My Stand-in is Steve

Chapter 366: don't try to understand his actions

  Chapter 366 Do not try to understand His actions

  Compared to those complicated industrial modules.

  Fang Mo prefers this kind of functional mods.

   After all, it is currently impossible to view the synthesis list. He really doesn't understand those complicated modules.

   On the contrary, this lightweight mod does not need to check the synthesis list, not only can get a lucky block, but also comes with various convenient functions.

  Sinicization, small map, chain collection, oversized backpack, custom Steve...

  The functions brought by functional modules are dual, which means that not only Steve can use them, but even Fang Mo can.

   It's like the most powerful Sinicization module.

   This module allows Fang Mo to communicate with any creature, saving countless troubles.

  The oversized backpack allows Fang Mo to form a storage space in his body, which is also convenient and easy to use, not to mention customizing Steve.

   As for this binge eating.

  It also endowed Fang Mo with special abilities.

  Fang Mo studied a little bit on the spot, and found that there seemed to be another space in his body.

  This time it is not a brain hole, but a different space with its own digestive function, and everything eaten by oneself will appear in this space.

Fang Mo tried to swallow some things, such as gold, stones, wood, diamonds, etc., as long as he thought about it, this space would digest these things to nothing. Of course, Fang Mo could choose not to digest them. These things, store them here all the time.

  To be honest, this ability seems a bit tasteless.

  If you really want to devour something, just ask Steve to do it. With the blessing of MC rules on him, it can be called absolute devouring, saving time and effort.

  On the other hand, Fang Mo, without the blessing of MC rules, this ability is useless to him.

  If you have to say it, at most it is just an extra storage space in the body.

  Of course, there may be other uses for this ability, but Fang Mo hasn't figured it out yet, which is normal, after all, the mini-map and chain collection also endowed Fang Mo with corresponding abilities, but he also didn't research it.

  However, Fang Mo's mentality is still very good now.

  If he can't figure out how to use it temporarily, then he simply doesn't think about these things.

   After a short break, he soon continued to torment the members of the Special Class 4 team, throwing light bombs out without thinking, directly hammering the group from daytime to late night.

  At the end, even the demons were beaten so hard that they couldn’t get up.

  The training ground was even more of a mess. The entire land had been cut off several meters in height. As far as the eye could see, there was no piece of land that was complete, and big craters emitting green smoke could be seen everywhere.

  It is different from this group of members of the special class four who are embarrassed.

  Fang Mo had a great time playing.

  So after finishing the day's training, he started Brown's magic while humming a song, and went straight back to the villa for dinner.

  After a series of previous experiences.

  Ah Xue seems to have also discovered that Fang Mo seems to prefer to eat that kind of Chinese food.

  So there are no steaks and bread on the table tonight. Instead, there are braised pork in casserole, kale in oil, squirrel mandarin fish, kelp and lotus root soup, fried pork with mixed mushrooms, etc. Fang Mo's appetite is whetted.

   Just unlocked the binge eating module today.

  So he simply showed Ah Xue a real binge eating.

After drinking and eating, Ah Xue took the initiative to clean up the dining table, while Shoggoth helped to wash the dishes. It jumped onto the edge of the sink with a small tentacle and wiped it with a sponge. , carefully wiped every corner of the dinner plate.

   As for Fang Mo.

  He went to Egg.

   On the one hand, it is to give Himeno some food, on the other hand, it is to materialize some metals, and use these metals to create a set of armor covering the whole body for Himeno, so as to disguise her original identity.

   Due to the inability to dream.

   Now Fang Mo has no need for sleep.

  So taking advantage of the night, he tested the function of the name tag a little bit.

   Facts have proved that this name tag is indeed useful, it can change the names and powers of demons, but it also has great limitations.

   It's like a broomstick demon.

  Fang Mo initially tried to change its name to Cerebral Palsy Devil.

  However, after right-clicking on the name plate, a prompt sounded from the system.

  【System prompt: This name has already been taken! 】

   Immediately afterwards, Fang Mo tried several names, such as Niuzi Devil, Cotton Devil, and Capital Devil, all of which had the same result. The system beeped frantically, indicating that the name had been taken by someone and could not be changed.

  At the end, Fang Mo was also a little upset.

  He simply named the broom demon 'Red Carp and Green Carp and Donkey SB250'.

It turned out to be an unexpected success, only to hear the broom demon let out a scream, and then it turned into a strange mass of flesh and blood, in which two colors of carp could be vaguely seen, as well as a bunch of donkey heads with very mentally retarded expressions. mental pollution.

   Seeing this, Fang Mo hurried to Hayakawa Qiu's house.

  Since it is late at night, Zao Chuanqiu has been training for a whole day, and now he is asleep. After being woken up by Fang Mo, he seems to be a little bit angry.

   "You better be busy."

  After opening the door, the sleepy Hayakawa Akira said with a dark face.

   "I want to ask you something." Fang Mo didn't hesitate, he took out a broom and asked, "What is this?"

"…What's wrong with you?"

  Akira Hayakawa stared at the broom for a long time, and then said: "I ran over with a broom in the middle of the night, why, do you want to show me a little flying witch?"

   "Huh? You know it's called a broom?"

Fang Mo was also a little surprised, but just before Hayakawa Qiu's side was about to explode, he immediately straddled the broom and started haha: "You guessed it, Wuhu, I will show you a flying witch right now... "

   After saying that, Fang Mo flew away.

