My Private Marvel System

Vol 2 Chapter 88: so horrible

"Humph! If that's the case, then I can't let you leave this platform completely!" After hearing Dole's words, the man in the light gold armor suddenly snorted and opened his mouth, and when the voice just fell off , His whole person suddenly disappeared in place. △↗Top apex novel,

Just when the man just disappeared, Dalton was also on the side of his body, avoiding a **** sword light that suddenly shot out of the void, and then the dragon black crystal sword in his hand suddenly appeared a more powerful Dou Qi fluctuated, with a hint of golden light suddenly piercing into a void in the front left.

"Chang!" A crisp collision sounded, and the void suddenly made a low and cold snort, and then the man in light gold armor also appeared behind that direction, and the carved one in his hand The long sword of the dragon eagle with only its wings was trembling with a very slight amplitude.

"It seems that you have a lot of good things in your hands!" The man in the light gold armor showed a slightly unnatural smile, which eliminated the huge counter-shock force just now, and then a greedy **** appeared on his face. sè looked at the dragon-patterned black crystal sword in Dor's hand and said.

"Then it depends on whether you have your life or not!" Dole sneered, and then a powerful force suddenly radiated from Dole, and he felt that power, no matter it was the man with light gold armor, The players of the Victory Dragonhawks who remained outside the barrier suddenly changed their faces, and even the referee in the midair of the competition platform looked at Dole in shock.

"Domain! Damn it!" Feeling the power that could completely imprison him, the man in light gold armor cursed with a very ugly face, but. I saw that the man suddenly revealed a determined god. Then he actually swiped the long sword in his hand. Then I used the blood that flowed out to paint an inexplicable magic pattern on the pale gold armor of my body, and saw a gloomy light suddenly light up from those blood patterns, and a mysterious and powerful force almost at the same time It also stopped the power radiating from Dole from three meters away.

"Hmph, don't think that the domain is invincible, and it's still a domain without belongings, just let you see, the power domain of the Vic empire royal family!" The man in light gold armor roared, suddenly the power of the so-called power domain Suddenly it began to expand rapidly. It seems that he wants to suppress Dole.

However, Dole was holding the dragon-printed black crystal long sword horizontally in front of him at this time, and after seeing the action of the pale golden man, he just smiled, as if this was what he had expected.

And with the expansion of the so-called power domain, the light gold armor that the man wore was getting brighter and brighter, and a more powerful aura than before was also transmitted from the man’s body in an instant. I saw this aura. It actually caused the restlessness of those free spirits in the void, as if that piece of heaven and earth were controlled by the man, and this was a powerful aura that a high-level great sword master could possess.

but. At this time, Dole still remained motionless in that posture, and for the first time, a grey sè breath after the fusion of grudge and magic power appeared in front of the world. I saw that the magic pattern carved on the dragon pattern black crystal long sword in Dole's hand suddenly seemed to come alive, and it actually slowly extended to Dole's body, and there were pieces of ancient runes on the entire sword. The scales are just like the scales on the disappearing dragon.

"Go to hell! Power domain, legendary fighting skills, dragon eagle breaking through the air!" At this time, the aura on his body was completely stabilized in the high-level sword master. The man suddenly let out an angry shout, and he saw him behind Suddenly a huge phantom appeared, and just as that phantom just appeared, the barrier surrounding the entire Bidou platform actually began to tremble slightly, as if a powerful force wanted to break through the barrier. general.

Seeing that the huge phantom actually slowly began to solidify, and in a short while, the figure of the man was also enveloped in it, and the expanding field of power also instantly retracted into the body of the phantom. And with a cry from ancient times resounding through the world, the translucent barrier suddenly shattered, turning into a sky full of light and falling slightly, and the phantom completely revealed its body, only one end was long. A huge dragon eagle with the head of a huge dragon was standing on the platform of Bidou looking at Dole with a murderous look.

A loud noise kept coming from the Bidou platform, and everyone in the stands was shocked by the huge dragon eagle that appeared on the platform, and the broken barrier seemed to be broken away. Like a huge cage, it reflected the dragon eagle's figure more magnificently.

However, there were still people who were able to face such a huge danger without changing their faces. Seeing Dole raised his head slightly to look at the huge dragon eagle that groaned up to the sky, the constant pressure of high-level monsters also compared the whole The floor of the platform was severely pressed down several centimeters.

However, in the face of these, Dole is still holding the ever-changing dragon-marked black crystal sword in his hand, and the magic patterns that extend to Dole's body are also speeding up the gray breath of Dole's body. It was continuously transmitted to the Dragon Black Crystal Sword, and the continuous scales of the dragon on the sword also allowed Dole to barely resist the pressure emitted by the dragon eagle.

"Why is there such a fighting skill? Does he carry the blood of the dragon eagle with him?!"

"Don't you know that the armor on Prince Winchester's buttocks was dyed gold with dragon eagle blood?!"

"It's horrible, but why doesn't the guy named Dole admit defeat? If this goes on, life may be lost!"

A loud comment was also heard from the audience in the stands, and a middle-aged man in a common robe was also standing in the stands, staring at Dole closely, his hands tightened involuntarily, if someone was careful At first glance, it is not difficult to find that this middle-aged man is the Deputy Dean Allen who just announced the start of the game on that high platform.

"Haha, if you don't admit defeat, I will send you to see the gods!" A murderous laugh suddenly came from the dragon eagle's head that was staring at Dole. The majesty that had dropped a few centimeters from the originally pressed ground suddenly became stronger several times. Huge cracks suddenly appeared on the solid ground of the platform. And there are some huge rocks that are crushed into flying dust by that mighty pressure from time to time.

