My Sister is a Bit Ruthless

Chapter 405: Xia Pengfei pretended to have a sore throat

  Chapter 405 Xia Pengfei pretends to have a sore throat

When    is held in the hand, it is often trampled underfoot, and only regrets it when it is lost.

   Liu Xudong is such a person.

  However, he is not the only person with this symptom!

  Hua Kedo did not even give Liu Xudong a reason, nor did he ask Liu Xudong for any break-up fees, so he left so simply.

  Hua Keduo even changed seats with others, no longer at the same table with Liu Xudong.

  After leaving Liu Xudong, Hua Keduo, the whole person's spirit and spirit have been renewed, like a new life.

  Having to work and study again, Hua Kedo, who has a thin body, feels tired, but it also makes Hua Kedo feel more at ease than ever before.

  In order to prove that he is not influenced by Hua Keduo, Liu Xudong has asked He Tingting and Sui Jiayuan to share his leisure life many times.

  However, the time after that was different because of Hua Keduo's departure.


  "Xiaodong, to celebrate the first and a half years of our acquaintance, what surprises are you going to give me?"


   "Brother Dong, tomorrow is my birthday. What gift would you like to buy me?"


  "Xiaodong, after singing, let’s go shopping, Wolong Road has a new limited edition bag, I really like it......"


  He Tingting and Sui Jiayuan use Liu Xudong as a personal money printing machine. Asking for gifts lavishly.

  These made Liu Xudong's heart more and more empty, and he missed Hua Keduo, who had never asked for gifts ever since.

   Liu Xudong was surprised to discover a fact:

  He never even gave a decent gift to Hua Kedu.

  But so far, Hua Ke Duo is the only girl he has ever moved sincerely.

  Even when Hua Keduo's mother passed away and lived in Liu Xudong's house, Hua Keduo was also rejecting Liu Xudong's gift.

  Although she has a carefree nature and cannot create more wealth by herself, she does not want to owe Liu Xudong too much simply because of wealth.


  "How much did you spend on my tuition?"


   "How much do you cost per meal?"


  "Don’t buy me things, my living expenses and tuition have already been spent a lot...I feel that I am particularly useless and will only increase the burden on others."


   "Xudong, do you like He Tingting? Do you dislike me?"


   "If you don't like me, you must tell me..."


   "Where are you now, are you deliberately avoiding me?"


  In the past, when Hua Kedo was by Liu Xudong's side, he always whispered in Liu Xudong's ears, which made Liu Xudong a little annoyed.

  Recalling those words carefully, they are all manifestations of Hua Kedo’s insecurities.

  In all fairness, Liu Xudong’s style and wealth really make it difficult for a girl who really likes him to feel safe.

   "Duo Duo, if you don't work hard, the gods can't save you." With Si Yu's encouragement, Hua Ke Duo's eyes became more and more focused while listening to the class. In his spare time, his enthusiasm for studying became more and more prosperous. ...


"...One day Song Shenzong approached Wang Anshi very angrily and asked him how it was done. Some people said that there was a question in the Guange exam, saying that these three words are popular in the outside world. Insufficient words'.

   Said that this is a question in the Guange exam. Emperor Shenzong said, how could such a question arise? I have asked someone to cover up this question and re-write it! ...

  The emperor was irritated by the three popular words from the outside world. Who can remove the three-sentence text barrier for us? Why did the Emperor Shenzong hurt his liver? "

  In the history class, Nian Wentian with extraordinary style is taking the history elective course "Wang Anshi Reform". When referring to a question in the Guange exam, he asked the students.

  No one in the class raised their hands, except for two beautiful students.

  One is Hua Keduo, the other is Ye Zhiqiu.

   Even Xia Pengfei, who is No. 1 in liberal arts, and Leng Siyu, No. 1 in history, remained unmoved.

  Nian Wentian mainly wanted Xia Pengfei and Leng Siyu to answer questions.

  He is not only concerned about people with excellent academic performance, but wants people with excellent academic performance to quickly and satisfactorily answer teaching questions and improve classroom teaching efficiency.

  But Xia Pengfei and Leng Siyu didn't want to express themselves, their two big eyes only watched Nian Wentian quietly.

  There are people who try to answer the questions. As a subject teacher, you can’t ignore it, right.

  "All for students, for all students, for all students." This is the creed that Nian Wentian has always abided by.

   "Please ask Hua Keduo to interpret it for us." In desperation, Nian Wentian helped Hua Ke to answer more questions.

   Liu Xudong immediately cast a melancholy look at the ex-girlfriend of Hua Kedu.

