

Liu Feiyan watched Su Wu's figure disappear, and her mind that had just calmed down suddenly began to panic again. She looked left and right, but could not see any trace related to Su Wu, and the footsteps outside the door became increasingly louder and louder. Nearly—she thought for a while, then lay down on the bed again, and began to pretend to sleep with her eyes closed, trying to get rid of the matter in this way.

 But the current situation was not something she could easily get through by pretending to be asleep.

 The chaotic footsteps outside the door stopped.

With a bang, the door of the house where Liu Feiyan lived was pushed open, and white sunlight poured into the house. An old figure with a hunched back led more than ten men and women behind him and walked in one after another. Liu Feiyan's simple living room was immediately packed with people, and even the sunlight coming in from outside the door was blocked.


 Wake her up! "

The leading old woman had a cloth wrapped around her head. She held the cane in her hand, and then a fat woman walked out of the crowd and came to Liu Feiyan's bedside. She patted her on the shoulder: "Wake up! Wake up!"

Jinliu Village was hit by evil spirits before, and when the evil spirits came, many people were affected.

When they came to their senses, they found themselves unconscious all over the houses, courtyards and roads. Some people even had people dead in their homes, and some people in their homes were missing without a trace!

 This is the case with Liu Feiyan’s family.

 Liu Feiyan was the only one in the family who survived. When relatives of the Liu family came over, they saw him unconscious on the bed.

These relatives gathered here clearly knew about Liu Feiyan's situation, but they chose to wake her up at this time, but they did not consider it at all for her.

The hunchbacked old woman standing at the front raised her eyes and looked at Liu Feiyan on the bed coldly, and said: "Her parents and brothers have recently lost their lives, but she slept peacefully. She slept peacefully!"

But Liu Feiyan, who was clearly shocked by the rhyme and fell into coma, was described as sleeping peacefully in bed!

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