My Super Apocalypse Tank

Chapter 148 Tracking

The investigators asked the guards at the entrance and exit and found out that Xu Gongzhi had left for an hour. The investigation team also investigated the recently missing persons in the base and easily found George, an English major teacher at the Foreign Languages ​​School who had been missing for two days. The investigation team had reasons. I believe this George should be a spy for a certain country.

Each of the three special forces was divided into several groups, and the twenty groups followed different routes and directions.

Because it was snowing heavily outside, whatever traces were left on the ground were covered by the university, and the tracking team had to rely on luck.

Of course, the analysis team has also analyzed the escape route of Xu Gongzhi and George. If they want to escape from the Xia Kingdom, one way is to take the land route and cross the border. The nearest foreign border to the Xia Kingdom is the Yue Kingdom. They may This route is the closest to going down to Guangnan Province, then entering Southwest Province and then entering Vietnam.

Another way is to take the sea route. Although there are no ships sailing on the sea in all countries in the world, Xia Kingdom still has submarines left, and other countries should also have submarines.

Although the sea is a hundred times more dangerous than on land, the sea is vast enough. As long as the submarine is careful, it can still sneak in the sea, especially the faster submarine.

You must know that ships cannot sail at sea, not only because of attacks by mutant beasts in the sea, but also because the ultra-low temperature offshore is basically frozen, and there are many threats of ice floes everywhere in the ocean.

As for escaping by plane, it is even more impossible. You must know that if planes are flying in the sky now, they are seeking death. Whether they are civil aviation or military planes, they are basically useless.

Han Mei led a team of people to follow the assigned route. The team headed towards Jiangnan Province. She planned to pursue them all the way to the seaside of Fujian Province.

Han Mei's team consisted of two explosion-proof vehicles, each with four people including the driver, for a total of eight people. If those two people were tracked, eight people would be enough to deal with them.

After all, they are the elite among the elite. As long as they don't encounter the two monsters last time, they can basically walk sideways in the doomsday. Of course, they can't provoke the zombies.

After losing six comrades last time, Han Mei knew that accidents could happen at any time in the end, and there could be danger at any time, so she became more cautious when going out in the future, which can be said to have grown.

This time when she came out to track down the traitors, Han Mei was very cautious and did not choose to enter the city because she knew that it was impossible for the two people to enter the city. In addition to avoiding the wanted wanted by the official base, they also had to avoid the zombie hordes and mutant beasts. Then they would You can only take the back roads, the lonely roads.

What Han Mei didn't know was that she had guessed correctly, and her team was already very close to George's SUV.


Because of skidding, the off-road vehicle directly hit a scrapped car on the side of the road and stalled. George tried to start the car again, but it was in vain and could not start.

George got out of the car and opened the hood. He checked it and found nothing wrong. After all, he was just a spy, not a car mechanic. When he got back in the car, George took out the map and looked through it. There was a county ten kilometers away from here. , put away the map, he took out a backpack, filled the backpack with food and water, as well as a small tent and sleeping bag, tied them with the backpack, and took out the sled.

After getting off the car, putting on the sled and putting on the night vision goggles, George put on his backpack and paddled the famous sled away from there. After all, there were Xia officials chasing him behind him. He couldn't stay in one place for too long. .

Half an hour later, George saw a city in front of him, which should be the county seat shown on the map.

Putting away the sled, George walked into this small county town. He had no intention of going deep into the city. He just wanted to find a place to rest.

Some zombies could already be seen on the street. George avoided them and came to a small convenience store. He listened carefully. There was no movement inside. There should be no zombies hiding inside.

The rolling shutter in front was closed and difficult to open, and the sound was loud when it was opened. George didn't want to attract the attention of zombies, so he had to be very careful with every step in the apocalyptic era. He carefully walked around to the back, where there was a back door. The back door was easily pried open by him.

Close the back door again. The convenience store has only one floor. The front is a place for selling goods, which is more than ten square meters. There are still some products on the shelves. There is a bedroom, a kitchen and a toilet in the back. George closes the back door, and then Pushing a table behind the door as a barrier.

Entering the only bedroom, George put his backpack and other things on the ground. He felt that the temperature was too cold. If he slept in the bed like this, he felt that he would never get up again and would freeze to death.

He went to the kitchen to find a washbasin, took out a bag of smokeless charcoal from his backpack, put some engine oil on it and lit it. George closed the bedroom door. The door could not be closed, otherwise he would commit suicide.

Spread the tent out, put it on the ground, take out the sleeping bag, put the sleeping bag into the tent, George got into the tent, and zipped up the tent so that it would not be so cold. Of course, the most important thing was that there was a fire outside. , he got into his sleeping bag and went to sleep without taking off his clothes. He felt very tired and had no intention of eating, so he went to sleep directly, and soon he began to snore.

A few hours later, two bomb-proof vehicles pulled up next to George's abandoned SUV.

The other team members were on guard outside. Han Mei was checking on the off-road vehicle. She squatted on the vehicle and looked at the pool of blood that had long solidified. She thought thoughtfully. She knew that Xu Gongzhi, the traitor, should not have such a good end. The other abandoned He probably didn't go very far when he fled in the car. How far could he escape in such an environment?

Back in the explosion-proof vehicle, Han Mei took out the map and looked at it carefully. There was only one small county town nearby, and other towns were too far away from where the vehicle was abandoned. It was impossible for the other party to choose the farthest place.

"Let's go to the county ahead."

"Copy that, Captain." 2

The two explosion-proof vehicles quickly started and left.

Just as Han Mei's team was heading towards the small county town, Gu Ming's chariot entered the small county town ahead of them.

Sometimes it's such a coincidence, the world is so small.

George's car was scrapped and he couldn't leave, so he fled to the small county town. Gu Ming wanted to go to the sea to look for meteorites. He was passing through the small county town and had no intention of stopping in the county town.

As a spy, George was very alert even if he was sleeping. When Gu Ming's chariot entered the county town and attracted the attention of zombies, the zombies collided with the chariot. George was awakened and heard the movement.

George immediately came out of the convenience store and saw a chariot driving in the distance. Could it be that the Xia Kingdom officials were chasing his own people? This was George's first reaction when he saw the chariot.

He immediately turned back to the convenience store and closed the door again. George returned to the bedroom, took out his weapon, and went to the back door to guard.

In fact, when Gu Ming entered the county town, he asked Pangu to release a stealth drone. The infrared thermal imaging camera on the drone displayed George's figure. Gu Ming could clearly see a person's figure on the display screen. .

Although infrared thermal imaging cameras are ineffective against zombies and mutant beasts, they can still be scanned by humans.

But the other party reacted quickly and went back to the house immediately. It seemed that the other party was very alert.

Gu Ming thought for a while and thought that when most people met his tank, they would ask him for help. After all, his tank looked like a military vehicle.

"Gu Xiao, go and bring that person back."

Gu Xiao nodded and got off the chariot without saying anything.

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