00162 #7 – Admit me, evil spirit

#7 – Admit me to evil spirits (12)

In order to level up the two elven men, you have to hunt monsters. The problem was that the monsters didn’t even come close to us.

“Ugh. Should I go back to the B6 floor…”

The B6 floor is the haunting area of the undead.

Even if you don’t want to, you can deal with enemies you’ll get tired of.

But Rave was against that idea.

“The experience that the Undead provides is not that great. They said that the level of the two of you is not low, so it will take over a month to raise the level through simple hunting.”

Time is not on my side.

It can’t take that long.

In the midst of this, somewhere on the earth, the hero, who is the minion of the gods, will gather the party members and become stronger.

“It goes down.”

“How far?”

“Until a monster appears that will not fear us.”

Rave cried out in awe.

“Are we going to attack the deep zone now?”

“…I’m going to catch the floor boss.”


Did this guy intend to cut the line?

No matter how far the country is, they do not have the crazy idea of attacking the deep zone with their current party.

One challenge that can only be achieved after preparing everything that can be prepared above and after a thorough deadline. That’s what’s called a deep zone attack.

‘More than anything else, the difficulty of the labyrinth of the labyrinth world has risen significantly compared to the previous work.’

What I was able to realize the most was the strength of the hierarchical boss who guarded the last gate of the B10 floor.

Against the attack of gamers, he endured a long period of one year alone. If you add up the number of gamers who died at his hands, it would easily exceed a thousand people.

Since the nightmare of the upper class was like that, the nightmare of the middle class doesn’t know how powerful it will be.

‘A guy like that shouldn’t run away.’

Slowly, I’m realizing it too. The fact that if it wasn’t for the floor boss or the hierarchy boss, they would all run away because they couldn’t stand the presence of our party.

Except for inanimate monsters without ego or undead monsters with no survival instinct, there is no monster that can stand up to us. It’s just those guys who don’t even have experience.

So, in the end, you have no choice but to face a floor boss with strength comparable to a powerful hierarchical boss.

“But can you really catch the floor boss?”

“Of course. With this power, the garage is overflowing.”

“That’s not it. The floor boss only appears when you kill a lot of monsters on the floor. All the monsters on the floor are running away, how do I catch the floor boss?”

Uh… That’s right.

“You have to go after it.”

“Are you going to follow me!?”

“Then how are you going to catch those who run away?”

In the first place, it was strange for the monster to run away.

A monster is different from a beast.

They don’t hunt to eat, they hunt to get pleasure, to kill them because of their magic.

The process of evolution is also focused in a way to kill opponents more efficiently, more precisely, and more terribly.

Such a cruel being is a monster.

Usually, it’s not that the monsters run away, but that it’s normal for the beings facing the monster to run away.

“Things like that didn’t appear in the textbook…!”

Rave clasped his head and screamed.

“If you are going to encounter content that is not in the textbook this quickly, what will you become after studying the textbook for the past two years!?”

oh this makes me cry

To be honest, I think it’s a bit pitiful.

Guys are raised strong, but I have to comfort them especially today.

“There is not one road. Countless roads are stretched out in the world, and adventurers each walk their own path. You are walking the path of a thief, and you are walking the most difficult all-round path.”

“…so? If you don’t know a single reason why monsters run away, what’s the all-rounder?”

“Although it is all-purpose, the path you can go is limited to the realm of thieves. Beyond that, I can’t help but stare at the unexplored road. Sometimes it can be envious or regrettable.”

I asked implicitly.

“It’s possible to go down the road you’ve taken so far and walk the other way. Then you’ll understand why the monsters are running away. You can do things you can’t do now. Do you want to?”

“Of course!”

“Instead, all my studies so far are in vain. As long as you have chosen a different path, you will never be able to return to the omnipotent path again. This path is open only once, and it is chosen only by one person.”

I asked again.

“Do you think it’s important to know why monsters run away, so much that you have to get all the torture you’ve done so far in vain? Is it really worth it?”

“It might be!”

“You foolish boy. You don’t think about the many things you can do, and you focus on one thing that others can do. How do you not know that other people are envious of seeing so many things that only you can do?”

I said looking around.

“Look at Lina. She’s the best assassin, but she can’t find her way. look at the blue That guy is the ultimate swordsman, but he can’t find his way. look at me He is the boss of the Black Mountain Society that devoured the country, but he cannot find his way.”

“boss. I can find directions.”

“Shut up.”

“… … .”

“As you can see, not everyone knows how to navigate, but you are an all-rounder, can you?”

I tried to say it warmly, but Rave’s eyes were already full of suspicion.

“Uncle Kuro said he could find a way!”

“Then I will try it.”


“Put that bastard out here and make him chase you after three days. I’ll admit that if I can chase you, I can find your way. Instead, if you don’t join within three days, you’ll get it back from here.”

