My Teacher is Sun Wukong

Chapter 1825: Five thunder pigs 8

"The big die, don't say that we have to kill the pig to send the leader to eat. It is not sent, it will not be sold to you." A strong man said.

"That will definitely not be sold. If it is not for the leadership, who will sell the mascot of this pig farm?" Chen Fatzi said, "I am not fat, this fat is not bad. I will definitely give it something to eat and drink, and even keep it to death."

"A few days ago, I heard that someone raised a big fat pig with eight hundred pounds. The matter was still on the news. The pig was also called the pig king. If we don't kill this pig, according to its food intake. Maybe one or two years later, it will grow to eight hundred pounds. Who is such a good pig to sell?" said a man according to the pig.

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with him, hurry up and kill, we can't keep up." Another strong man urged anxiously.

"Good!" Chen Fatzi walked over with the knife and pointed the knife at the neck of the big fat pig. Prepare a knife and break into the heart.

"Stop!" At this time, the big teeth were anxious and a big drink. Then I rushed over in the lightning, and I turned Chen Fatzi to the ground with one foot, and the pig knife fell to the side.

"You **** want to find death!" Chen Fatzi saw the big die and hit the man, suddenly screaming. Picking up an iron bar on the ground, he rushed over to the big die.

Chen Fatzi was a butcher before the pig farm, but all the butchers were the temper. After rushing over, pick up the iron rod and squat down towards the big die.

"It's good!" When the big fangs were seen, the side of the body easily escaped the attack of the iron rod. With both hands twisted, he grabbed the hands of Chen Fatzi and pulled it with the method of drunken fist. Chen Fatzi was unsteady and threw himself to the ground and fell a dog. Seeing that Chen Fatzi shot himself, the big die was not only angry, but a little happy. Because he has no money to buy pigs at all, the money is in the fat man.

He just said that he would buy a pig. If Chen Fatzi agrees, he can only make a credit. Now that Chen Fatzi wants to fight, it would be better, and there is no need to pay.

"Fuck, what are you still doing, help!" After Chen Fatzi was overthrown, he angered and yelled at the crowd.

Several brawny listened, let go of the big fat pig, and rushed around to find the weapon of the pickpocket. The big fat pig escaped and ran away by spreading four hooves.

At this time, the brawny also found the weapon of the pickpocket, and rushed to the big die. The big slabs were three to five and two, and they collapsed. "I don't fight with you anymore, let's say goodbye!" After that, his body flashed and chased him in the direction of the big fat pig.

"Give me chase!" Chen Fatzi screamed and led the crowd to follow in the back.

After the big fat pig escaped, he did not escape to the pigsty, but fled to the outside of the pig farm. "I am licking this pig into a fine, actually knowing that I don't escape to the pigpen?" said the crowd that the pig farm was chasing. "I still talk nonsense, I can't catch up with you without bonuses this month!" Chen Fatzi shouted.

Seeing the big fat pig running outside the pig farm, it is the heart of the big die. Also quickly chased outside the pig farm, and quickly ran out of the gate.

So, a five-pound big fat pig ran in front, the big die was chasing behind, and a group of people chased the big fangs in the back, and kept yelling.

The big fat pig also has spirituality. Instead of running the road, it runs on the mountain road. In this way, the pig farmer can't drive.

Due to physical fitness and speed, the people chased by the pig farms were left behind, and the big and big fat pigs disappeared.

"Whw...when..." They stopped, and they gasped heavily, swallowing their saliva. Running fast on the mountain is the most energy-intensive exercise. The average person can't last five minutes.

"Fuck, where did this person come from?" After a long time, Chen Fatzi asked.

"I don't know, the pig farm will not close the gate during the day." A strong man replied.

"Is the pig king of Laozi so lost? It must be worth at least five or six thousand!" said Chen Fatzi.

"Boss, don't you say that you don't care about the money of a pig?"

"But it's good, at least not to die," said a middle-aged man in his fifties. Dabai is the name of the big fat pig. Usually he is responsible for feeding. "Maybe this is God's will, or how can such a person appear in plain white, and save the white?"

"Lao Zhao said that there is no reason for such a big fat pig. I have never seen it before. When it fled, it has not yet chosen to escape to the pigsty. Isn't this spirituality?" said another person.

"To tell the truth, I have been raising it for two years and I have had feelings with it. When the boss wanted to kill it, I was very reluctant inside." Lao Zhao said.

"Boss, do you want it to die?" Another person said.

"All said, Dabai is the mascot of our pig farm. How can Laozi be willing to kill it?" Chen Fatzi said, "Now you are good to say one by one, if Li Fatzi blames you for giving me resistance? If he Sealed our pig farm, you all have to drink the northwest wind!"

“It’s not like this.” Lao Zhao suggested: “We also killed a relatively fat pig, and then gave the pig’s heart to the plum fat man. It’s said to be white, and it’s been mixed. At his level, I can’t see it. Feeding pigs. Anyway, Dabai is no longer in the pig farm, and he can't find flaws when he visits again."

"The matter is now, it can only be so." Chen Fatzi said.

"It seems that it is still a good thing to escape from the white?" Lao Zhao said.

"A good fart!" said Chen Fatzi. "The man is coming to buy a pig. If he catches up with the white, he will also kill the white, or sell it to the hotel."

"Big white is so strong, can that big die be chased?" Lao Zhao said, "even if he catches up, he can't catch it. We can't hold it for more than a dozen people."

"Oh, let alone, go back. Remember, no one can say anything today." It seems that Lao Zhao said that it makes sense, Chen Fatzi said.

To be honest, Chen Fatzi is a bit lucky now, and he doesn't hate big teeth. Because Dabai has been regarded as a mascot by him, and became his fortune. The fortune was killed, and he could not make a fortune in the future. Now that Dabai can escape, it proves that his fortune is still there.

"How can we go out? We are all working in the pig farm, the pig farm is closed, we have no jobs." The crowd said.

So a group of people left the mountain and returned to the pig farm.

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