My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting angle 471

Starting from an ordinary squad, all the way counterattack, won the military power, finally became the general, gotting "

The name of God of War.

Then, build the forces, establish a dynasty, cultivating martial arts, continue to collect, until the world, complete the immortal wealth.

Throughout the gang of the Tiger, it is a war of war with countless killing.

All of his glory and glory are completed in the opponent again and again.

Those who have been behind the horse is another opponent, and it is finally a road to the gods to the heaven.

After reading this short history, there are only four words in Mo Chen: War Machine.

Let's take a look at this person in front of you, Mo Chen added three words.

Icy, war machine!

Such a person, a life of the horse, and wins countless, it is of course full of confidence in his decision.

The practitioners have a self-contained world, with independent activities of the world.

And all this is not in the iron-saving system, so it is excluded.

One of the important links to Tihu have achieved victory, which is to abandon all uncontrollable factors.

Mo Chen didn't know, in the original idea of ​​the old man, how to place the position and order of the phoenix and the iron tiger.

After all, the Tihu is different from others.

Feng Yao must be the power of the world, it is already the trend of the staples.

From the perspective of the god of Tihu, he does not overcome the soldiers, it is already in the same part of the god, giving Feng Yao face.

He is absolutely impossible to be a saddle to follow Feng Yao left right behind the horse.

Therefore, even if Feng Yao is going to the original script, he will remember the iron tiger to the old emperor.

But the northwest war is good, the back of the empress of the empire is good, but it is a stage of Tihu to show yourself.

And waiting for the smoke, everything is calm, and the two bigiers will eventually be more and more, and according to one party.

I don't react, don't take me.

After all, everyone is God, no one wants to give it.

"So, Feng Yao did not have to change the strategy to the northwest, but it broke the subtle balance between their two?"

In addition to the big court, hundreds of sergeants have neitched teams. When I saw Tihu came out, a sergeant quickly took a black high head horse, and the army shouted.

"Congratulations to the big leadership!"

Although the faces of these sergeants have obvious servant dust, they still have a strong chest, showing the war.

Tiger Head does not return, turn over the horse, look back, Tao Chen, said: "In the northwest war, I don't want to see the practitioners like you."

"This is the last advice I gave you!"

Tan Jinzhong also rode a horse, telling a few words to the ministry, tightening with the iron tiger.

Many quickly saved the order, hundreds of sergeants at the door quickly divided into several teams, their respective colors were scattered, only a team stayed outside Wei Jiamen.

Wei Jia's upper and lower hibli has not returned.

"This, this is gone?"

Wei Zhang's first response, piled up a smile, he said: "Dear, Daba can come to Wei Jiayi banquet, this is the honor of Wei Jia, is also our blessing."

"Today, Wei Jia is ready for thin wine, everyone will pay for the Dormation, I wish the big lead flag to win, Wei Zhen four!"

Wei Zhang whole sentence quickly alleviated the embarrassing atmosphere in the court, and everyone is slowly easy.

When the housekeeper saw the time, he hurriedly called: "Master, Ji Ni has arrived, hurry to be a young master to go to the door."

Wei Zhang is listening to the whole, and he will hear Wei Junyi, "I'm waiting for something, go fast."

But Wei Junyi has not went out, and the sergeant outside the door has blocked Wei Jiadou.

"Dormation has made it, the whole city is martial martial law,."

"Fight against the ban, be!"

"Four , !"

Wei Zhang is listening, and I am in a hurry.

"Armya, this, this is a good news, people are still waiting to pick up their relatives!"

The guardian of the door is not moving, but the sword is scabble.

Wei Zhang did not have an idea, hurry to Wu Shounou, "Chengzhi people ..."

I haven't finished it, the sergeant of an officer in the door has called Wu Shoujin: "At the end of Li Zhengfeng, please come to the unparalleled strength."

Wu Shoujin, where to take care of Wei Zhang, hurry out and ran out.

"It's coming, and you will go to check out."

Wei Zhang first Wu Shoujin also ran away, I was addicted to God, "How is this?"

Other guests see the situation and more serious, Wei Jiayi is not going, what is the rest of this wedding?

Now I saw Wu Shoujun, and I wanted to leave with you.

Just a group of people flocked directly to the door, but they were directly stopped.

Li Zhengfeng said: "The military order has repeatedly approved, and the three days are not allowed to leave home!"

"Do you think of a child?"

"More presence, military law is engaged in, be!"

A guest is panicked.

When I met the iron tiger, although they were shocked to the identity of Tihu, I didn't think about what the ban had to do with you.

These guests have many official positions.

On weekdays, take relationships, make privileges, these things have long been used to do it, and they have not linked to themselves.

In their eyes, all the decrees are for those ordinary people, when will they fall in their?

Is this a battle today?

No way?

Yang Yun first ran to Li Zhengfeng, pointed to his own channel: "I, I am the Sima ginseng in Changyuan County, II is Zhiri County House Wengong Zhongzheng ..."

Did not finish, Li Zhengfeng has raised his hands in his hands, brushing a cold light, straight to Yang Zunyuan.


The guests can see it tight.

Lujia sister is even more exciting.

Yang Yun's Sima ginseng will be just a civilian, there is no force in the body.

This knife goes down, iron is to be part of the body.

Yang Yunyuan was scared, but it was soft, but it couldn't move his finger.


Lu Yu fiercely issued a clear.

The war knife is in a cold blade that has fallen in Yang Yunyuan's neck, but also stops.

Li Zhengfeng took the knife, and his face was in the face.

"It is not only to come to the big lady, and he will spare him."

Lu Yu is only an urgent urgency to stop, and I didn't expect Li Zhengfeng to live.

But listening to Li Zhengfeng, Lu Yuzhen shook his head.

"I am not a big leader."

"No, now, not."

Li Zhengfeng still gives her a gift, but no longer says.

Yang Yanyong took the soft on the ground, and there was a shaft of qi.

Lu Yuqi rushed over and cried him and cried.

The lady of Lu Jia suddenly took Lu Yu, and the hate was blamed: "At this time, what happened?"

Mo Chen turned the past, just saw that Murong Qingyue and Zhong Xiaoyu were standing behind the crowd, could not help but smile, said: "The new lady can't get it, many people still have to eat three days, ..."

"Wei Jia's wedding, it is not easy!"

The 436th chapter of the soldiers under the city

All the guests will fight for a while.

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