My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 477

The spirit of the spirit of the spirit is bright, and the fingertips of Zhong Xiaoyu also lit a dark lightning.

Mo Chen's voice came again: "This is my soul, others can't see this dense fog, only two people can."

"Blood spirits should make chaos, hidden in the dark."

"I created a fascinating fog that blocked the sky and hidden in the dark."

Murong Qingyue held a thousand flames, but said: "But I am now rushing into the inner court, once you are defending, it also conflicts."

Mo Chen said: "That will change it again."

Another golden element flew out from Mo Chen, always flying to Murong.


The golden component quickly misses the form, one piece fell on the Murong Qing Moon.

Helmet, surface, shoulder, breastplate, arm, leg armor, boots ...

It is like the scene in the movie in the past, and the golden component combines a set of armor with the defense sergeant in the Murong Qing Moon.

After the armor is completed, the color has changed.

Its performance is no longer a golden luster, but it becomes the same iron gray as the armor's armor.

"Now, you can go!"

The Murong Qing moon snorted: "Your pattern is really a lot."

Say, jumping in the fog.


Mo Chen suddenly called her, the golden component was turned on a knife and lost the past.

"Take a knife, your sword is too eye!"

Looking at the Murong Qingyue left, Mo Chen touched the Pakistan.

"Don't do it in two, anyway, it is a hide and seek, then play again."

The sky is turned out to fly out of the golden components, and the two sets of armor are added, and they are set on Mo Chen and Zhong Xiaoyu.

"This time, let's take a look, who first caught!"

Chapter 442

Li Zhengfeng felt not bad at all in the yard.

Such a strong fog, can't see three feet in his eyes.

Moreover, all of the confusing sounds from the outside court have also stated that this Weijia Court has already had a major change.

Li Zhengfeng guarded the room where the Lu family is located, Shen Sheng: "The big monk leads the lady, the outer hospital may have an accident, and these dense fog may be the enemy's trick."

"Please don't panic, the end will definitely protect you and the Lu family."

Lu Yuli was silent in it, and the sound said: "I have repeatedly explained that I am not your big lady, you just don't listen."

"Take again, this Wei family is up and down, do you only protect our family?"

Li Zhengfeng said: "The big collar has ordered, and the five thousand tiger catheri will take over the city of Jinyuan City."

"At this time, those gods should be on the way to enter the city, soon to control the situation of the entire Jinyuan City."

"At the moment, the enemy deliberately creates confusion, and makes such a big fog, it is possible to come to the lady."

"So the end will definitely can't leave here, please forgive me!"

At this time, a person rushed here in the fog, Li Zhengfeng said: "Who is it ?!"

I saw that the man waved his hands and shouted: "Li Dab, Li, is me, Wei Zhangquan."

Li Zhengfeng saw Wei Jia 's home, a little relieved, but did not relax the heart of the surrounding warning.

"Mr. Wei, what is the situation in the hospital?"

Wei Zhang ran to Li Zhengfeng, look panic: "Li Native, don't mention, those people don't know how to send crazy, become a monster, see people, see people, see people!"

"Li Dynasty, you quickly sent people to go out and put them all."

"If it is later, this Wei's home is up and down, I am afraid that I have to kill it by those monsters."

Li Zhengfeng said: "My duty is to protect the safety of the big collar, and the outside thing is still not going to take care of it."

"But you don't have to worry, Tiger Camp will enter the city, soon control the situation ..."

Wei Zhang seems to be slightly relieved, and said: "Li Dab, the big feet have been gone for a long time, there is such a thing, I think I am afraid that someone is deliberate, and the big leaders are unfavorable!"

"Adults also know that Mrs. Dab is the guest of my Wei Jia, if there is something in Wei's family, I can't afford it."

"In this inner court, there is still a secret room, it is better to let the Mrs. Mrs will enter the secret room, more secure."

Li Zhengfeng sneaked, said: "It is good!"

At the moment, the number of guards in his hands is not much, this fog is coming again, no one knows what will happen next.

If there is a more securely hidden place, it will of course be more secure.

But Li Zhengfeng is not a person who is losing. This place is Wei Zhang full recommendation, but it is not suitable, but also know.

"You take me first!"

At this time, the fog fiercely rushed out of a dozen a variety of veterinary people, a binochang red, crazy, screaming.

Li Zhengfeng handheld the knife, and more than a dozen guards also guarded the knife in hand, and it was waiting.

Wei Zhang is full of shocking, just calling in his mouth: "The adult is saved !!!"

Looking at the Wei Zhang is full of unmanned Suthers, the veterinary man has been fierce, Li Zhengfeng doesn't have any of the law, and I grasp the Wei Zhang all advakened the room where the Lu family is located.

"Stay inside, don't move!"

At this time, the veterinary man has already rushed to the near, Li Zhengfeng war knife, the battle of the war, the tweef.

"Blood Wu !!!"

After the sergeants behind them, they should drink.

"Breaking the military!!"

Concentrateing their bloodwood warfare from everyone from everyone, giving a bloody tiger in the air.

Bloodwood warlord.

The bloody teeth slammed, and slammed the earth.

This is a roar that condenses them without war.

The tiger's voice, each sergeant's body shape, the muscles have increased, and the muscles become more solid.

This is the power from robe and is also from their own strength.

When the soul is condensed, they will never fight alone!

Li Zhengfeng once again, welcoming a knife of the beast.


The paws of the vetochemier, hit the knife with the war knife, splashing a string of sparks.

Other veterinary people have also played with guards.

More than a dozen mustachable people screamed, and once again initiated the impact once again.

The quantity of the veterinary man is similar to the number of sergeants, but more than a dozen sergeants make up a strict combat formation, calmly respond, and unrest.

After the time of hand, Li Zhengfeng is slightly.

These veterinary people should only be placed in ordinary people, seemingly powerful, in fact, in fact.

"Sustain the array, gradually clear!"

The army has gone, and the knife became faint, and the veterinary man immediately became stakeholder.

It seems to be a dangerous breath, and the veterinary people become more arrogant, and the attack is actually strong.

A veterinary man slammed the arms to the sergeants in front of them.

The sergeant is very knife, nor does it know if it is a violent reason, this anger's movement is actually a lot of time.

Seeing that the war knife is going to the veterinary man, the arms of the veterinar have already hugged the sergeant.

The sergeant's heart is tight, drinking, and fighting hard to push away the veterinary people.

But this veterinary man has been dead, and the sergeant is strong, and the center of gravity is unstable, and it is a row, "!", Hit the side of the door next to it, and roll in.

In the Weijia Inner Court, it was originally the home of Weijia, because Lu Yu's identity, now the Weijia in the whole inner courtyard, it is used to resettle the people of Lujia.

The land is also a few people, now I am gathered together, so there is an empty room everywhere.

After the sergeant hit into the room and the veterinary man, he only listened to a mess, it was obviously to start the meat.

Li Zhengfeng saw a frown.

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