My Second Dimension Journey

My journey to the second dimension Text 3 Chapter 260, Massacre!

"You mean, they are justified, don't they?" Zhang Xiang walked two steps forward and walked to the high school girl with heavy makeup.

There was a bitter coldness in his eyes, and the high school girl with heavy makeup couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"Don't, don't come here..." the high school girl with heavy makeup said with a horrified face.

"So, if I rape you and then kill you now. Then, I'm sorry to say to you, isn't it justified?" Zhang Xiang used plain words and said cold words.

Although his words were plain, but coupled with the murderous aura emanating from Zhang Xiang, in the heart of the high school girl with heavy makeup, it was probably no less than a scourge or a demon.

The high school girl who had been retreating couldn't help but fall to the ground.

Because she could feel that Zhang Xiang could say that it was really possible to do it.

Thinking about the things that the other pair of red hairs was doing, she felt her legs tremble, and she didn't even have the strength to stand up again.

"Answer me!" Zhang Xiang's tone suddenly became severe.

The anger that emerged from those eyes was like burning her to ashes.

These guys who think they are righteous gentlemen, when Xiaokong and the others are in danger, they will be frightened by the bad things, and look at each other.

The people who met Zhang Xiang's eyes seemed to have fallen into an ice orifice. They were stiff and unable to move. They were so frightened that their feet began to tremble.

Then, Zhang Xiang turned around with this cold killing intent.

However, when he turned halfway, he suddenly turned his head to face those

"If you want to stop it, you can come~" Zhang Xiang said in a soft tone to those so-called upright gentlemen.

However, his words are not over yet.

"But oh~ what will happen, I can't guarantee it~" A trace of real murder flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

At that moment, everyone present felt that they were about to be killed.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Until Zhang Xiang walked to the face of Hong Mao, who had runny nose, twisted his face, and felt extremely painful, but strangely unable to pass out, no one stood up to stop him.

Then, while smiling, he lifted his foot again and trampled vigorously on the opponent's left hand.

'Kacha', there was another crisp sound.

Some of the crowd showed a look of intolerance, some showed a look of fear, and some showed a look of excitement.

However, without exception, none of them dared to stop Zhang Xiang.

"Haha, have you done all the bones in your whole body, have you broken the pain?" Zhang Xiang sneered, bowed his head, facing the pain, his eyes opened extremely wide, saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth unconsciously, softly Said.

However, it is said softly, but people around can easily hear the specific content.

The red hair, who was about to lose consciousness in pain, woke up unexpectedly after hearing this sentence.

"Let...Let...Alright...I..." The red hair was crying, and his face was bloodstained, begging for mercy like a bereaved dog.

Moreover, because of the extreme pain, he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

His broken hands were bloody, bloody, and bones, and the blood from his hands and back stained a large area of ​​the ground.

However, what responded to him was Zhang Xiang's devilish smile.

"Don't worry, I will send your companions to accompany you..." Zhang Xiang said softly.

"But... damn, I... I just do... I'm a ghost, and I won't... I won't let you go..." A strong resentment flashed in Hong Mao's eyes, and he did not reflect on what he had done.

"Really? Let's go!" Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed a strong killing intent.

Immediately, his right foot lifted up and he was about to trample down on the opponent's heart.

However, at this moment, an accident happened.


"Stop!" With the sound of a gunshot, a heroic woman pointed her gun in Zhang Xiang's direction...

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