My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters

Chapter 12: : "Unconsciously, I'm used to buying at 0 yuan."

Besides these four, they also seized quite a few props.

A batch of rifles.

It's just that these rifles... are all live ammunition.

That is, on Blue Star, the kind of firearms that need to be loaded with bullets.

But here, they have seen a lot of firearms of the mechanic family, there are no live ammunition at all, they are all light bullets.

That is, put an energy box into the firearm, and then the firearm will fire a glowing bullet until the energy is exhausted.

It not only greatly expands the bomb capacity, but also greatly enhances the rate of fire and reduces the risk of jamming.

The only downside is that the price of energy itself is very cheap.

But the machine that compresses the energy in a small piece, and the energy box that carries that small piece of energy, is expensive.

This leads to.

The price of buying an energy box is more expensive than the firearm itself.

In order to maintain a high-intensity battle, you must carry a few additional replaceable energy boxes, but this is a great pressure on funds.

Otherwise, you can only wait for the energy in the energy box to recover automatically, but the speed is extremely slow.

Especially the energy box that comes with one-star firearms, the recovery speed is really slow, making people worry.

And these firearms with energy boxes are definitely better than firearms with live ammunition. If nothing else, at least the load and the capacity of the ammunition are far crushed.

What's more, such firearms that use energy boxes often have a lot of black technology.

For example, automatic warning within a certain range, as well as automatic aiming, shooting assistance, etc...

Chen Jiang thought for a while, then raised his head to look at Scar Dog and said solemnly.

"Didn't we get one million credit points from that cold wolf gang?"

"Tomorrow and daytime, let's go to City 18 first, buy two handy energy guns for us, and then use these rifles to strengthen the two purchased energy guns."

"After all, it's too troublesome to keep reloading the firearms we use now, especially when there are not many bullets left."

"it is good."

Scar Dog naturally nodded without any opinion: "It's just... energy weapons are expensive, right?"

"With the million credit points sent by the Lenglang Gang, it's more than enough."

"As long as we don't kill or fight in 18 cities, we won't reveal our identity as human players."

"I know this."

Scar Dog hesitated for a while and said, "I'm just a little worried, we won't just meet the Lenglang Gang, right?"

"After all, this Cold Wolf Gang thinks us as some kind of Nightcrawler's killer, and forcibly puts 1 million credit points into our hands, so that we can help him kill."

"Now... the real killer of the Nightcrawler should meet the Cold Wolf Gang, right?"

"Then the two of them met and found out that we were actually liars. Then they met us in City 18 and were chased and killed by two forces in City 18 at the same time. I guess it would be difficult to escape..."


Chen Jiang couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said with a slight toothache, he said bravely: "How can such a coincidence happen, and we now have one million federation points, we can consider buying some energy stones. ."

"Whether it's used on Mazi's armored off-road vehicle, or using your talent to escape at a critical moment, there's a lot of fault tolerance."

"That thing is different from a firearm. To buy it, you must have the identity of a mechanic."

"To scan the information."

"We don't have that **** authentication."

"I know."

Chen Jiang shrugged and said casually: "Go to the black market in 18 cities to buy, just add a little more money."

"Otherwise, do you think that the mechanic would not know, the human players may hide their identities, use the props dropped by the mutant beasts they desperately killed in the wilderness, go to 18 cities to sell them for credit points, and then buy firearms in their firearms store. ?"

"I know."

"It's just...Although these firearms may kill certain mechanic people, it will bring them even greater benefits by taking countless props to the mechanic's cities to sell in exchange for credit points."

"It's just that the energy stone is more strictly controlled."

"Go to sleep first."

"Tomorrow, I'll go buy two handy firearms, and buy some energy stones. After I come back, I can drive the car to the wilderness to kill mutant beasts during the day, and rummage through the ruins to find semi-scrap items at night."

Scar Dog licked the corner of his mouth and smiled naively: "I've been looking forward to the picture of putting the cannon on the roof of the car and rushing into the wilderness."


Chen Jiang shrugged casually, and followed with a smile: "It does sound pretty good."


The night passed quickly.

After Chen Jiang took a hasty wash, they put on barely clean clothes, walked out of the ruins, and headed for City 18.

It really was a hasty shower.

After all, no one will lead the water pipe to the container where they live.

Freshwater resources are very precious, and the water used for washing is filtered from the river.

As for how to filter... a few layers of sand, a few layers of small stones, just mix it up.

Those river water with a strong smell of heavy metals, filtered and used for washing, will not cause damage to the body.

There is no doubt that it will be.

But in the first three months, when it was difficult to just survive, it was very good to have barely clear water for washing, and there was no time to worry about whether it would damage the body.

As long as it doesn't die, it doesn't hurt.

Clothes must be kept clean, UU reading www. At least can't be the kind that can be seen as a tramp at a glance, otherwise it will attract a lot of strange eyes in the 18th city, and it is very likely to be exposed.


Scar Dog took out a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket, took one out and lit it by his mouth, then observed the scene in 18 City through the lingering smoke, and said in a low voice.

"Brother Jiang, there doesn't seem to be much response from the 18 city side to the shop being robbed yesterday, it's no different from usual."


Chen Jiang casually put the hat on his head, the brim of the hat was slightly pressed down: "Two people died, some props of a shop were robbed, it is not a very serious incident, naturally it will not have too much impact. ."

"It's just that I may now know why when we first came to this world, the machine race massacred us."

"Maybe the mechs already know that aliens are all enemies?"

Scar Dog nodded thoughtfully: "If you say that, it seems that this mechanic has more information?"

"may be."

Chen Jiang shook his head: "But we can't think about these things yet."

He looked at a nearby firearms shop that was already open, and touched his nose subconsciously: "This is it, let's go in and pick up two firearms that are in hand."

"it is good."

Scar Dog casually threw the cigarette **** on the ground and stepped on it to extinguish it, then picked it up and threw it into the trash can.

He clapped his hands, strode behind Brother Jiang towards the store, and muttered strangely.

"It's a bit strange to go shopping with banknotes in hand."

"Unconsciously, I'm used to buying at zero yuan."

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