   Only Akira Hayakawa was left standing there with a headache.

  After returning home, Fang Mo continued to study the function of the naming tag, only to see that he re-released 'Red Carp, Green Carp and Donkey SB250', and then tried to change its name back to Broom Demon.

  But what he didn't expect was that the system actually gave another prompt that the name was taken.


  Hearing this, Fang Mo was also a little stunned.

Looking at the lump of flesh and blood in front of him, Fang Mo also pondered: "The name is taken by someone...means that there is already a broom demon in this world. It turns out that after the demon is renamed, it is equivalent to giving up the original authority. So a whole new broomstick demon will be born out of hell."

  After thinking about this.

  Fang Mo soon started a new test again.

   This time, Fang Mo summoned his stand-in Steve. With his mind moving slightly, Steve activated the devouring ability, and ate the turtle demon with a few clicks.

   After that, Fang Mo used a naming tag on the 'Red Carp, Green Carp and Donkey SB250', naming it the Tortoise Demon.

   This time it worked.

  I saw that the pool of flesh and blood on the ground instantly turned into a huge bastard.

Fang Mo tested it. Although this pool of flesh and blood had turned into a turtle demon, its memory belonged to the broom demon before. At this moment, even it itself was completely confused. It had no idea what Fang Mo had done to it. He wanted to activate his own ability, but after activating it, he found that it was the ability of the turtle demon.

  Fang Mo thought for a while, and then ordered Steve to spit out the turtle demon.

   However, the other party yue for a while, but then vomited loneliness, as if the other party had disappeared.

   "It's great, I'm gradually understanding everything."

   After understanding the magic function of the name tag, Fang Mo immediately cheered.

   From this point of view, as long as you find a way to find the mating demon, eat it first, free up the other party's authority, and then defeat Machima and name it the mating demon, it will be done.

  Marchma will live forever as a mating demon.

  And her authority will become Nayuta again after reincarnation in hell.

   Thinking of Maqima's golden ring eyes turning into pink love eyes, Fang Mo couldn't help but want to laugh. This demon-turned-succubus is so **** interesting.

  He didn't want to sleep at first.

   Then I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep even more.

  So next, Fang Mo tested some other usages of name tags.

It’s like trying to change the name of the demon to Nuclear Bomb Demon, to see if it can bring out some more fun, but Fang Mo didn’t expect it to be... When Steve right-clicked the turtle demon with the name tag, something popped up in his mind. An error message was displayed, indicating that the naming failed, which was impossible for Fang Mo to fix.

  If you ate the turtle yourself, you can name other demons as turtles, but if the chainsaw ate a nuclear bomb, you can’t name other demons as nuclear bombs yourself.

   I can't figure out what the principle is, okay?

  Fang Mo struggled all night, but in the end he still didn't understand what was going on.

  Considering that Hayakawa Qiu and his group were already waiting for him at the training ground, Fang Mo didn't continue to dig into the horns. He left the villa after eating breakfast, and continued to beat up the members of the fourth special class.

  Because I had been beaten all day yesterday.

  Currently, the group of the fourth special class has learned to work as a team.

  The Violent Demon and Hayakawa Qiu are in charge of the frontal attack, the angels and demons maintain air supremacy, the sharks and demons sneak attack, Dongshan Xiaohong is in charge of being cute and crying, and the cooperation is quite decent.

   But even if it is a match.

  They are obviously not Fang Mo's opponents.

  Fang Mo didn't even fire the light beam, he just threw a few light bullets and hit them to the point of doubting their lives.

  Basically, everyone can only hold on for about half an hour now, and then they will be blown away. Then the demons lie there drinking blood, while Hayakawa Qiu and Dongshan Xiaohong receive Fang Mo's treatment.

  Different from others, Hayakawa Qiu still needs to learn some basic ninjutsu during this time.

Fang Mo didn't bother to teach basic courses like stepping on water and climbing trees, so he just asked him to go home and practice. At present, what Hayakawa Qiu is teaching is the three-body technique, and there are more practical ninja skills like shadow clones. In short, lay the foundation first, otherwise it would be useless to teach him any forbidden skills.

   "Okay, get up quickly, the time for rest is over."

  After waiting for a while, Fang Mo directly pulled out the magic doctor sword from Hayakawa Qiu's body, and then clapped his hands: "Start the fourth round of actual combat training, the old rules, whoever falls first, I will..."

   Before Fang Mo could finish speaking, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the distance.

   "It seems that you are also training."

  Fang Mo turned his head and found that the person who came was the bank, who was still drinking casually at the moment: "I was asked to come here a long time ago. If there is nothing urgent, I will be angry."

   "Don't worry, this is definitely a big deal."

  Fang Mo was not ambiguous, and directly stated his intention with a smile: "Help me find a demon, or I will just go mad and destroy the world."

   "What demon?"

  The bank ignored the second half of Fang Mo's sentence, but asked directly.

   "Mating Demons."

  Fang Mo said seriously.

   "..." Even the shore, it seemed that he didn't understand Fang Mo's brain circuit for a while, with a stunned expression on his face, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses and ask, "What are you... doing with this demon?"

   "It's useless to say anything else." Fang Mo cheerfully stretched out his hand and pointed down, showing a comprehending expression of men.

  (end of this chapter)

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