“Um… I think that should be fine.”

Kuro despaired at the fact that he had to risk his life in the labyrinth to pursue the party after throwing a word for nothing.

“But it doesn’t matter anyway! Being an all-rounder, all I need is to find a way! Bosses only need a wayfinding shuttle to conveniently explore the labyrinth!”

yes. I was raised to do that, can’t I?

I want to say that like a chimney, but then I’m in trouble.

Even if you are really pissed off, the only way to find your way in the party is the Pathfinder.

“Do you really think that’s all you’re worth? A lot of the knowledge you taught really only existed for one wayfinding, and did you only learn one wayfinding?”

“It’s… not.”

“The tragedy begins when you forget what you can do and cling to what you cannot do. There will still be work for you to do. Don’t be consumed by lust.”


“The desire to live a different life. Desire to live comfortably. The desire that I no longer want to suffer as I walk my path.”

I’m talking with a warm feeling, but it’s me who gets the most goosebumps about my words. To say that once a path is set, one must follow it, this is not a fatalist or something.

It is a ruthless statement that is no different from the saying that nobles should live as nobles and slaves as slaves.

It just barely worked because the context and atmosphere of the conversation were different and the proficiency level of acting and education skills was high. Rave was barely convinced, but I felt quite uncomfortable with myself.

“The boss was right. From now on, I will only walk the path of an all-round thief without turning a blind eye. It’s the boss who made me live a different life, even though I was just a lowly pickpocket.”

“guy. You say that your hair is a little thicker, which is quite unusual.”

When I patted Rave’s head, for some reason, Lina giggled and groaned.

“Look at that. The boss stroked his hair instead of stroking his chin, right? That’s not the boss’s true reward. After all, the most loved subordinate by the boss is the cute Lina!”

“… … .”

The distorted reward is disturbing me again.

I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear it and pass it on.

However, he could not ignore the follow-up question of Rave.

“boss. So how do you end up chasing monsters?”

I don’t know.

how do i know that

“Once you move.”

“How do you move?”

Go on foot, what do you do?

I thought it sounded silly, but it was a really important question.

Now let’s check the party situation again.

There are seven party members, and two elf men are out of line.

As an added bonus, there are six female thieves with their whole bodies bound.

“boss. How are they doing?”



“Take them with you.”

“… … .”

Nanny, Dorothy, and Kuro succeeded in picking up the thief.

On the other hand, the two male elves failed to pick up the thief.

“Pathetic guys! Don’t you have the stamina to lift even a single female thief?”

“I’m getting weaker, really.”

“You guys didn’t even try to hear it!”

Seeing Lina, Rave, and the two elven men swarming together made me very upset.

“boss. Cute Lina, guide Rave, two weaklings can’t lift that. The remaining three cannot be lifted up and are in trouble. Is not it?”


“If you leave it like that, you’re pitiful, so should you do something? yes?”

“Yeah, wait a minute. What number do you write?”

“Let’s kill it!”

In the end, the nanny, Dorothy, and Kuro went with the bandits one in each hand. Since the monsters didn’t even approach them anyway, there was no room for problems if the hands of the combatants were tied.

So our party was moved in a very bizarre way. Party members walking with a female thief tied to the body, one in each hand, party members carrying huge sacks, and so on.

‘If someone else finds out about this, you’ll get a huge misunderstanding… … .’

The gagged female bandits are constantly writing evil or pouring tears. It’s a bullshit that looks like a slave trader. Maybe that’s how it was.

“Oh oh! you guys are awesome Capture six beauties!”

“They look very strong. Are you from the earth?”

“welcome! Welcome to Adventurer Killer Village!”

It was welcomed by explosive popularity among adventurer killers.

“…rave. Why did you lead us to this place?”

“It’s the fastest way to get here.”


“In the textbook, the labyrinth exploration always took the shortest route!”

“Are you stupid! What if you lead the party down a road infested with killers? I forgot to write it down in the manual, but don’t take the killer’s den as your route!”

After reprimanding him harshly, Rave grabbed his head and wrapped it around him.

“Aaah! The textbook told me to take the shortest route! But no road infested with killers! Then, what should I do if the shortest path is infested with killers!?”

A thief who learned labyrinth exploration from a book is causing a logic conflict.

It was a common detriment of early education.

“boss! Rave is going crazy!”

“Okay. If it’s a guy, there’s no problem.”

He is an outstanding gifted person who succeeded in learning everything about thieves in two years. A guy with excellent learning ability will surely be able to find a solution to get out of the logic conflict.

“okay! There was a way! Now I know what the boss means!”

“Did you find a way?”

“If you kill them all, there’s no way for the killer to swarm, right?”


“If the road is blocked, swinging a knife and an umbrella is the method of the Black Mountain Society!”

I don’t know that way.

Don’t go black, you motherf*cker.

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