My Super Apocalypse Tank

Chapter 121 Goodbye

"Sir, someone is coming."


Unexpectedly, in such an environment, there would be people coming to such a remote place. Thinking of the meteorite, could it be someone from the government? Gu Ming thought to himself on the way back to the chariot.

It's best if it's not official. Gu Ming doesn't want to conflict with official people, and he doesn't want to offend the official. If it's someone from other forces, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. In one word - Gan.

But before Gu Ming could get on the chariot, three anti-explosion vehicles, which were as aggressive as Tucker, rushed over and stopped around the chariot, forming an encirclement. Gu Ming was not in a hurry to get on the bus, he just wanted to watch. See if these people are official and where they come from.

Soon the door of the explosion-proof vehicle opened, and more than a dozen people wearing black special combat uniforms, fully armed, and wearing masks came out one after another. Just looking at their curves, they turned out to be female soldiers. I wonder if they were the same group I met last time. Gu Ming looked at it carefully and muttered to himself.

"Hello, Chief Gu, I didn't expect to meet you again in such a scene."

Han Mei opened her mask and sighed lightly to Gu Ming.

Maybe she didn't expect it to be Gu Ming. In fact, the only impression Gu Ming left on Han Mei the last time they met was that he became the leader of a force at such a young age. But it's not surprising in the doomsday era. Times make heroes.

"Oh, it turns out to be Miss Han, but I don't know if I can give you any advice?"

Looking around at the dozen or so female soldiers surrounding him, Gu Ming calmly asked Han Mei.

"I would like to ask the ancient leader, has he seen a meteorite?"

Wuwan ignored Gu Ming's question. As a soldier, Han Mei's most direct approach was to go straight to the point.

"Ms. Han, after all we have met once before. It seems that you have some friendship with my subordinate Zhang Henghui. You asked me this question as soon as you came here so aggressively?"

The meteorite has been taken into the system space by himself. Even if the other party has any means to detect the meteorite, Gu Ming does not believe that the other party can also detect the meteorite in the system space, so Gu Ming is very calm.

"I'm sorry, Chief Gu. Maybe my tone was harsh. I apologize to you, but that meteorite is very important to the country. I hope you tell me the truth. Did you pick it up?"

It sounded like an apology, but there was no hint of apology on Han Mei's expressionless face. Maybe she had never been humble before.

"Okay, let me tell you, I just arrived here not long ago. I met these zombies and killed them. I didn't see any meteorites or pick up any meteorites. If you don't believe me, you can get in my car and check. one time."

Gu Ming spread his hands and told a lie casually.

"Excuse me, please open the car door."

She had long thought about checking out Gu Ming's unusual car. When Gu Ming said this, Han Mei immediately spoke up.

After thoroughly checking the inside of the tank, Han Mei did not find the meteorite. Judging from the fluctuation of the meteorite displayed on the meteorite radar, it was estimated to weigh about a ton. Although the inside of the tank was luxurious and high-tech, there was no interlayer.

Gu Ming followed Han Mei and watched her inspect her silently, sizing up her figure and appearance. She couldn't tell because of her dress, but she should still be pretty good. After all, she was a soldier and her face was absolutely beautiful. Compared with the famous star Ouyang Yanfei, she was on par with his women. Gu Ming guessed that she was a so-called military beauty in the army.

After checking carefully again, no meteorite was found. I don’t know how Gu Ming hid the meteorite. Han Mei didn’t believe that it was picked up by other forces. After all, they rushed over at full speed. Even if other forces picked up the meteorite, they would still use it. The method was hidden, and it still had to use lead, but how did Gu Ming get rid of the meteorite? It couldn't be shown on the radar. Han Mei couldn't even think of something as mysterious as system space, like cultivation. Same as the world space ring.

Han Mei didn't say anything else to Gu Ming. She got off the chariot and looked at the Big Mac, especially the huge gun barrel on the roof.

"My cannon barrel is a decoration, not a real cannon."

Although he is not afraid that the other party will fall out now, Gu Ming estimates that he can kill all of them by himself, even if they have all been injected with official genetic medicine.

Han Mei didn't know if she believed Gu Ming's words. She just looked at Gu Ming seriously, as if she wanted to imprint his appearance in her mind, and then led her men into the explosion-proof vehicle without saying a word. , three explosion-proof vehicles quickly started moving towards the village. Gu Ming thought they might search the village to see if there were any meteorites hidden in the village.

Gu Ming stood there in a daze for a while, then turned around and got on the chariot. The chariot quickly turned around and left there.

"Captain, should we send two cars to follow him?"

After hearing the suggestion from his subordinates, Han Mei thought about it, then picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered.

"Car No. 2, follow that car, stay hidden, be careful, and come back if nothing can be done."

"Copy that, Captain."

The No. 2 explosion-proof vehicle immediately turned around and headed in the direction Gu Ming left.

“Pangu, is anyone following you?”

Gu Ming did not look at the images returned by the drone, but asked Pangu directly.

"Sir, there is an explosion-proof vehicle one thousand meters away."

Sure enough, he was being followed. Gu Ming guessed that Han Mei was not so easily fooled by him. He just didn't know why the other party didn't take action just now. Logically speaking, the other party should not know his true strength. He could only say that the other party was very cautious. , Gu Ming planned that if the other party took action, he would not be merciful. As for offending the official, as long as they were all killed, it would be impossible for the official to find out that he was the one who did it. He still had this confidence.

"Get rid of it at maximum speed."

"Okay, sir."

The original maximum speed of the chariot was 200 kilometers per hour. Now after upgrading to level 2, the maximum speed is 400 kilometers per hour. It is faster than ordinary high-speed rail. Under such road conditions, the opponent's explosion-proof vehicle Even if it were twice as fast, it still couldn't keep up with Gu Ming's chariot.

The explosion-proof vehicle only followed the traces of the chariot for less than half an hour. Due to the heavy snow, the traces in front were quickly covered with snow. After driving forward for more than ten minutes, they came to a fork in the road. I didn't know which of the three roads to take. And there were no traces, so the female soldier in the explosion-proof vehicle had no choice but to give up, and the explosion-proof vehicle turned around and returned to Han Mei.

"Are you leaving?"

Gu Ming's chariot is not far from the three-way intersection, and drones have been monitoring the explosion-proof vehicle from above.

"Sir, they are leaving."

"Okay, let's go home."

There was something rewarding after coming out this time. Gu Ming went to the refrigerator and took out a can of beer to celebrate himself.

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