Body 37

"This is the leaf of the crescent tree, and its juice is one of the best refreshing medicinal materials."

Baochi said, and smoothly picked up a small red flower from the branches of the brook, and handed it to Dole, "Smell it!"

When Dole Yiyan took a look, the flowers were no more than the size of a child's fist, and the petals had five petals. Before reaching the tip of the nose, there was a faint fragrance, refreshing.

Dolzan said: "This flower is so fragrant!"

Baochi said: "This is Lingxihua, a kind of flower unique to the planet Mangyuan. The Lingxihua is dried and ground into powder, which has the miraculous effect of relieving pain and stopping bleeding."

Dole said immediately: "It's a good flower, I'll take some and take it home."

Bao grinned and said: "What's the hurry, there are so many things better than this flower, you won't be here for nothing if you come here, you can't go wrong with the uncle!" Leading Dole up the stream straight up the stream.

At the beginning, there were paths leading directly to the forest, but later, most of the roads disappeared, and they could only walk through the branches in the general direction.

Baochi is very familiar with the terrain here, every passing road, every forest and forest, some places are clearly impassable, but he can find a way out without any effort. While walking, he kept explaining to Dole the lush plants along the road. The flat and long leaves are conifers, the fan-shaped ones are fan-shaped, and there are jagged wood leaf teeth on the edge of the leaf, which are parasitic. The sucker grass on the branches, the scarlet red grass, the carnivorous grass whose petioles and leaves curl automatically...

After walking a few steps, Baochi suddenly stopped.

 A tree appeared in front of it, which was much higher than the surrounding flowers and trees, and it stood abruptly on the ground.

 The height of the tree is about four feet tall. If it is thick, it takes one person to stretch out his hands to hold it together. The thick trunk is on top, and there is no main trunk. From the top, countless rice-like branches hang down, each with more than ten feet. , It was full of blood-red fruit the size of a tired fist.

Bao Chi walked over, picked up a piece of fruit and threw it to Dole, smiling: "Dorge, we are lucky, we met this good thing. This is a thousand-year-old fruit, the star cultivator ate the body. Flexible, it can enhance cultivation, and Zhu Guo is also an extremely effective elixir for treating internal injuries."

 I picked dozens of them and gave Dole some.

As you go up, the mountain begins to rise steeply. The towering ancient trees are rising from the ground. Several thick people can't get together, and they go straight to the cloud night. I don't know how many years they have grown. The light is tall. It was blocked by ancient trees and vines, and the surroundings looked very gloomy. From time to time in the depths of the forest, there were several roars of beasts, which was even more terrifying.

The two climbed upward along the bumpy branches under their feet, turning around a bend, and the sound of running water became louder and louder, and gradually became a roar. There was a huge crack in front of it, which was hundreds of meters wide and thick. The mist and clouds steamed Xia Wei, and several large and small waterfalls flowed straight down, and the water dingdong, cascading into the depths of the forest below.

At first, Dole thought there was no way to go, and soon discovered that there were several old vines winding like dragons ten meters away on the left side, just across the entire crack, forming a natural vine bridge.

Dole was about to ask if Baochi had to go over the vine bridge, when he heard the rustling noise, it seemed that there was a sign of something crawling over.

When he followed the sound, Dole was startled. It turned out to be a dozen weird and terrifying creeps.

The creeper is about the size of a basin, and the shape is somewhat similar to that of a spider. The body is colorful, with a pair of long claws on the forehead, and some similar to a crab. With a pair of round green eyes, it slowly crawls closer.

Dorr said in surprise: "Be careful, uncle, these things are coming over!"

Baochi said: "These things are a unique star beast on this planet. They are a type of spider. They are called tree spiders. They don't form webs. They live by sucking tree sap, and occasionally attack weak animals. Its claws are poisonous and it is a bit troublesome to be bitten. Tree spiders are delicious, and they are the food that the indigenous treants on this planet like to eat."

Dole looked at them in a terrible way. Some disgusting treasures said they could be eaten as food. In order to prevent them from attacking, he took the Lingying Sword in his palm, and planned to shoot at any time when the situation was not good.

Tree spiders only emerged from the dense forest, and the dazzling changes from a dozen to a few hundred crawling over, just as Dole couldn't help but make a move, suddenly a sharp wooden whistle sounded.

With the sound of the wooden whistle, a large group of local natives emerged one after another and appeared in Dole's vision.

