Chapter 9: Mom fell down to find you

  Chapter 9 Mom fell down to find you

  Zhao Yun in her previous life was the same as now, she was very protective of her, she was definitely a good mother-in-law, she said that you are being taken away by your aunt, she didn't resist, and went directly to her house with her.

After going in, the aunt made egg fried rice for her, and said to her: "Qingyue went out to deliver something, you eat first, we are all full, and I will leave this leftover for you to fry, if it is not enough, tell auntie, auntie Get you some egg water."

  Gu Yuehuan's eyes were red as she listened, "Thank you, Auntie."

Gu Yuehuan cleaned up the meal and washed the dishes. Seeing that she had nothing, Zhao Yun handed her the clothes he bought for her at the market and said, "This is the clothes Qingyue and I bought for you. He gave it to you." I picked it, I originally planned to give it to you when you got married, but I didn't expect it to be used now, you should take a shower in it first."

  Zhao Yun boiled water for her, she took the clothes, her eyes never stopped red, "Thank you, auntie."

Zhao Yun pinched her face: "Thank you, thank you, we are all one family, and you have to call me mom when you get married! I'm sleepy now, I'm going to bed, you know the Qingyue room, it's in the second room, after washing Just take a bath and sleep with him."

  Gu Yuehuan nodded, Zhao Yun closed the door and went out. She was looking for a room at first, and went in after taking a shower, thinking that he hadn't come back, so she opened the door directly, but when she opened the door, she saw Huo Qingyue who had already taken off his clothes and was about to change to sleep.

  I saw his firm chest, fair skin, and strong eight-pack abs.

  Gu Yuehuan was taken aback, and Huo Qingyue was also taken aback, so he turned around and looked at her without moving.

"Why are you here?"

  Gu Yuehuan turned her head in embarrassment when she heard this, and said without looking at him, "I was kicked out by my mother. My aunt saw that I was homeless, so she let me stay here for one night."

  Huo Qingyue was taken aback when he heard this, and then quickly got dressed.

  Gu Yuehuan closed the door with a trembling tone, "Don't worry, Brother Qingyue, I'll just sleep on the ground."

  After hearing this, Huo Qingyue took down another quilt from the closet and spread it on the floor.

The two of them hadn't served wine yet, so he naturally wouldn't do that kind of thing. Gu Yuehuan saw him turn around and get dressed, and wanted to lie down on the ground, but Huo Qingyue held his hand. He squatted down and said to her: "You Sleep on the bed, I sleep on the floor."

  Gu Yuehuan wanted to say something else, but Huo Qingyue looked up at her with clear eyes and an irresistible order: "Be obedient."

  Gu Yuehuan's heartbeat accelerated by his words, she obediently went to bed, she lay on the bed, and Huo Qingyue fell asleep on the ground.

  Her mood began to become complicated, thinking that in her previous life, he had been imprisoned for no reason for the rest of her life, she turned around, looked at him lying down and sleeping, stared at him sleeping, and fell asleep herself.

   When Gu Yuehuan woke up the next morning, she was going to cook for their family as a reward, but Gu Yuewei hurried over, knocked on the door and called her: "Sister, sister."

  Gu Yuehuan was afraid that she would wake up others to rest when she heard the loud voice, so she hurried to open the door and grabbed her hand and asked her, "What are you doing? It's so early in the morning, why are you barking like a dog?"

  Gu Yuewei cried and trembled, and said to her twitching: "Sister, hurry home with me, something is wrong, mom fell down, and she broke her leg!"

  Gu Yuewei's sobbing appearance really looks like her acting.

   still broke her leg, she didn't respond with a gloomy face, just seeing her crying, asked her indifferently: "How did you fall?"

Gu Yuewei bit her lips and explained: "Mom saw that you were not in the pigsty this morning, so she thought something happened to you, so she came to look for you. She regretted kicking you out yesterday. After kicking you out, she already regretted coming to look for you." I found you. I searched all night. I asked someone early in the morning that you went up the mountain to pick things. She went up the mountain to look for you, but she broke her leg. Come back with me quickly. Mom is seriously injured now, the doctor said. We need to have surgery as soon as possible!"

  (end of this chapter)

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