My Private Marvel System

Chapter 23: advent

   Although the collection speed of the active liquid is very slow, it takes only one drop 24 hours a day to collect, but Dole is very satisfied.

   The active energy harvester is the missing component of the Dole mission system. After absorbing the components, the system has the ability to collect active energy.

   active liquid is a good thing, it has a significant effect on plants, and Dole’s "hero feast" can increase the success rate a bit.

   Looking at the active vegetables and fruits harvested last time, Dole slowly made plans.

   returned home, after asking Aunt May, Dole began to dry up in the small garden in the backyard.

   This was originally the place where Uncle Parker planted some small vegetables and flowers, but it was abandoned after his death. Parker and Auntie didn't want to touch the scene, so they rarely took care of it.

   a lot of weeds, a lot of mice and bugs...

   "Huh~!" After exhaling vigorously, Dole checked the time. It was already afternoon. The backyard, which was messy and full of weeds, was organized into two small fields.

   The muddy soil added a hint of mud and grass to the air. Tomorrow, Doll is going to buy some herbicides. After the two pieces of land are completely cleaned up, he will plant the vegetables and fruits in the space.

The season of    is just right, and with the active liquid, I am not afraid of being planted.

   With the support of these mutated vegetables and fruits, the success rate of Dole's "Heroic Feast" has increased again.

   The hot bath dissipated the exhaustion, and Dorr began to prepare dinner.

   Honey-glazed meat steak, salt and pepper corn rice, meat rolls with sauce...

   There was only Dole when cooking this time, so he activated the "Heroes Feast" skill, but he didn't succeed even once.

   When Parker came back, he "coincidentally" met Jane and his father who were clearing the lawn, so the father and daughter were invited to eat at home again.

   Aunt Mei is very happy that the house is so lively, and she is satisfied with the meal expenses handed over by Jane's father. If it wasn't for the economic prohibition, Jian's father wanted to invite Doer to the house to cook for himself.

   It was another delicious meal. Jane felt her a little bulging belly and complained: "Oh my God, my weight loss plan!!!"

   Even Spider-Man looked like he was struggling, sitting on the sofa humming and reluctant to move. Father Jian was even more direct, unwrapping his belt, and he felt like a pile of fat stomped on the sofa.

   "Jane, Parker and I want to contract the catering for the party, what do you think?" This is what Dole and Parker have discussed a long time ago, and the two are going to specialize in contracting parties and birthday parties. This will not only have plenty of time, but also make more money.

   Jian heard the words and helped her belly, shook her head and said: "You are really a demon, do you want to ruin my figure completely?"

   "Haha, I have a secret recipe for weight loss, would you like to try it?"


   Two days passed quickly. Except for class, Parker spent most of his time helping Dole with the party. After all, for the first time, the two are ready to rely on this party to build a reputation and pave the way for their future careers.

  The party of young people is free and crazy, and Dole needs to prepare food suitable for these people.

   exquisite but not easy to eat, they enjoy the process of'eating' instead of filling their stomachs.

   "Wang~! Wow~!"

   A little thing bit the trouser leg and slammed back, Dole leaned over and saw that Xiao Hei was hungry.

   Bright black eyes, fluffy black hair, but a circle of white around the soles of the feet, like stepping on the snow.

   I don’t know if it’s because of active energy radiation, the little guy named Xiao Hei by Dole grows very fast.

   After two or three days of work, I was weaned and ate meat. Although it was all minced meat from Dole, it was also very powerful.

   awkwardly biting the trousers, the little black fleshy body showed his existence forcefully.

   "Pada" The little teeth were not yet developed, and Xiao Hei used too much force and threw himself into a butt. Xiao Hei shook the fleshy little head vigorously, and pounced with fleshy claws again toward its enemy's trousers.

   "Oh, my dear, come to my mother." Aunt Mei saw Xiao Hei and smiled and hugged him up.

   Xiao Hei didn't get close to anyone except Dole, his fleshy little claws thumped hard, trying to leave Aunt Mei.

   "You little villain, I didn't see you like this when I fed you something." Aunt Mei put down the little guy reluctantly and helped Dole put the freshly made food into the fresh-keeping cabinet.

   After finishing the things, Aunt Mei squeezed Buddle and Parker, her eyes flicked across two youthful and confident faces: "Good luck to you, my child."

   "Auntie, wait for our good news!"

   The young man embarked on an unknown journey. The old pickup truck carried the hope of the two and drove into a spacious villa area.

   said it was a villa area, but it was actually a larger residential house. Exquisite double-storey buildings, spacious living rooms and corridors, make this place enough to accommodate those enthusiastic young teenagers.

   At this time, there is still a while before the party, and Jane and a few girls are busy decorating the living room.

   "Oh, our chef is here!" Jane wiped her sweat and greeted some of her friends to know Dole and Parker.

   Parker’s image has changed a lot during this time, from being unconfident and weak before to being confident and bold now. Dole used to be somber and thin, with few friends in the school is also a kind of strange character.

   "God, you have changed so much! Have you got a plastic surgery?" A plump girl who had seen Dole and had some impression pointed to Dole and shouted in surprise.

   Everyone immediately focused their attention on this classmate whose appearance had changed dramatically.

   "Damn it, is this still the weirdo? Is he familiar with God?"

   "Oh, if I knew he was so good at cooking, I would find him to be my boyfriend."

   Everyone heard that Jane admired Dole's cooking skills very much. After tasting a few exquisite snacks on the spot, they were shocked.

   Dole, who has superb cooking skills and great changes in appearance and temperament, was quickly welcomed with warmth.

   Packed things up, put a lot of snacks and homemade snacks on the long table, Dole and Parker collected two hundred dollars and prepared to leave.

   "The chef is leaving? Did you two have a date at night?" Jane wandered between the two with a quizzical look, and Parker quickly explained: "No, no, we are good friends, not good friends."

   "Hehe, of course I know that you are good friends. Didn't you see that Dole's eyes when looking at Jessica were round?" Jane pulled the two back amusedly, let Dole and Jessica officially meet.

   Jessica is not very old, only about seventeen or eighteen. Tall and plump, he is also a Chinese-American mixed race, with both the tall European and American races and the delicate Asian races, which suits Dole's appetite.

   "I warn you, Jessica is a Christian. If you don't want to be chased by her father, you'd better not make any bad ideas."

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