My Super Apocalypse Tank

Chapter 126 Research Results

The next day, everyone in the base watched the trial of Tian Wenbo and Hu Jianfeng on live TV. It was not a court trial, but only a few cadres were present. First, the details of the two people's conspiracy to rebel were read out, and then Shangguan Xiaoxue announced The two men were found guilty, sentenced to death, and executed immediately. Of course, the execution scene was not broadcast. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

It was quite surprising to the people of the entire Yuanxin base that someone rebelled. After all, it had only been a few days since the good days, but there were already people who no longer wanted to live anymore and wanted to destroy their stable lives.

Many people were talking about it on the network within the base.

"Those people, Shabi, actually want to rebel."

"It's not Shabi, I just want to be the leader!"

“I would rather have a chicken head than an ox tail, haha” ✥♦

"This kind of person deserves to be killed."

"Compared to people outside, the life we ​​are living now is simply paradise."

"Yes, I heard people who went to Feng City's official base to trade supplies say that the official base there is much worse than ours."

"It can't be right?"

"It's true. Those who have been there all said so. There is no way it's false."

"And not only Feng City, but also many official bases froze to death, and many people died."

"We are so blessed."

"Well, careerists can't live such a happy life."

"Thank you, ancient leader!"


Pangu sent some comments on the Internet to Gu Ming to read. Gu Ming browsed them with interest. Basically, no one said anything bad about the base or him. His emotional intelligence was very high. He handed the tablet to Gu Xiao and asked him to take it. With.

The two came to the research institute because Coca sent a message to Gu Ming that the research on genetic medicine and meteorites had produced results.

Originally, Gu Ming had great expectations for Coca. After all, it was a future robot, and its scientific research level was much higher than that of modern scientists, although its creativity may not be as high as that of humans.

Through several protective doors, the two went directly to Coca's research room, where there was only Coca alone.

"Chief, you are here."

Seeing Gu Ming and Gu Xiao come in, Gu Ke put down what he was holding.

"Please follow me here."

Gu Ke took Gu Ming to a room next door. There were several safety locks on the door. Gu Ke unlocked the locks one by one and quickly opened the door.

After following Gu Ca into the room, Gu Ming saw that there were only a few refrigerators in the whole room, and he could not tell what was inside from the outside. Gu Ming guessed that it should be genetic medicine. After all, medicine needs to be stored at low temperature.

"Chief, this is the next-level potion I developed based on the genetic potion you gave me."

Sure enough, Coca took out a tube of medicine from one of the refrigerators, and the medicine turned blue.

"How many times can it be increased at most?"

The efficacy of medicine was what Gu Ming valued most, so he asked.

"Five times!"

"does it have any side effects?"

If the side effects are too great and several people have to die before one can succeed, then it is completely meaningless. There are only so many people in Gu Ming's base. Every member of the combat department is very important. Gu Ming cannot take the lives of the people in the base. joke.

"The side effects are not serious. You will feel weak and weak for two days after the injection."

Coca said there was no problem with such side effects at all, and he could only stay in bed for two days at most.

"That's good, what about the study of meteorites?"

Gu Ming didn't care about this side effect, and he talked about meteorites to Gu Ke again.

"Let's go to the next room."

The three of them came to the isolated room again. The whole room was silvery. According to Coca's introduction, the entire room was coated with a layer of lead to prevent the radiation from the meteorite from being exposed.

After all, the radiation range of the meteorite is ten kilometers. Although there are no zombies within the ten kilometers of Yuanxin Base, there are still mutant beasts. Even if the combat department goes out to clean up every day, there are still fish that slip through the net.

As soon as he entered the room, Gu Ming could feel the impact of the meteorite on him again. All the cells in his body were cheering. It should not be harmful to him, otherwise Coca would not let him in. All the robots redeemed from the system He regards him as the Creator and is completely loyal to him. He will not do anything to harm him. When it comes to Gu Ming in the entire base, the most trusted ones are Gu Xiao and Gu Ke. They will never betray him, no matter what. What has become of him.

"Chief, according to my research, this meteorite is not only good for zombies, it can accelerate their evolution, but it may also make zombies smart."

"I dissected the zombie you brought back and found that its brain tissue became active again, just like a diesel engine that had been stopped for a long time and started to restart after being refilled with diesel."

"I don't know if only this meteorite has this effect, or if all meteorites scattered on the earth have this effect."

"I tend to think that all meteorites are the same, because this meteorite comes from the asteroid that hit the earth, which means they all come from a whole."

"Of course, meteorites not only have an effect on zombies, but also on all living things on the earth, and can accelerate the evolution of living things."

"Human beings have been staying in places with meteorites for a long time, and in places where they can be radiated by meteorites, their physical fitness will become stronger and stronger."

"Until humans reach their physical limits, it is equivalent to injecting a first-level genetic medicine, but it will take longer."

Just as he had guessed, meteorites were indeed beneficial to humans, otherwise the Xia State military would not have searched for them. Gu Ming had already guessed when he saw Han Mei again.

"Will dividing the meteorite have any impact on it?"

Gu Mingyou asked a question.

"There is no impact. The smaller the size of the meteorite, the smaller the radiation range."

Hearing this, Gu Ming thought that this meteorite was a bit like jade, and jade could nourish people.

"Can this meteorite be cut?"


Idiot, there is a question that I have never thought about. Fortunately, it is not too late, Gu Ming shouted in his heart.

"Pangu, I want to ask you a question?"

"Sir, please speak."

"Can this meteorite be exchanged for energy points?"

"Yes, sir."

Gu Ming asked Gu Ca to cut a five-kilogram meteorite on the spot, hold it in his hand and silently absorb it. Soon the system added ten energy points, which is equivalent to two points per kilogram. The one-ton meteorite in front of him can have two thousand energy points. , Gu Ming's eyes glowed, and he really wanted to absorb this large piece of meteorite. Fortunately, he still had sense. After all, meteorites are very important to the bodies of the people in the base, and they cannot be absorbed just to increase energy points.

Just think about the hundreds of millions of tons of meteorites scattered all over the earth, and the 10 million energy points Gu Ming needs to upgrade the tank system doesn't seem like that much.

It seems that he will have to go out frequently to search for meteorites in the future. Gu Ming knows that if he only relies on his brain core, even if the Yuanxin base trades materials with other forces, it will not be that fast.

After all, it takes time to trade supplies, and it also takes time to obtain brain cores from hunting zombies in other bases. It is impossible to add a lot of brain cores at once. Hunting zombies will also sacrifice a lot of people. Basically, it depends on human life. It is impossible for the base to exhaust its population to hunt zombies. Even if the population is gone, no matter how much supplies it has, it will be useless.

"Put the meteorite here first, and I'll see if there are any stone carving experts at the base."


Gu Ming plans to find a stone carving expert to process and divide the meteorites. He can make some pendants and distribute them to his close people or cadres so that they can carry them with them. Even if they go out, they will not attract zombies. After all, the radiation range can only affect his own body. Body.

Another option is to make a large stone sculpture so that the radiation just covers the entire base, so that everyone in the base can benefit. Of course, the radiation range needs to be calculated by Coca.

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