00139 #6 – The era of Black Mountain Society has arrived.

#6 – The era of Black Mountain Society has arrived (14)

As soon as I logged into the game, a notice was posted.

[New notice (update) has arrived.]

[Notice (Updated)]

1. Faction Selection

The server of the labyrinth world changes from country level to faction level. The first camp is <Heuksanhoe> with the banner of attacking the labyrinth, and it applies to all areas ruled by Heuksanhoe.

The second camp is the <Palgia Empire>, which is considered the center of the old era, and the territories of the Federation of Nations including the Empire are collectively tied to the same server.

Also, an unknown, currently unidentified third faction exists somewhere in the world. This can be a new challenge for adventurers whose main content is adventure on the ground instead of attacking the labyrinth.

2. Hero Appears

A warrior chosen by God appears in the labyrinth world. You can become a member of the hero’s party in exchange for helping the hero’s <mission> on earth and making the hero <awakening>.

The hero’s party members are selected as those who have contributed the most to the hero’s mission.

From the moment the hero reveals his identity, all gamers can detect the position of the hero and check the progress of the mission in real time.

3. Jin-in system appeared

Based on the previous work Labyrinth City, all characters within the top 10000 character rankings have special triggers such as people or objects related to their past activities somewhere on the continent.

If you find and activate a succession trigger and succeed in inheriting it, you can gain benefits such as the character’s past martial arts, status, and assets.

4. A large number of hidden masters appeared… … .

The patch notes were nothing short of a nuclear bomb.

finally moved

The game company swung the bloody mace that destroyed the guild.

“Gear is coming.”

This update is practically a sniper patch for me. All visible updates are directly or indirectly related to me, such as the appearance of a warrior, the appearance of a true person system, and the appearance of a large number of hidden masters.

They also think that I’m too far ahead of myself, so I’ll have to put the brakes on it at any cost.

I have no intention of complaining about this to the game company and complaining that it is unfair.

‘It was a miraculous play that could only be done once.’

As long as the importance of the synchronization ratio has been highlighted, NPCs will unconditionally be more efficient than gamers.

The game company must have been thinking about making the NPC as strong as possible, delaying the point in time when gamers lead the world view, and controlling the speed of content consumption.

Even though we had created a system called minion loyalty and favorability, he would have been wary of going all-in with all CP to minions.

Because I’ve been playing like that in Labyrinth City.

I don’t think adding is more or less.

I’m the 97th gamer in the top ranking, but there’s no way I’m not aware of it.

However, there were variables that neither me nor them could predict.


It was the fact that the minion created by taking all of my CP was a rare Psycho.

Because of the infinitely close to the dead end, the risk of death has passed quite a bit.

Instead, he got more and more outrageous rewards one after another.

These NPCs are not something you can create if you want to, and by now, you would have written a number in the personality creation process to prevent your minions from becoming psychos with the submarine patch.

There will never be a second Caesar.

In the meantime, if you whistle and protest about the sniper patch, the game company is good, and you will get rid of Caesar’s courage under the pretext that he will take care of my convenience by suggesting a compromise in a few patches.

Unless the gamer voluntarily wants to, the game company can never touch a minion that is considered the gamer’s property.

Caesar is a dog. But it’s my dog.

Even if you’re a game developer, you won’t be allowed to touch him. Therefore, all these sniper patches are risks you have to take.

‘under. Does this bastard know?’

That I’m being hit by countless snipers just for Ji Hana.

“boss. Do you have anything to say?”

“It doesn’t matter. I just wanted to say thank you for once.”


Caesar dropped the sword in his hand to the floor.

He asked me carefully.

“boss. Are you going to die soon?”

“…Shut up.”

Also, don’t do things that people don’t do.

After I learned a lesson I didn’t want to learn much, I moved to the Magic Association to take over the mosaic girl who was supposed to be transferred from Erwell Kingdom.

The real Mosaic girl hasn’t even logged in yet, but I was curious about what the hell she caught, so I went to see it.


But it’s really pretty.

In terms of beauty, it is similar to the mosaic woman.

No, it looks and looks the same.

“All right, I’ve been there…”

“Are you really Mosaic?”

“That’s right…”

I think it’s right to look at her lack of self-confidence.

But something is strange.

It was only after seeing the reactions of the people around me that I realized the cause.

From https://readwn.com

Mosaic woman can only be seen by people who have achieved a high level.

The absolutes in this place are only me and Caesar.

But, except the two of us, everyone responds that they have seen a beauty.

“Has the curse of the goddess been lifted?”


“How did it work out? Did you get paid by the witch to lift the curse?”

“I can’t even tell you that much…”

“I think we need to re-evaluate the value of witches.”

He bluntly raised his evaluation of the witch and returned to the palace.

As I passed the drawing room, I stopped.

I thought I had seen something strange, so I cautiously turned around.

It wasn’t wrong either.

From https://readwn.com

Mosaic girl was eating cookies in the drawing room.

“ah. are you here You seem to be busy today. I was surprised that I couldn’t see anyone in the palace at all.”

He even casually greets them.

From https://readwn.com

Mosaic girl, where the mosaic particles still exist.

We are confused.

“Two mosaic girls?”

That’s what I said, but it was pretty obvious which one was fake.

Naturally, the beauty without particles is fake.

