My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 129

"Target confirmation, start actions."

This time he listened clearly, this sound is very mechanical, turtly, like it is ... Electronic synthesis sound.

"The location of this sound is a bit like it is passed down."

Mo Chen explored the body to the corridor and looked up.

Just a probe, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Seventeen people hang a sling, pulled down from the above layer, , brush it in front of him.

Just suddenly suddenly emerged, it is not surprised by Mo Chen.

It is really surprising that he is the dress.

All of these people are wearing a uniform black dress, with a thick bulletproof vest.

Head wearing a black metal helmet, the entire face is hidden behind the helmet.

On the belt, the bullets of the drums and the shots are placed on the foot on the foot.

In their hands, it is also Heldo a black-litter automatic rifle.

The muzzle of the black cave point straight to Mo Chen.

This is ... in the past world, modern special forces?

This is Mo Chen in more than a decade, and I saw something surpassing this era. I couldn't live a big mouth for a while.

This kind of dress, this weapon, isn't it the top?

How can this thing in the world that cultivates this vitality?

I don't wait for him to understand that the opposite group of special forces model has made actions.

"Target confirmation, execute the task."

" ."

Black cave gun spurts the burning and bright fire tongue, bullets are flying on the empty corridor.

There are several bullets directly in Mo Chen's body and have passed a pain.

Mo Dust scared a hop.

Is this the rhythm of killing people?

Hurry up and roll directly into your room, looked at the place where you were hit, it was fine, no bleeding.

"What is this? Do you let me go back?"

This is not right.

If you go back, why don't you change?

You can't cross it together with this inn.

Besides, the bad old man is so big to make yourself, how will it be so simple?

What is the book is still in my own?

" !" The gun sound continued to ring outside the door.

Hey. "

The bullet hit on the wooden door, and the wood chips were flying, and wear a dozen bouncing holes.

Mo Chen heavy a punch on the wall of the room, directly smashed a big hole, but did not wait for him to drill, the hole disappeared.


Mo Dust hooks his eyes, the borehole on the wooden door is still clear.

"These guys break the wooden door, why didn't it be automatically repaired?"

In front of the door, he has already passed the footsteps.


While the wooden door is opened, Mo Chen is taking the ball into the room next door.

On the ground, he immediately popped up, and hit it from the door.

There are two special soldiers who have two special soldiers, and the whole god is moving slowly. It is just rushing out of the murdress.


The body of the two special soldiers flew out and hit the railings of the corridor and dropped directly.

There are also several special forces on the corridor. I saw this situation, I immediately didn't hesitate to shoot Mo Chen.

When I was in my foot, I turned over from the hallway.

The special forces lost their goals, and stopped shooting Qi Qi.

For only one second, the dust fell again from the air again.

When the person appeared, the sky-chain chain became a huge cyclone of the rapid rotation, and the blood splashing, and the special forces on the corridor were all carried out by him.

Previous Mo Chen has tried, no matter which position he jumps from the corridor, it will finally fall back to the hallway.

So he uses this bug, after playing with a disappearance, come back to a drama.

Several special forces who have just rushed into the Moother room heard the sound, rushing from the inside, and the people just opened, the muzzle has pointed to Mo Chen. .

Mo Chen is moved, and the chain in his hand changed, turned into a seven-foot high, five-footed golden shield, like a door panel, standing in front of him.

" ."

The rifles in the hands of the special forces are fired again.

Mo Chen handed a big shield to protect himself, welcoming the rain, straight to the opposite side.

The rifles in the hands of the special forces cannot form a valid attack on the big shield, and can only be forced backwards.

Seeing that these special soldiers have already retired, they have no retreat, and Mo Chen is drinking, and the big shield is pushed to death.


The large shield pops up a few spikes, and the last few special soldiers are pierced to wear.

Chapter 130 Chapter in the Memory Memory

Although all special forces have been solved, Mo Chen's heart is not a relaxed feeling.

He came to this world for more than ten years, what is the world looks like, he is very clear.

Automatic rifles, walkie-talkie, special forces of modern equipment, this kind of thing in the world's world, why do you appear here?

The golden big shield in Mo Chen is in the hand, the formation is a chain.

The bodies of those special forces have been gone.

Looking again, the wooden door that is smashed by the bullets, the collapse of the collision, all returned to the original look.

Just like anything else.

And in the corridor, a string sound is ringing.

"Target confirmation, start actions."

The outer surface of the corridor, the next row of slings, a group of special forces, and fall from the sky.

"Come again?"

Mo Chen suddenly understood that these people can't finish.

If you kill, you will re-refresh it, and everything will start again.

Just like this inn, all everything is a dead cycle.

"Target confirmation, execute the task."

" ."

The fierce gun sounded again.

Mo Chen once again shot.

Skating, attack, strand.

Those sling used to fall vertically also hang outside the gallery, Mo Chen jumped out and grab the sling to start climbing.

I climbed a while, there was a promenade, and the place just was exactly the same.

Mo Chen lost the sling, returned to the promenade, and felt some anxiety.

Still a dead cycle.

Soon, another team of special soldiers slipped down.

Mo Chen did not wait for this guidth, directly throwing the chain, turned into a humor, and collected this group of people.

But this time, he did not kill all specialists.

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