My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 326

Ah ah ah ah ah!What are you thinking about!

Xu Mo patted his face vigorously with both hands to wake himself up.

"Brother~? I love you~" Xu Yan had wrapped his back around Xu Mo's back for some unknown time, and said this sentence almost completely in his ear.

It was so tempting to say that it made the belief that could not be firmed up again.

If you compare reason and belief to a building, this building is already torn apart and is in danger of collapsing at any time. It is labeled as a dangerous building, leaving only candles in the wind.

Although she didn't understand, she was obviously controlled by drugs, but she knew why she could clearly recognize herself when she was mating, and she could say such provocative words.

But it sounded... as sincere as a girl's confession, from the heart.

But the rhythm of the trouble did not slow down. In fact, after saying that, Xu Yan began to bite... just bite...

No, no, no... it's not what you think, it's really not the matter of disassembling the bite, but the real bite.


After lying on Xu Mo's ear and saying,'Brother, I love you', Xu Yan opened his small mouth and lightly bit the fleshiest part of Xu Mo's ear lobe.

Hold it in your mouth, bite the teeth lightly, it doesn't make people feel pain... and then starts to lick with the tongue.

In circles, licking his ears.

"Well ...... Well ...... ah ...... Well ...... Well ......" It was a bite, but like to read that kind of thing open, like, issued this bad sound.

Licking her ears in her mouth, it seems very delicious.

Obviously it is just ears.

But for Xu Mo, it was also a wonderful stimulus.

With my sister holding my ears, I feel the flexible and moist little tongue licking on my ears, and the touch of kissing is very different.

This medicine... so powerful?

In Xu Mo's view, this is all a pot of medicinal effect, isn't it!

She started to do pre-mating work, right?This biting the ear is the best proof!

Not only was the body firmly entangled by her, but now her ears were bitten in her mouth, Xu Mo's actions were even more embarrassing and difficult.

Mouth... Mouth...


A thought flickered in his mind.

If it is said that there is no way to take her to the hospital for gastric lavage...but there is a private method similar to'gastric lavage', and this method is very common, almost everyone can.

Pick your throat!

Use vomiting to achieve the effect of gastric lavage... It should be possible too!

Thinking about this, Xu Mo also decided to try.

After all, there is no better way.

But before that, how can I let my sister put her ears down... Waiting online, it's very anxious.

Wait... don't lick... don't lick there!

My ears are itchy and strange...

PS: You are about to have a holiday. Here is a post for playing with the snowman, ah, that's not right, various contact methods for playing with the snowman.

steam: Booker Ula Snowman

origin (Battlefield 1): wulaxueren

LOL: Telecom Zone 1: Physicist Old Captain Telecom Zone 2: Ula Snowman

Overwatch: Ula Snowman #51967 (The previous one was stolen, now add this again)

Hearthstone Legend: Practice a little bit and let me tell you

Friendly reminder: In the above scenario, the reminder will be blacked out, hum ╭(╯^╰)╮.

Chapter 361 One Hundred Thousand Whys About My Sister

The ears were temporarily indifferent, and the feeling of being licked between the lips and teeth of his own sister was really wonderful.

Xu Mo has decided to use vomiting instead of gastric lavage in the hospital to help Xu Yan relieve the effects of drugs that made her lose her mind. Although she does not know whether it will succeed, at least there is no problem in principle.

The step is to pull the throat commonly known as folks, press the root of the tongue with your fingers to touch the tonsils in the throat, so that the body will have a conditioned reflex and vomiting.

The effect of this trick is very effective and quick and convenient. It is mostly used for drinking table activities and digging out the alcohol in the stomach. You can continue to drink more, or girls who love beauty will digging out after a meal and spit up the lunch they have eaten. Come out to achieve the misunderstanding of getting fat without absorbing nutrients after eating.

And when the student party woke up one morning, suddenly found that the homework was not written, or after thinking that I was killed today and I didn’t want to go to school, I went to the toilet to pick it up. It’s better to pull it harder, and then shut the toilet door. Turn it on, make a very miserable sound, the more miserable the better when vomiting, the more exaggerated the better, attract the attention of parents!After vomiting and making a look of "I'm going to die", then congratulations, you don't need to go to school today 80%.

But the practicality of this trick has been applied to various purposes.

I have also heard that this method of inducing vomiting, if used properly, can eliminate toxic substances from the body. It is vomited out in a physiological manner, rather than using medical gastric lavage. The effect will be better than gastric lavage.

Xu Mo naturally had a similar experience, probably because he felt uncomfortable in his stomach after eating, and he wanted to feel a little more comfortable when he vomited, so he squeezed, and he vomited out smoothly all at once, instantly feeling very comfortable.

It should be emphasized that the above is the throat, not the name of a certain flower.

So of course he knows how to do it, but it’s a bit difficult for him to do it now...

The ears are still in Xu Yan's mouth.

I tried not to touch her, twisting her head a little to let the ears leave her lips and tongue, but she was firmly fixed by the white teeth... If Xu Mo pulled away, she seemed to bite harder.

This ear can't be torn off by her... If she is honestly asked to lick and lick behind her back... it is not a problem at all, it seems that there is only physical pleasure, not the pain of biting the ear.

Even when thinking, there is no...

Eh!You... lick it... Ah... my God, don't blow!

Xu Mo already felt that his ears were all wet inside and out at this time, covered with fragrance in his sister's mouth, and he had already licked round and round with that clever tongue.

It seems that licking her ears is no longer enough. The drug effect in Xu Yan's body (Xu Mo thinks) constantly stimulates her to do more and more... the movements used to achieve the final mating purpose of the body. For example, Xu Yan is now This way, lying in his ears, he gently blows out a warm breath from his mouth.

That feeling was crisp and numb.

It seemed that all of his body was blown away, and his limbs became soft and weak.

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