"Let me try it, my classical Chinese skills are not very deep." Hua Keduo stood up calmly, looking straight ahead, and replied whispered, "'Heaven is not afraid of change' means that there is any change in the sky like thunder. Rain, earthquake, volcanic mudslides are nothing terrible;

  'The ancestor's inadequacy method' refers to the ancestor's method, and there is nothing to inherit and imitate, which means that we don't necessarily follow the ancestor's method;

  'Popular language is not enough to be shirtless' means that there is nothing to worry about in all kinds of folk discussions;"

  Hua Keduo's voice is gentle and sweet but very penetrating, showing the unique charm of a singer with talent. After answering, the lingering sound of Hua Keduo seems to be echoed over the classroom.

  "Good answer, please sit down." Hua Keduo's answer exceeded Nian Wentian's expectations, and he affirmed Hua Keduo with a smile on his face.

  Until Hua Keduo sat down, Liu Xudong's eyes stared at Hua Keduo could not be removed for a long time, as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle.

   "Student Hua Keduo cleared us of the literal barrier of the'three deficiencies', can anyone analyze the reasons for Song Shenzong's anger for us?" Nian Wentian looked at Xia Pengfei and Leng Siyu sitting in the third row.

  Xia Pengfei and Leng Siyu remained indifferent.

  Two beauties raised their slender right hands without hesitation.

   Still Hua Kedu and Ye Zhiqiu.

  "Ye Zhiqiu, please analyze it for us." Nian Wentian held the frame again.

   Ye Zhiqiu stood up, and replied unhurriedly: "The emperor is very nervous. This is normal. Natural disasters are not afraid. The ancestors’ methods are not necessary. The public opinion of the people is ignored. Regardless of it, isn’t it lawless?

   Then he, the emperor, should he listen to it? Therefore, it is normal for him to be nervous. "

   Ye Zhiqiu spoke very popularly, but Nian Wentian was still not satisfied. He finally lost his temper and turned his attention to Xia Pengfei.

  Xia Pengfei, through the help of Siyu and his own efforts, has raised the historical performance of weak subjects to a decent level.

"Ahem -" Xia Pengfei didn't want to answer the question. He just wanted Leng Siyu to answer. One is to listen to her voice, and the other is to get her historical thinking. He stood up and coughed twice, pretending to be heinous. Ill, "Teacher, I had a cool breeze by the river yesterday, and my throat hurts. I want to ask Siyu to answer for me."

  Leng Siyu's beautiful eyes widened, looking at Xia Pengfei murderously.

  You, your body is so good that you can’t get better, where does your throat hurt?

  Dare to deceive the respected teacher, shameless, shameless, profiteer!

  Xia Pengfei’s proposal was in line with Nian Wentian’s intentions, and Nian Wentian’s eyes turned to the energetic Leng Siyu, "Student Leng Siyu, then please analyze it for us."

  "Confucius said that as a gentleman, there should be three things to be awed.

  Which three things?

   One is the destiny, the other is the words of the adults, and the third is the words of the saints.

  In other words, you must respect the laws of nature, society, and history. You must not despise nature, challenge nature, and do whatever you want. This is the first;

  Second, in addition to fearing nature, we must also fear those virtuous and wise rulers, that is to say, we should fear the defenders of the existing order;

  Thirdly, one should be in awe of the teachings of the saints.

  It means that a gentleman stands in the world and cannot be afraid of nothing. If he is afraid of nothing, a lawless person, he is a person without a bottom line, he must be able to do anything.

  The'three shortcomings' are a blatant challenge to Confucius''three fears'.

  Song Shenzong is the supreme of the ninety-five years. No matter how bold he is, he still dares not risk the world, nor does he dare to shout out the radical remarks of ‘the sky is not enough to fear, the ancestor’s lack of law, and the people’s words are not good enough’!

  This is tantamount to challenging the public order and morals of the entire society!

  In the Northern Song Dynasty, the feudal legal rights and social orthodoxy theory have been quite perfect.

  The emperor is indeed supreme in the secular regime, but you cannot challenge the bottom line of ethics and public opinion in this era!

  So, there are public opinions about these three shortcomings in society, can Song Shenzong not panic?

  You dare to challenge the foundation of this social ideology, in fact, it is to challenge the foundation of his imperial power. Can he not be afraid? ..."

  Xia Pengfei was fortunate that he pretended to have a sore throat. He was convinced that if he were to answer this question, he would not be able to reach the height and depth of Si Yu's understanding of this question.

  When Nian Wentian didn’t pay attention, the teenager quietly held one of the girl’s hands and whispered: "Baby, you are awesome."

  The boy’s instinct to use his hands and feet remains unchanged, but the girl was angry with him, raised her hoof, and kicked the boy’s calf...


Nian Wentian turned his head and saw Xia Pengfei's deformed face, and asked warmly: "Xia Pengfei, has the pain in your throat transferred to your mouth again?"

  (End of this chapter)

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