My Sister is a Bit Ruthless

Chapter 500: Qiu Duoer VS Sambo

   Chapter 500 Qiu Duoer VS Sanbao

   "I feel that my supervision is not strong." Facing Lin Wanru's slow and weak emotional development, she made deep self-criticism and reflection.

   is also a small head, with the same processor, she still feels that the speed of her little head is not as good as that of Leng Yuanyuan and Xia Chongzhong.

  If you say that your speed reaches 12,987 per minute, the speeds of Yuanyuan and Little Bugs are at least 18.9 million per minute, or even higher.

  Fortunately, the ball-shaped object on Xiao Yuanyuan’s neck has been severely injured. If it had not been severely injured, the gap would be even greater.

  Since entering Leng’s family, although Xiao Tiantian’s psychology and cognition are all recovering and improving, compared with Xiao Chong Chong and Xiao Yuanyuan, she still cannot build enough cultural self-confidence.

  "External conditions are a factor, and I don't think the more important factor is a matter of supervision." Under the influence of his brother Xia Pengfei's good philosophy, the bug frowned and analyzed it seriously and calmly.

  "What do you say?" Leng Tiantian felt relieved when she heard that her problem was not the biggest problem, but at the same time, she didn't quite understand Xia Chongchong's analysis.

   "The hometown supermarket in Zixu City recently closed down. The main reason the boss himself concluded was industry competition;

In fact, the root cause is the lack of management by the hometown boss, lack of advanced system support and a keen sense of the times, which has led to the low core competitiveness of the hometown supermarket—"Xia Chongchong did not answer the cold and sweet questions directly, but instead negotiated. Business now.

   "Ah-why are you talking about the supermarket again? Does this have anything to do with my mother's relationship development?" There was confusion in her cold sweet eyes again. Xia Chongchong, a well-known small business capitalist in Zixu, succeeded in making Xiao Tiantian's head a paste.

  Leng Yuanyuan is obviously different.

As soon as Xia Chongchong spoke, she immediately understood Xia Chongchong's core intentions.

  Leng Yuanyuan blinked her big watery eyes and nodded thoughtfully, "The analogy method used by bugs. The closure of the supermarket in the hometown is mainly due to internal reasons, not external reasons.

  I heard that the suppression of Xiajia Fengyuan Group and Xudong’s Yunxia Group was also an important reason for the closure of the supermarket in the hometown.

  But not the most important reason.

  My sister who loves to preach the most, said that external cause is the condition of change, and internal cause is the root of change.

  If there is a problem, it is mainly for yourself. "

  "Is this the glorious history of your family's entrepreneurship?

  Are you showing off success or contempt for failure? "Leng Tiantian's focus has changed again.

   "Attention, the Xia family's entrepreneurship is not the focus of today's discussion." Leng Yuanyuan knocked on the table, wringing her brows and closing the divergent discussion.

   "What's the point? Oh, I forgot, it's my mother's personal problem."

   "I think my mother's mentality is the key." Leng Yuanyuan meditated for a moment and made a relatively scientific understanding.

"Yes, if you don't solve the problem of auntie's mentality, even a group of high-quality stock male gods will not be able to enter the aunt's eyes." Leng Yuanyuan's words can be regarded as Xia Chongchong's heart. Xia Chongchong speaks of excitement. Place, stand up.

  Suddenly hit a mollusk in his head.

   "Sixi, Teacher Qiu, good teacher Qiu, Teacher Qiu's eyebrow drawing skills are getting more and more exquisite—" Xia Chongchong smirked, trying to hide the fact that the class was running short.

  Qiu Duoer didn't know when she stood behind Leng Yuanyuan and Xia Chongchong, and she was shocked to lose her cognitive ability when she heard the academic discussion of the three babies.


  Are the dolls so mature now? Will it be possible to raise three dolls with Su Yichen in the future?

   "You...what are you doing?" Qiu Duoer's local dialects appeared. She straightened Xia Chongchong's small body and raised her waist regardless of her demeanor.

  Qiu Duoer is not a lady at all. Although she graduated from the mathematics department of a prestigious school, she sometimes swears when she is angry, and treats disobedient children like a tigress.

  For example, now, her two eyes shot sharp arrows at the Sambo. "It's fine if you don't listen to the teacher in class, and you haven't carried out self-study tasks yourself!"

   "Teacher Qiu, we are working on construction." Xia Chongchong was caught by Qiu Duoer while running away, and he didn't panic. He touched the bow and said solemnly.

   "Construction? What construction? You don't fool me!" Qiu Duoer's small flame burst out instantly and rushed to the ceiling of the classroom, trying to ignite the entire affiliated kindergarten.

  "We are discussing how to promote the construction of family spiritual civilization." Leng Yuanyuan took a sip of the best-selling drink purchased by Fengyuan Group, and said unhurriedly following Xiao Chong Chong's thoughts.

  Xiao Tiantian admired the calmness of these two babies, and said pretentiously: "Yes, family spiritual civilization construction!"

  "Family spiritual civilization building!" Qiu Duoer stared at her eyes as if suffering from hyperthyroidism. "The baby with a big fart is worried about adults. Can you manage yourself better first?"

  Xia Chongchong immediately refuted Qiu Duoer: "Teacher Qiu, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world!

  Family country is the same.

  Everyone is duty-bound to do a good job in family building. To do a good job in the construction of the family must start with the baby. "

   Xiao Yuanyuan also expressed support for Xia Chongchong: “Mother’s matters are nothing trivial. Since it is a major matter, every baby should do his best to solve problems for her mother.”

  "Yes! Solving problems for mom!" Leng Tiantian always likes to repeat the key words in Xia Chong Chong and Leng Yuanyuan.

  "You can't expect us to be a baby who ignores the feelings of family members, right?" Leng Yuanyuan sipped his drink again and said plausibly.

  Qiu Duo'er crossed Xiaoman's waist, his head short-circuited before the babies eloquently argued.

  She wants to put out her own class rules as aggressively as last time, after all, she is in charge of her class.

  But it feels that if you want to use general rules to restrain a few genius babies, and use normal thinking to regulate the thinking of the three babies, she may have complied with the school rules and disciplines in form, but may be even more dereliction of duty in essence.

  "Wonderful! A few babies, please continue!" Surprisingly, Qiu Duoer did not blame the Sambo, but gave her appreciation and support for their sophistry.

  (End of this chapter)

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