My Strength Depends on Your Imagination

Chapter 102: Haidian 17 Niang

Xuan Xiao is like ink.

Cang Ran dispersed.

Everyone saw Qin Yuan sweat on his forehead, standing with his sword.

Li Zhaohui's face was pale and his arms were broken.

The scene before him stunned everyone: Qin Yuan... won?

After a few seconds, everyone really reacted.

The students of Yujing University cheered and gave high fives happily.

Everyone at Yujing Budo University rushed forward, and several people hurriedly hugged Li Zhaohui, preparing to carry him to the hospital.

Fortunately, as a martial artist, Li Zhaohui has forcibly stopped the bleeding.

Seeing everyone carrying Li Zhaohui and leaving, a few Yujing Budo University students who were behind hurriedly picked up Li Zhaohui's broken arm that had fallen on the ground, wondering if there was still a possibility of stitching when he arrived at the hospital.

However, they did not notice that, whether it was the fracture on Li Zhaohui's arm or the broken arm that fell on the ground, every cell in that section was already annihilated. In this case, even if the doctor has perfect suture technology , It is impossible to sew up the broken arm.

Looking at the cheering people at Yujing University, everyone at Yujing Budo University couldn't even speak harshly. They could only deject themselves and leave in despair.

No one expected that the strong students of Yujing University had never returned to school. As a result, a freshman caused the powerful and arrogant Yujing Budo University New Budo everyone to leave in embarrassment.

Seeing that no one at Yujing Budo University found the hidden weapon that Li Zhaohui had fallen on the ground, Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, leaned over and picked up the poisoned hidden weapon.

At this moment, the sophomore and freshman students in front of Yujing University surrounded Qin Yuan and cheered.

Qin Yuan only saw the information rushing through his imagination engine. As small as his temperament, as large as his swordsmanship and vitality, he has increased.

After a while, everyone calmed down.

Cen Su said indifferently, "Okay, let's go and practice hard."

A group of sophomores were obviously very frustrated with Cen Su, and they slipped away quietly, and also took away the cute freshman around him by the way.

Seeing that no one was around, Cen Su's delicate face showed a puzzled look: "You, the vitality is more than 116 points, right?"

Qin Yuan shuddered slightly.

"Although you seem to be able to withstand Li Zhaohui's attack very hard. But if it is really hard, you will not be able to withstand so many attacks just by your will." Cen Su analyzed the facts based on what he saw. Take it seriously.

Just as Qin Yuan was thinking about nonsense, Cen Su spoke again: "You don't have to think about explaining to me, you don't have to explain to me. Every genius has his own secret."

Seeing that Cen Su didn't mean to delve into it, Qin Yuan let go.

Just go to university, vitality 116, although amazing, but in general, still belongs to the list of geniuses and evildoers.

But the vitality test was 116 the day before, and 370+ the next day.

Increase vitality by 250+ a day.

In today's situation of internal and external troubles where there are demons outside and monsters inside, for the sake of justice, for mankind, and for the world, I am afraid that the government will want to dissect him to see how his vitality grows.

Seeing Qin Yuan relax, Cen Su's eyes under gold-rimmed glasses flashed with wise light, and he chuckled lightly: "Student Qin Yuan, your acting skills need to be improved! That is to say, I found out. If you change your teacher, pull If you go for a few more vitality tests and perform a whole body test on you, your secrets may not be hidden."

Even Cen Su, she felt that Qin Yuan used any method to make the vitality test inaccurate, and did not expect Qin Yuan to increase his vitality by more than 200 points a day.

At this time, Qin Yuan thought about cutting off Li Zhaohui's arms just now, and asked: "Teacher Cen, if I cut off Li Zhaohui's arms, will there be any problems?"

"What can be the problem?" Cen Su looked calm. "In this kind of battle between school students who are provocative and challenged to each other, unless life is caused, otherwise, it is normal to be disabled or abolished. It's nothing big.

It's just that you may be regarded as having an enmity with Yujing Budo University in the future.

In addition to being challenged by students of Yukyo Budo University. After going out, leaving the city for tasks, or meeting students from Yukyo Budo University in a sparsely populated place, just be careful. "

Qin Yuan couldn't help but frowned. Is this no problem?

Now that things have calmed down, Cen Su waved his hand to Qin Yuan and signaled Qin Yuan to enter the school quickly.

After entering the school, Cen Su went to work on his own affairs.

Song Yunfu, Ye Shaobei, and Li Yundao got out of nowhere and came to Qin Yuan's face.

"Are you familiar with Teacher Cen?"

The three of them had very strange expressions, and they asked such a sentence.

"At the beginning, Mr. Cen, as a teacher of the admissions office, came to Qing City to invite me to apply for Yujing University." Qin Yuan replied smoothly, and at the same time he was a little puzzled, "What's wrong? Is there any problem with Mr. Cen?"

The three of them appeared in a daze. Then one of them pretended to ponder, or pretended to be profound, or touched their chin and did not speak.

Qin Yuan didn't let the three of them circle around, and said, "What's wrong with Teacher Cen? Come on, I'm actually very curious. Sophomore seniors and sisters seem to be respectful and afraid of Teacher Cen?"

Song Yunfu said with a serious face: "Qin Yuan, have you heard of Haidian Seventeenth Daughter?"

"Haidian Seventeenth Daughter?" Qin Yuan looked dumbfounded at the new term.

Li Yundao, who has been silent for a long time, said, "Haidian Seventeenth Lady, that's Teacher Cen Su.

Probably, just last year. That is the year when our sophomore senior sisters just entered the school, there are 17 more famous universities in Haidian District, including Yujing University, Shuimu University, Huaxia Renmin University, and Yujing Budo University. Some outstanding graduates of the university formed the so-called martial arts They set the stage in front of the Yujing Demon and Dangyao Command Department, threatening that last year’s Demon and Dangyao operation failed because of the Some commanders in the Demon Squad Demon Headquarters are corpse meals, and they are not strong enough, and not decisive enough. Their martial arts team has to challenge these rubbish, if this **** can't defeat them, then please ask these **** to make room for them to come.

Of course the commanders couldn't bear being so provoked by a group of fresh graduate students. Immediately, several masters in the headquarters came out to fight, but they all lost! The students of 17 schools, especially the freshmen who heard this news, were all excited to cheer for the seniors.

Next, the military training group sent targeted masters to fight more than 20 consecutive battles, one undefeated! For a time, the martial arts group was so arrogant that it was about to force its way into the command center of Eliminating Demons and Dangling Demons.

But at this moment, Teacher Cen Su appeared. She was the only one, and in just one day and one night, she beat the outstanding graduates of the seventeenth school, kicked these students back to their own schools one by one, and deducted all their diplomas.

In this battle, Teacher Cen Su won the title of "The Seventeenth Mother of Haidian". Everyone would like to commemorate her feat of tying the seventeenth school graduates with this title. "

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