My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 286

"But the brother can keep this heart and fighting," is really surprising. "

Mo Chen also nodded: "It is not arrogant, no happiness, calm, and mind."

"Add enough talents, no wonder your repair can achieve such heights."

Ye Heart Port Looks with Yu Lingze, look at Mo Chen, Loggger laughs out, "So, now you start to do each other?"

Mo Dust shrugged his shoulders, reached out and torn a piece of meat on the fire.

I haven't sent it in my mouth, Ye Xinzhan jumped, reached out from his hand, grabbed the barbecue, and did not say it into his mouth.

Mo Chen smashed, said: "Your teacher has said, this is a monster who has eaten dead people."

Ye Heart Put is drumping the gods to bite the wolf meat, and the big horse gold knife is sitting down, and a drop of fats from the corner of the mouth, and hung up on the chin.

"What is the relationship?"

"The vegetables in the vegetable garden are farm-fertilizer, some fish in the pond also eat the sludge of the pond."

"Even the dog is still eating!"

"Do you eat vegetables to eat dog meat, is it eating?"

Mo Chen listened to a sluggish face.

Ye Xinzhu is self-playing, and it is a look of light smile, and there is a special style between manners.

It is the language that is laughing with Mo Chen during the day, but also a saying, there is nothing special move.

Mo Chen has never cared.

In his opinion, like Ye Xinzhu is arrogant, it will inevitably be a star, and the fullness of the sister is very normal.

But just this girl moves this, this look, this is the word ...

Compared with the previous look ... Is there something big?

What kind of words like "", isn't these rough big masters?

It is estimated that both Louchier's neuro guys can't say it.

Seeing Mo Chen's eyes with a stunned expression, Ye Hexiang Paste: "What? I am not right?"

"Amount ..." Mo Chen didn't know what to say, he had to ask: "Do you still eat dog meat?"

Ye Xinzhan has frown frown, dissatisfied: "I just played more."

"My household cat is also raised, I don't eat dog meat."


Mo Chen nodded, sit back, picking up the dry grains gave to Yu Lingzer silently.

Yu Lingzai is Mo Chen said: "There are too many people who are always visiting the masters, so there will always be some requirements."

"In fact, the master is very lively."

Ye Heart Tolde has eaten two meat, I feel a little hard, said: "This is too thick ..."

"But the taste is not bad."

Mo Chen said: "You have to like to eat, those meat leaves you."

Ye Hexiang is also welcome, holding a small knife a piece of eating.

Yu Lingze looked at her, warm in the eyes.

Turning again to Mo Chen: "However, one thing, but is very curious, I don't know if the brothers are not convenient to answer ..."

Mo Chen has been eaten, put the clothes, is ready to sleep, hear this, spur, said: "You said."

Yu Lingze said: "I saw the demon, not only the internal organs were removed, but the wolf head was cut, standing on the wooden pile."

"And that barbecue rack, it is also quite meticulous."

"I will continue to put the reserve firewood in the edge of the fire ..."

Yu Lingze exposed a wonderful color, said: "Mo brother, since you can't move it, how can you make these things, do it?"

Ye Xinzi bite the wolf meat, but the eyes are looking forward to the dust.

It is also very interested in this problem.

Mo Chen looked at Yu Lingze, some unexpected: "You don't come to ask me why I suffer so heavy, I can't move, but care about the barbecue shelf?"

"You have a brain, some is clear."

Yu Lingzer smiled away: "The injury of the brother is coming to the truth of the whole incident."

"Since you are ready to say after Qingjing Zong, I will ask you now, isn't it fun?"

Mo Chen wrapped in a wrapped shirt, leaned back, noted that Ye Xinzhu watched him, suddenly got a sharp meaning, lazy: "This is true ..."

Ye Xinzhao heard Mo Chen, could not help but pour the body forward, and the look is very focused.

"I haven't intended to discover a hurt white little fox in this a few days ago."

Mo Chen was glanced, continue: "I thought that I didn't have dinner, it wouldn't be as roasting this little fox."

"Later, I thought, this is a good moral virtue on this day, so I am a soft, put the little white fox."

Ye Xinzhao heard here, suddenly joking, and he snorted.

"Don't want to say, don't say, dress up the story, very fun?"

I was broken when I shot, and I didn't think of Mo Chen.

"Hey ... how do you say this ..."

Ye Xinzhibao did not precaution: "When you first say, when the little white fox is leaving, I will also connect to you."

"Later, you were hurt, can't move, suddenly the little white fox didn't know where to raise it, turned into a beautiful white woman, care about you ..."

"If you come down, you should have a good thing, right?!"

Mo Chen opened his mouth, he wanted, and his heart was dark.

"Dareful these routines, have you been so late?"

"Even little girls can't lie ..."

Ye Xinjia took a small knife, cut a large piece of meat, and put it in his mouth. "My old man likes to tell me this kind of static story."

"I have been tired!"

"Can you tell me a fresh story?"

Mo dust scratched his head and his face was somewhat embarrassed.

Speaking, I am not you ...

Yu Lingzer gangle: "Since Mo brothers are not willing to say, then we are not asking, if there is a Tang Jun, please ask Mo for forgiveness."

Mo Chen cough, said: "In fact, there is nothing, but it is a delicate spirit."

Yu Lingzawa micro-jaw first, "It turns out, but it is impossible to do this, this kind of spirit is not simple."

Ye Heart 3 suddenly suddenly became bright, said: "The Lingtuo? What kind of spirit is? Can you give me a look?"

Mo Chen thinks that the sky is a artifact, take it out and shakes too much eye, and the road: "There is nothing special, the holy land of Tianxing Jianzhai," I want to come to the high-level spirit ", I am a low product Order, don't look at it. "

As a few times in Mo Du, the leaves were born in Mo Du, and there were some unhappiness in their hearts.

"Small ghost!"

Yu Lingzhu smiled and looked at Ye Xinjia. For Mo Dust: "My teacher is very interested in refinery and alchemy, so I have a somewhere, but there is no idea."

Mo Chen nod, I don't want to say anything more, I will sleep, I will fall asleep, and the silent snoring has sounded.

The Ye Hexiang Pain is eating a wolf meat, but the movements in the hands are slow, and I whispered to Yu Lingze: "Brother, what do you think?"

Yu Lingze replied: "The current information is not comprehensive, but it can't be broken."


I looked at Mo Chen that had been asleep, Yu Lingze said: "From now on, I think he is not too like rumors."

Ye Xinzi has a bit, and I have a bit of a blue, and I shake a wolf meat and put it in my mouth.

Yu Lingze Road: "According to the previous news, the satellite in the east of the east of the Western Chu, the east of the west, and there are many resources exchanged."

"I think that the temptation of the blood spirit is very big."

Ye Hexian Paper: "The border is rumored, saying people will become a monster, will it be related to the blood gods?"

Yu Yuanzhu nodded, "I feel very likely."

"It is said that thousands of years ago, the blood spirit god education was privately equipped with the demon **, born half-school monsters."

"After the royal family of Mo Niki, it was great to be angry, and he was included in the cult, killing the gods in the gods."

"After that, the blood spirit god is not falling, and this kind of thing has not happened."

"Now, there is a rumor that there is a monster between people, I think the blood spirit god should have a relationship."

Ye Heart Port is sitting at the original, condensed half, I don't know what I am thinking.

After a while, I also said: "The style of Tianxing Jianzhai is not to ask the world."

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