This is a group of treants whose height looks similar to ordinary humans. Their skin is extremely white, showing a faint green. Both men and women are slender and well-proportioned, with coordinated proportions. They look exceptionally beautiful, their hair and eyes are dark blue, and the clothes they wear are made of vines, grass and leaves. , Very delicate and beautiful, you can see the superb hand-knitting technique of this race.

Treants walked flat on the branches of the trees and quickly gathered around them, each holding a biyingying spear-like weapon or a green longbow in their hands. The treants holding the spears threw the spears quickly and killed the spiders one by one. The treants with their long bows shot arrows one by one, in just a few minutes. Kung Fu, none of the hundreds of tree spiders could escape, and all were killed cleanly.

Dole discovered that these treant spears were not thrown away, but sharp green beams from the tip of the spear, and it was these green beams that killed the tree spider. And those tree archers who pull their bows and shoot arrows are in a similar situation. They didn't shoot a single arrow. They also fired a sharp green beam. Although they were not as powerful as a spear, they had a much longer range.

At this time, the dozens of tree people who came found Dole and Baochi, and they drove over quickly.

This is a very handsome young man with long green hair fluttering in the wind and holding a long spear.

Dole was worried about the strange green light beam projecting from the tip of his spear, and he was on guard, but the young man glared at Bao and said, "It turns out that the uncle is here. I thought it was a stranger invading."

"So he knows the uncle!"

Dole's guarded expression relaxed unconsciously.

Baochi laughed, and said with a smile: "Woodspin, let's meet again."

"Yeah, yeah, Woodshorn hasn't seen you uncle for two years, and my grandpa always misses you!"

"I haven't seen each other in two years. I also blame you for missing you. The little Nizi Mu Ling is afraid that she will become a big girl too!" Baochi smiled and bloomed, "Where is your grandpa, take the uncle to see him."

Mu Ji gave Dole a wary look and asked, "Uncle, who is he?"

"A friend brought by the uncle."

Thornthorn no longer asks about the origin of Dole, let Baochi and Dole wait a moment, and lead the tribe to pick and put the killed tree spiders into the tree basket they brought, and lead them across the cracked vine bridge. Go deep into the forest.

With the guidance of the treants headed by wood thorns, the speed of travel is much faster. When traveling in the deep mountains and old forests, sometimes it seems that there is no way to find the way. The strange thing is to encounter the beasts in the forest. , No matter how big or small, seeing these treants, they are very tame and docile, or walk away or ignore them, and don't rush.

Along the way, Dole's mystery has not been revealed. Although he knows that Baochi brought him to the planet Mangyuan to find quark crystals, would such a primitive forest produce quark crystals? Up to now, he didn't know whether these tree people were Star Cultivators, but he knew that this uncle had always been inexplicable, and he didn't ask questions wittily, listening to Baochi and Woodspin all chatting.

After they chatted, Dole knew that Woodthorn and his people lived in this towering giant tree trunk for generations. The name of their clan is Tree People. The old people and children in the whole clan add up. With tens of thousands of people, the Shuren tribe, regardless of men, women, young or old, are naturally handsome, much better than human beings.

The entire Mangyuan planet is distributed with dozens of large and small treant tribes. The tribe where Woodthorn is located is just one of the tribes that are not big or small. Tree people love nature by nature and like to live in deep mountains and dense forests. They have a pure heart and a persistent beauty-loving nature.

Dole is a bit weird, what did Baochi bring himself to the Tree Terran? But when he looked at Bao Chi with a calm expression, he talked and laughed with Woodshorn gently, tried to ask several times, and then dismissed his thoughts, and followed them silently.

While talking and walking, Woodthorn walked like flying, leading Dole and Baochi to their place of residence in less than an hour.

This is a low valley surrounded by dense forests on the main trunk of the giant tree in Mangyuan. Compared with the dense forests all over the way, the trees here are much sparse. There are many flowers between the forests, and there are countless solid trees surrounding the forest. Chic tree house.

The branches shook, and more than a dozen tree-human girls, as well as old people and children, came out, and the leader was a young girl with an exceptionally slender figure.

When the girl saw Woodspin with a smile on her face, she dashed forward.

The girl has long flowing green hair, exquisite features and picturesque features. The exquisite tree-human woven clothes wrapped in plants and trees are embossed, and her exposed skin is as bright as snow. She is the sister of Woodspin and her name is Wood spirit.

"Big Brother!" Mu Ling cried Mu Ji, and suddenly saw Bao Chi, his big round eyes rolled a few times, and he recognized immediately, with a bright smile on his face, he leaped closer and smiled. Said: "It turned out to be Uncle Bao, what brought your old man today?"

