My Private Planet

Chapter 461: God of Light

Knowing that she would die, Jia Junpeng lost her mind for a moment, but soon she calmed down and asked, "What is the strategy of the God of Guangming?"

Wang Yi glanced at her, but did not speak.

"Let's talk, I can live it." Jia Junpeng smiled, "Star Lord, I know that both the God of Brightness and you are the clones of the King of Gods. In essence, you are one person. For more than ten thousand years Earlier, when the **** king came to my tribe with food and light, I fell in love with that great man. From that moment on, my life belonged to the **** king. I knew this love was more like one This kind of extravagant hope, but for this love, I can sacrifice my life. This is the meaning of my existence, and it has never changed. The meaning of my existence is to risk everything for the king, and I have never regretted it. Before the expeditionary army set off. , The King of God found me and said, after the expedition is over, he can give me a name of love. I am content."

She stated all this calmly, her eyes always filled with a happy smile, "In ten thousand years, I have never done anything for the gods, now it's time for me to pay, this is my destiny. It’s also my honour. I died for the sake of the King of God, and he will always remember me in his heart. So, Star Lord, say it, I don’t mind. If my death can defeat Elmand, everything will be fine. worth it."

I haven't said anything yet!

You are ready to go to death generously. What's the situation?

Wang Yi was speechless for a while.

After a long silence, Wang Yi looked at Jia Junpeng: "Jia Junpeng, wait a minute, I'm thinking of another way!"

"If there is any other way, the God of Brightness will not wait here for more than 20,000 years!" Jia Junpeng smiled and exposed Wang Yi's lies. After Jia Junpeng became the God of Fire, he became an unsmiling person. Today she smiled. It's very much. Although this is not her original face, this beautiful Nordic face is also exceptionally beautiful today.

"Star Lord, what exactly is Guangming God's strategy?" Li Hao couldn't help asking. He was not interested in the love between the **** king and the goddess. He walked the world for thousands of years, and there were too many similar love stories. In his time, he can fabricate countless love stories, and use the power of the **** of fate to forge countless beautiful love stories in the world.

Li Hao is more interested in how to destroy a powerful and prosperous civilized world.

"Blow up the sun." Wang Yi hesitated and said, "For thousands of years, the God of Light has been hiding in the sun, cultivating his light god. The Elmand civilization is very huge, covering the entire galaxy. Sexual destruction is impossible. The core of the Elmand galaxy is the sun, which is full of violent fire and light elements. The God of Light has been arranging in the sun for thousands of years, and he intends to detonate the light inside the sun. The Godhead and Vulcan Godhead turn the sun into a big bomb, then detonate it, and then destroy the entire Elmand civilization."

"My God!" Li Hao opened his mouth wide, stunned by this huge opportunity.

"Although the Elmand civilization is strong, so far, he does not have the ability to withstand the explosion of stars. Therefore, the plan of the God of Light is highly successful." Wang Yi said.

of course.

He concealed the secret of the planet master.

All the power of the planet lord comes from the planet he controls and the civilization he has developed.

When stars explode, the planet may not be completely destroyed, but the civilization derived from the planet must not survive.


Even if Elmand survived by relying on the power of the planet, he might not be able to rebuild his civilization on the planet Elmand. After all, the civilization of the entire galaxy was destroyed.

Moreover, so far, Elmand does not have a second branch planet.

The strategy of the God of Guangming was almost equivalent to a scheming. Elimination of Elmand from the root, that is, he knew the origin of Wang Yan's ability, and he could think of such a strategy.

Elmand's shortcomings were also Wang Yan's shortcomings. He didn't want Li Hao to know too many secrets.

Moreover, the Guangming God's scheming to do nothing for no reason caused Wang Yan to feel a strong sense of insecurity in his heart, and he suddenly felt that a planet was too insecure.

If someone should give him this all at once, he can't stand it either!

This further strengthened Wang Yan's determination to conquer other civilizations, to branch off the tree of the world in many ways, and to let civilizations spread out.

Never put eggs in a basket.


Wang Yan has thoughts, to limit the power of the gods!

When the gods become stronger, it is really possible to die with him.

Maybe the Nordic gods at dusk, the sudden extinction of the original gods on the earth, is the master of a certain planet forcibly wiped them from the world in order to survive.

one way or another?

Wang Yan felt a strong sense of crisis in Wang Yan's heart because of the poisonous plan of the God of Light.


"Detonate the sun? What a crazy idea!" Li Hao looked at the dazzling sun above his head and muttered subconsciously.

"Neither the God of Light nor the God of Fire, who is responsible for detonating the sun, can survive." Wang Yi paused and looked at Jia Junpeng. "You also know that God of Light is Wang Yan's clone. He died, and the Godhead of Light will return to the King of Gods. He can re-separate another God of Light within his body. However, if you die, you may really die! Elmand is not on the People who sacrificed on the earth, I may still Resurrect them, but in the continent of Elmand, I have no way..."

"I'm not afraid." Jia Junpeng said, "Actually, when I was in the gods, I wanted to explore the sun. I think the ultimate mystery of the fire element lies in the sun. This time, it is considered to have fulfilled my dream. Right!"

"Actually, there is another way to survive." Wang Yi said.

"What?" Li Hao asked.

"Strip your Vulcan Godhead, put it in my body, and let me complete this task for you." Wang Yi hesitated for a moment, and said, "I am a clone, and I am not afraid of death."

Jia Junpeng was taken aback for a moment and said, "Star Lord, even if you have the Godhead of Fire God, you don't have the experience and ability to study fire elements for ten thousand years!"

Wang Yi was stunned.

When he discussed this method with the God of Light before, Wang Yang denied it. He used the same rhetoric. What he needed was a Vulcan who could master the fire element, not a fledgling who even controlled the fire element. Inevitable Vulcan, in that case, the success rate will be reduced to less than one percent.

"Let me go!" Jia Junpeng stretched out his hand and stroked Wang Yi's face, as if touching Wang Yan, "God, you know from the beginning that this matter belongs to me, right! Just let me go, the **** king wants to kill decisively, right? For the future of the gods, for the earth, for the thousands of expeditionary soldiers, it is nothing to sacrifice me! Don't let yourself regret it, Don't make me regret it!"

Wang Yan was silent.

Suddenly, Li Hao said to the side: "Star Lord, I have the gene incubation system of the giants here. We have left the genes of Lord Vulcan, maybe we can resurrect Lord Vulcan in the future!"

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