My Super Apocalypse Tank

Chapter 108 Material Preparation

After the Spring Festival, the intensity of the snowstorm has been slowly decreasing, and it will stop in a few days.

In the Logistics Department of Yuanxin Base, ten super large special trucks are parked there. Each truck is of the same model. At a glance, you can tell that Gu Ming redeemed it from the system in order to trade supplies with the Feng City official base. It is twenty meters long and six meters high. It has a huge front end and a fender that protrudes two meters forward. The wheels are suitable for walking in the snow.

The front of the car integrates the cab and accommodation functions. There is a main driver's seat and two co-pilot seats. Three people can take turns driving. The back is set up like a train, with a bedroom on one side and two iron frames on each side of the bedroom. The bed can sleep four people. There is a table in the middle of the bedroom where you can put things and eat as a dining table. The kitchen and bathroom are connected on the other side. It can be said that it can completely ensure that the drivers and guards can rest and eat, even in the wild. , personnel can live a stable life without getting out of the car for several days.

There are two large refrigerators in the kitchen, which are full of food, which can ensure four people's rations for a week. If you save some, it won't be a problem for ten days.

When they first saw such a truck, the drivers who were going outside to participate in the supply transaction were overjoyed. After all, the base could produce such a truck for them. You can imagine how much the base attaches importance to their safety.

The maximum load capacity of a truck is fifty tons. One ton is one thousand kilograms, which is two thousand kilograms. One bag of rice is fifty kilograms, which means that such a truck can carry 2,000 bags of rice.

Ten trucks can transport 20,000 bags of rice, which can probably guarantee a month's rations for 100,000 people. Of course, it is a basic ration. After all, humans cannot only eat rice, but also need to eat other things.

When Gu Ming came to the logistics department, workers were using forklifts to transport rice. The materials for the transaction agreed with the Fengshi base this time were mainly food. Gu Ming asked the logistics department to fill nine trucks with rice, plus one truck. Cars of various edible cans.

"Chief, you are here."

Zhang Henghui, who was supervising the work of the workers, saw Gu Ming coming and came over.

"How's it going? Is there any problem?"

"no problem."

Gu Ming saw the workers working in an orderly manner, nodded and continued.

"If the snowstorm stops in two days, you can take the convoy and set off. Pay attention to safety on the road."

"Of course, the escort team will be brought along, and the weapons and equipment must be prepared."

"Also, you need to be careful when trading supplies with Feng City."

"After the transaction, be careful on the way back."

Zhang Henghui knows what Gu Ming means, and it is necessary to be on guard against others. Many times, the interests are not much. If the interests are too big to be ignored, good people will become bad people, not to mention that for a force, interests are The standard by which everything is measured.

For some high-tech items that transcend the times, Gu Ming does not want to trade them with other forces at this stage, especially with the official base.

He does not have the ability to protect himself. For a national force like Xia State, although there are no reconnaissance methods such as satellites now, for a big country, how much effort is needed to find a small force within its own territory? The problem lies in whether to do it or not.

Otherwise, the energy source used by the Far New Base is a small controllable nuclear fusion battery. Just one battery can support the usage of the Far New Base for a hundred years. This technology is already more than two hundred years ahead of Earth's technology.

This kind of energy is no less than an earthquake for countries on the earth. What the bases of various countries need most now is energy. All development is inseparable from energy.

Even if it is a protective suit that can walk at ultra-low temperatures outside, Gu Ming does not intend to take it out. Anyway, all technological items that are beyond the times can only be used by himself at this stage.

While Gu Ming and Zhang Henghui were still chatting, the head of the logistics department Ye Xiaomei walked out of the warehouse.

"Husband, you are here."

Seeing that Gu Ming and his wife were talking about something, Zhang Henghui had a look, said hello to Ye Xiaomei and left.

"Honey, I'm going to the warehouse to take a look."

Gu Ming took Ye Xiaomei's hand and they entered the warehouse door together.

Gu Xiao is responsible for transporting supplies to the warehouse. Gu Ming has not been to the warehouse for a long time. This time he took the opportunity to see how much supplies are left in the warehouse.

The entire warehouse is several thousand square meters, and all kinds of materials and food are neatly placed in categories. Gu Ming can see that the materials in the entire warehouse have not been reduced much. He originally prepared an inventory of warehouse materials, especially food, for 10,000 people and 40,000 people. With annual consumption, there are currently only more than 5,000 people in the base, which means that even if Gu Ming does not transport things to the warehouse in the future, the people in the base will not be short of food or starve to death in eight years.

The logistics department has the largest number of people in each department of the base. The daily allocation of materials is a big project. In the morning, the staff transports food to the canteen according to the forms and replenishes the inventory of the base supermarket. Several small factories in the base produce The preparation of the production raw materials required for the items, the storage of the items produced in Changli, etc., and the agricultural products such as vegetables grown on the farms now also require manual transportation. It can be said that there are more than 5,000 people in the base. Half of the men and horses are working for the logistics department.

It can be said that the Logistics Department controls the lifeblood of the base. This is why Gu Ming gave the Logistics Department to his wife Ye Xiaomei to manage. He would definitely not feel at ease if it was managed by an outsider. He would only feel at ease if his wife manages it, otherwise others can easily embezzle. , Gu Ming didn’t know how much material he would lose.

"Honey, thank you for your hard work."

Gu Ming hugged Ye Xiaomei, his mouth seemed to be covered with sugar.

"It's good to know that I worked hard. If you want to find a sister next time, you need the consent of the three of us. Do you understand?"

In fact, Ye Xiaomei still feels that her daily work is very fulfilling, but she has once again placed restrictions on Gu Ming's search for women. Otherwise, he doesn't know how many women will come back to be sisters with them, so he must be restrained.

"Okay, I promise you, only the three of you agree in the future, otherwise I won't go find a woman if you kill me, so that's okay."

Gu Ming is not an insatiable person, and he is not very greedy for beautiful women. Otherwise, there are countless beauties in the entire base who want to climb into his bed. Instead of a lecherous leader, he can be the groom every day.

The two of them walked around the warehouse and came outside. The truck was already filled with supplies. Now, just waiting for the snowstorm to weaken or stop, Yuanxin Base can conduct its first supply transaction with Fengshi Base. By then, Gu Ming's chariot system will be upgraded to level two. Thinking of this, Gu Ming couldn't help but smile.

"What's wrong? I thought of something funny."

Ye Xiaomei saw Gu Ming's smile and asked.

"Nothing, I just thought of something happy."

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