Bao smirked and twisted her face with a hand, and smiled: "Little Nizi, she has grown into a big girl after only two years."

Mu Ling said dissatisfied: "You just met, Uncle Bao, you just laughed at them. Bring the meeting gift—" Jiao smiled and stretched out his hand.

Mu Ji scolded: "Sister, why are you so inconsistent with the uncle?"

"You want to take care of it." Mu Ling gave him a stern look, and stubbornly pulled Bao Chi's Qiankun bag and refused to let go, "Uncle, the meeting ceremony!"

Baochi took something out of his pocket in pain, and stuffed it in: "Go go, Xiu will come again to pester the uncle."

When Mu Ling saw it, it turned out to be an unremarkable bead. He was immediately unhappy, and said, "Uncle cheated me with a small, worthless bead!"

Bao Chi smiled and said: "I really don't know the goods. This is the beauty bead formed in the body of the sixth-order star beast spider. It has special effects for beauty and beauty. It is the most suitable for you young girls and makes you beautiful. Find a good husband's house in the future, haha!"

"I don't want to be beautiful or marry someone." Mu Ling said with a smile on his face. He stuffed the beads into his arms, let go of Baochi, and suddenly saw a handsome big boy. She looked at herself with a smirk. It was because she was born with a big grin. She couldn't help but blushed in front of the strange boy. She became annoyed and said, "Who are you? How come we are here?"

Dole thought this girl was very interesting. He didn't get angry when she heard her words. "My name is Dole. Uncle Baochi brought me here. What's your name?"

"My name is Mu Ling..." Mu Ling blurted out, reacted, and glared at him, "Why should I tell you?"

Woodthorn stared at Wood Ling and shouted: "Sister Ling, you are so rude, he and the uncle are all our guests along the way."

"Huh—" Mu Ling gave Dole a demonstrative look, and Chong Bao said idiotically: "Uncle, I'll tell Grandpa you are here." A smoke ran out of sight.

After walking through the tree houses, it didn’t take long to enter the important place of the tree people. This place is also full of towering giant trees. The sun shines from the top of the tree through the treetops, and some small animals such as rabbits and foxes run from under their feet from time to time. However, I am not afraid to meet people, nor do I escape. This is a forest full of vitality and peace!

There is a tall and tallest tree house in the middle of the woods. The tree house has three floors, all built with unpeeled logs, with vines entwined with vines, maintaining the natural and natural original appearance to the greatest extent. Dole noticed two huge birds of prey of strange size coiling around on the roof of the tree, and stared at them. The sharp beaks and claws, the lion body eagle head, turned out to be monsters that had never been seen before. Seeing Dole approaching, the two monsters fluttered at the same time their sharp eyes stared at him coldly, eagerly.

Woodthorn whistled loudly, and only then did the two monsters retract their wings and reduce their ferocity, but their hostile eyes still stared at Dole. Woodsthorn said: "This is an extremely rare flying star beast, called the Griffin. It is extremely powerful, but unfortunately it is extremely difficult to capture. The whole family has trained more than a hundred heads and used it to guard the door and go high in the air. Reconnaissance is most suitable."

Before entering the door, I heard a long laugh, and an old tree man with white hair and beard greeted him. He laughed and stretched out his hands towards Baochi from afar, and said with a big laugh: "The old friend is here! "

Baochi laughed too, and the two embraced each other.

After affectionately, the old man asked: "Old friend, what wind brought you here?"

Baochi Ladol introduced: "This is Dole, an interstellar hunter I have newly met." Pointing to the old man, he introduced, "This is Mu Hua, the patriarch of the tree people, my old friend."

Patriarch Mu Hua was ruddy, with a long, snow-white beard, and his eyes were fine-grained. He knew he was a top expert at a glance, and Dole stepped forward to salute him.

"Don't be polite with my old man." The patriarch Mu Hua was very happy, holding Baochi in one hand and Dole in the other, and welcomed the two into the tree house.

The furnishings in the room are not extravagant, there is only a table, several tables and chairs, all of which are slightly modified according to the natural shape of the log.

The wooden spirit who had seen it before got out of nowhere and offered tea.

Baochi smiled with joy, holding the tea cup in one hand, and squinting to drink. The wrinkles on his face stretched out and looked very comfortable.

The patriarch of Muhua laughed and looked at Dole and said: "This tea is a specialty of our tree human race, and several rare and exotic flowers have been added. Although I dare not boast that the world is unparalleled, it is also an extremely rare thing, brother You will know as soon as you taste it." (To be continued.)

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