There’s no way the real thing was kidnapped by a witch who was captured on a pirate ship in a corpse state.

However, the NPC subordinates did not have such insight.

They looked seriously confused.

Thinking that the situation was a little interesting, I hinted at my luck.

“One of them is fake.”


“I need to figure out which one is real.”

So suddenly, the grand name of the Mosaic Fact-finding Committee was given, and in reality, it was time to watch the fools with their eyes open and wandering because they didn’t know what was fake.

* * *

The fake mosaic girl was Rachel.

Just before she was transferred to the Meyer Kingdom, she was chosen by the goddess of beauty by a gap.

The goddess of beauty was very angry at the fact that the mosaic woman, whom she had cursed, was surviving in a shameful way and building up her social status.

Rachel, on the other hand, was a believer with deep faith, but was in danger of not being strange even if she died immediately. Even driving her to death is the Black Mountain Society with the cursed mosaic woman.

Normally, it would have been limited to the selection of <Apostle>, but that fact strongly stimulated the pride of the goddess of beauty.

The goddess of beauty put more than that.

[Brave Rachel]

Rachel became a warrior.

He also became a beauty warrior who deals with beauty, not a warrior who can handle swords or magic well.

At best, the game company staff who even patched it would have hit the ground and sighed if they knew, but they could not roll back what they had already done. Causality was firm, and the goddess of beauty would repeat the same choice.

For that reason, Rachel became a warrior of beauty.

As a bonus, he also gained power.

The power she obtained was as versatile as a non-combat class.

-You can ‘transform’ into the appearance of a target with lower attractiveness than yourself

-Can be ‘attracted’ by targets with lower attractiveness than oneself

-Can ‘deliberate’ against targets with lower attractiveness than oneself

It is an ability that can be cast with an attractiveness factor, not a strength factor or an intelligence factor.

Of course, those who can see through it are counted with one hand.

Rachel’s charm stat is high enough to break through a whopping 50.

A wall with a stat of 50 that is regarded as the final gateway to the absolute limit.

You can easily overcome that by selecting a hero.

This inevitably makes the hero a special being.

“I am real! It’s fake and that’s the price I have to pay.”

“What do you mean, is that fake? Can someone please explain to me how this happened?”

If that particularity was based on physical abilities such as strength, constitution, and agility, there was no room for a threat.

What the game company originally planned was a hero with an emphasis on combat ability, and originally, only such a presence was scheduled to be selected as a hero.

However, due to the whims of the goddess of beauty, a unique hero using the charm factor appeared, which became a huge variable within the Black Mountain Society.

“Instead of taking away the curse, the witch left me with the curse of identity. I made a new vessel with my memories before the curse was lifted and left it here in fake form.”

It’s charm, not power.

It’s not like the opponent is fighting with a sword.

Even Caesar or an exterminator has no way to fight.

“Even if I look like my past and have my memories, that’s not me. It’s like some sort of dregs from the transformation of a curse into another form!”

“Jji, garbage!? What abusive language are you talking to a decent person, you fake! Master, don’t believe those fake words!”

“huh. Living on the subject of monsters. A woman who suits her master is not a monster like you.”

Rachel placed her hand on Caesar’s shoulder and then used [Fascination] as they made eye contact with each other.

“Will your master believe you? that I am real.”

The power of fascination beyond swords and magic.

It crosses the barriers of all men and at once penetrates into the spirit of Wilhelm Meyer’s closest confidant, Caesar.

If his powers are used properly, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has the world’s greatest talent in martial arts, and Caesar could be transformed into the greatest enemy of the Black Mountain Society at once!

“I don’t believe it.”

“Uh, why!?”

Caesar categorically denied it.

The real Mosaic girl was impressed with his unwavering attitude.

“I thought the owner would recognize me!”

“You don’t believe it either.”


He didn’t believe in the real Mosaic girl either.

Rachel and the Mosaic woman are confused.

What the hell are you talking about?

“Caesar. Boy, please…”

At that moment, Wilhelm Meyer was astonished.

Only he guessed something.

Caesar said confidently with a stern smile.

“I thought the boss would know.”

“That is a crazy idea.”

“I hate complicated and difficult things. I always make life easy.”

Caesar made a shocking decision that would upset the crowd.

“I don’t care who’s real. It’s just that the number of pets has increased from one to two.”

Naturally, people were shocked.


“Are you crazy for a murderer!? Are you crazy!?”

“Shit. I’m so envious of a beauty voluntarily becoming a pet!”

Caesar glanced at Lina.

“I am always sane.”

“You’re going to use even a fake that might be an assassin as your pet!?”

“Can’t we have an assassin as a pet?”

“Of course! You know when you will be assassinated, and you do that!”

“Aren’t you also an assassin and the boss’s pet?”

A single strand of Lina’s hair rose like an exclamation mark.

I was at a loss for words because it was so true.

Even Rachel was puzzled by Caesar’s shocking decision.

‘What’s that horny bastard! I’m confused. Did the power of charm succeed or fail?’

Everyone was shocked and scared, but only the person concerned spoke in a tone that felt a little pleasant.

“As the owner, I will take care of the pet etiquette education and habit correction. The boss doesn’t have to worry.”

It was then that everyone realized.

Caesar really intends to keep even assassins as pets.

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