My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 320

Mo Chen is a little head, said: "Well, I left the Town with Murong Town with Murong, and I was separated from the sister."

"Then, according to what you said, I found my own whereabouts were discovered by the two magic of the red flames and green wood. In order to get rid of the challenges of the two magic princes, I found you in the northwest, fake news, and induce you. Come, with the two magic kings. "

When I said, Mo Chen stopped and said again:

"I tried, the two magic princes found me first, I notified the northwestern gate, but when Gong Sunzhai arrived at the scene, did not see the figure of the two devils."

"Do you think that the speed of the two magic princes is more than the speed of your northwest Qianquan practitioners?"

"This is still not counted in the seven people, and then the northwest seven doors will call the same time, the time to assemble."

When everyone thought, I felt that I didn't say it.

In the northwest, the master of the public, the master, the talents, the top of other disciples, and even the insights, even ambiguous.

In any case, their speed is impossible to pass the two magic of the magic gates.

Moreover, in contrast to the strength of the two magic and Mo Chen, the two magic princes discovered that the time of Mo Chen, should also find their time in Mo Chen.

In this way, the time left to Mo Chen is less.

Mo Chen's speed is not very fast, so that everyone has digestive information. "Of course, Gongsunzhai is mentioned that when they arrive, the two magic princes may have arrived, then the killer ..."

"But if so, it is more strange ..."

"Since the goal of the two princes is me, if the two have arrived, don't take me, but put me on one side, wait for you to go, run, to deal with you seven practitioners."

"It's hard, these two devil brains have problems?"

This issue, no one can answer.

But it is obvious that there will be no problems with both the devil or the brain.

Since their goal is the devil, it will definitely put all the attention.

The dry pole Luo Cheng Li has some excitement: "People in the magic gate, the neutrality, what is wrong?"

"They saw the people in the seven doors, and they couldn't be fierce, what can't?"

Mo Chen said: "Row! If you say, they don't ask, see people to kill."


"You also verified yourself, behind the two princes in order to compete for the Devil Ding, the big shot, the last death."

"What is this explanation?"

"Note that the two devils are between them, do not trust."

"Not only don't trust, but also for the demon god, they even kill each other, exclusively."

Mo Dother has a slight taste, said: "So ... in such a critical juncture, not only about the treasure, but also to life and death."

"The two magic kings can have such Yaxing, first waste your strength on you, then come to kill a battle, compete for the ownership of the Devil ..."

"Replace yourself, feel possible?"

Mo Chen smiled coldly, said: "With the ability of their two, only need to be bright in front of you, how many people dare to stay in that place?"

Many people in the venue have nodded.

Although the number of people went in northwest, although there are many, the realm is much more than the devil's committee.

If the two major magic people appear at the same time, this seven doors, I am afraid that there is no one dare to stay a moment.

And the two magic people will not come to the critical time of the gods, and they also spread their energy on the other irrelevant people.

The top more of the momentum and scares everyone to achieve the purpose.

After all, their true opponents, only the other party.

Gongshun Yan is a somewhat on the tongue. He is self-reliant: "You don't look at our northwestern seven doors, and the seven doors are all the gods, but they are all helpers."

"Even if his two magic princes are strong, we will fight with them in the end of the devil's dedication!"


Mo Chen is not polite to interrupt him, "These leather, you will blow it later!"

"Everything you say, I don't stand at the foot at all!"

"All all the problems are all coming from your so-called zone!"

Mo Chen's speed gradually began to speed up, said: "You said, your goods are smuggled, I will put this one side."

"However, the seven martial arts needed to have the secrets needed to be at the same time, in the same place, via the same smuggling channel, will this not, too coincident?"

This problem, but not asked the principal of seven in the northwest, but asked all the practice of all the practice.

Everything I have heard before, I've been demonstrated, and I have already thought some truth. At this time, I will listen to him, and I'm secretly.

In the case of it, this is all, it is really a bit too much.

It is seven people, I can't do so unity, let alone seven martial arts?

Unless their supplier is the same.

If it is the same supplier, it is so secret, and the goods may also be the same.

So, what kind of thing, worth these martial arts, so that you are so deep?

Yu Lingze asked: "So, Mo Mo, you mean ..."

Chapter 307, Mr. Yu Mr.

Mo Chen said: "In fact, I think everyone should think of it. The northwestern seven doors will be so clever. The reason is that the reason they are traded. They are from the same supplier, they buy, the same goods."

Yu Lingze looked at the northwestern seven doors and asked: "What kind of cargo is that the Mother believes?"

Mo Chen said: "It is, I have said before, hiding the blood gods and teachings, blood spirit!"

Yu Lingzhu nodded slightly, said: "This blood is the bead, you have already mentioned, but what kind of conspiracy do you think, can you tell?"

Mo Chen is very collected, said: "According to the formula of the blood gum beads you get from the north, I found that there are two very specific things in it."

"First, there is a semester of the monster, second, in addition to the serum of the monster, and the beast of the monster."

"This mousse is essential and animal spirit, which will erode human body and soul."

"After the body is eroded, it will become as strong as the monster."

"But under the guidance of the secret law of blood, the beast is awakening, will occupy the body and consciousness of the people, making people a humanoid monster that is controlled by the Secret Master of the Blood."

At this point, the public is on the spot.

"Actually ... there is something like this?"

I will think that Mo Chen first says that the northwestern quarters and fierce speech, this connection, the contact is coming.

Mo Chen also said: "Not only that, but also hot, it is also hot, a pill called strong muscles,"

"I also have to get the formula of the strong gusp pill, I found that it is completely in the same pulse with the blood of the bead, but the main effect is still the same, but the main function is basically the same, which will make people alien become a monster ..."

The Flying Fish Palace Song Qianqiao still can't sit, get up and angry: "Mo Chen, you are completely unmanned, there is no blessing."

"I have repeatedly declared that this blood gum is refining."

"You not only don't see the palace of my flying fish, but it is more vicious. After taking it, it will become a humanoid monster, it is a ridiculous."

Mo Du said lightly: "Song Gonglian, you have repeatedly explained that blood spirit is refining for the flying fish palace, please ask the refillation people, let's know."

Song Xianqiao is called a person, but he has to deal with it: "Blood beads are the secrets of my flying fish palace, how can I easily appear in front of people?"

Mo Chen shakes his head, "the goods traded in the northwest" is a secret medicine that is a secret, flying fish palace, is a transaction. "

"Your secret is so much, in fact, in the end, it is the same secret."

Mo Chen screamed, took out three strips, handed it to Yu Lingze, said: "This is a list of resources for blood gum beads when the flying fish palace is used to exchange blood."

"I believe that the resources provided by the northwest and the molf is also small."

"The other two, it is the formulation of the strong gluten pills hot in the current border."

Yu Lingze has seen the formula of blood gums and strong gluten pills, so I deliberately take the list in front of you.

After reading it, Yu Lingzer's brow gradually wrinkled, and his paper was handed over with the master of the public.

After seeing, all sects have seen it.

The inflammation is from the Pistan: "The list listed above, the number is large, the name is complicated, but many of them are required, and some of them are more important to prohibit the prohibition of prohibited materials in the market."

"If it is true, so many military supplies flow into the martial arts ..."

The words behind the Lieyang don't have to say more, people present can guess.

Mo Niki is a lot of armaments, inevitably have a big mutter.

In other words, Mo Ni Wolf is brewing a battle.

If the blood gum beads and strong gusp pills have also been confirmed, then when they launched a war, countless people will be controlled by the blood spirit and become a killing machine.

This is very shameful and poisoned, and it is simply not cold.

Xie Range in Xie for a long time, said: "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

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