And just as the pressure appeared, a strange magic circle suddenly appeared behind Dole. A haze of gray aura continuously poured into the magic circle, and a magical force also attacked it. Xiang Dole’s coercion was blocked, and I saw a ray of colorful light continuously appearing in front of Dole, and a huge force was dissolved by that light, and nothing could affect that which was still transmitting ashes. Dole of breath.

"Hey, it seems that the eldest brother is right. You have a lot of methods! However, since I can summon the dragon eagle, then today must be your sacrifice!" It didn't work, the man's voice sounded again, and as his voice just fell, suddenly an ancient aura that was countless times stronger than his dragon eagle aura slowly rose.

"Roar!" A huge roar that seemed to come from the end of the river of time suddenly sounded in this trial square, the originally clear sky also instantly became darker, and huge thunder and lightning suddenly appeared on this royal demon. Over the martial arts academy, and the dragon eagle that was summoned by the Prince Wincherstadt did not listen to the prince's control, and suddenly raised his head. Looking at the dark sky with a very terrified look, it seems that there is a strong pressure from the blood that is constantly emanating from the sky.

"Damn it. Look, the Dragon Eagle is actually scared!"

"There is still something on this continent that can scare the Eighth-Tier Peak Demon Dragon Eagle?!"

"What the **** did that kid do?!"

The sky of the Royal Demon Martial Academy was already covered by thick dark clouds at this time, and a peculiar sè color appeared in the rolling dark clouds from time to time, and almost everyone's eyes were on all this. The instigator was Dole who was holding the long sword.

I saw that the grey sè aura on Dole's body had been completely input into the dragon-patterned black crystal sword in his hand, and the sword body of the dragon-patterned black crystal sword was completely covered by that strange scale at this time. The magic circle behind Er also trembled slightly at the end, turning into a mark and solidified on the tip of the long sword, forming a small light group.

And at this moment, a wave of magic that did not belong to any of the seven elements suddenly spread from Dole. He saw Dole suddenly grasping the dragon-printed black crystal sword in both hands, and then slammed it ruthlessly without raising his head. Ruthlessly pierced towards the sky.

I saw that the light ball that had been solidified at the tip of the sword suddenly shook into the thick dark cloud with a thunder-like posture, and within the dark cloud, the thunder light that had been shining everywhere also stopped slightly at this time. , It seems that something terrifying creature is about to appear. The whole city of Peiros, and even the whole beasts on the Feather-Raising Plain, regardless of their ranks, are all crawling on the ground at the same time, seemingly from the blood. The pressure of birth is slowly appearing.

I saw that in the Royal Demon Martial Academy, on that huge trial platform, the rest of the people on the platform almost forgot that they were still fighting, and they all looked at the huge dragon standing there. Eagle’s platform, and at this moment, a louder roar suddenly appeared than before. It was seen that the translucent barriers on almost all platforms were shattered and cracked in the first place, just a loud roar. To crush.

And in the shock and disbelief of everyone’s eyes, a huge creature also stuck out a little body in the dark cloud, and saw a pair of huge wings suddenly appeared in the dark cloud, and that wing carried a Dao's natural magic lines and the brown and yellow limbs seemed to draw everyone's thoughts to the same creature.

Just when everyone looked at the sky with an incredible gaze, the dragon eagle standing on the platform of the competition suddenly screamed, and the whole body began to collapse naturally, and completely ignored it. The man roared loudly, as if he had completely escaped from the control of the man.

"Damn it! It's impossible! It's impossible!!!" The man suddenly yelled, and the whole person fell out of the broken dragon eagle very embarrassedly, looking at him as if he was crazy. Er yelled, but at this moment, he saw that Dole seemed to look at him with a murderous look. Then I saw the long sword held high in Dole's hand unexpectedly began to fall slowly. And that powerful pressure from the dark cloud seems to be about to break through the dark cloud and directly attack it.

"No. You can't kill me, I'm the prince of the empire, you can't kill me, I surrender, I surrender!!!" Under this double pressure, it was Prince Wincherstadt who was almost on the verge of collapse. Shouted in fear, and a magical light sent him out in an instant.

At this time, Dole seemed to know that he couldn't really kill that guy. So he replaced the gray sè breath in the long sword back into his body, and after a while, the dark cloud disappeared, and the entire sky returned to its previous calm.

At this time, almost everyone looked at the Doer who slowly appeared outside the Bidou platform in shock. Almost everyone was a **** with a touch of awe. No one dared to doubt whether Doer could really hit Kill Prince Wincherstadt of the Navic Empire.

At this time, the referee's voice was also slowly sounded, but just when the referee was about to say that the contestants of the next team fight would be out of the queue. A dark shadow suddenly appeared next to Prince Wincherstadt who had collapsed to the ground, and saw the dark shadow seeing the horror of the prince. He snorted slightly, then looked at Dole with a murderous look, and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, it seems that the power of the long sword in your hand is not small, it can actually summon a trace of the ancient dragon dragon soul! We look down on you, we give up in this fight!"

Before the referee could react, the shadow disappeared with the remaining members of the Victory Dragonhawks, and a secret force was also passed to Dole.

I saw Dole's body suddenly appear that gray sigh, and then with the great sword master's vindictiveness, he fiercely blocked the long sword in his hand in front of him, but the dark energy that the dark shadow emits unexpectedly Suddenly broke through Dole's defense, and knocked Dole away fiercely.

"Dole?! Are you okay?!" Mia and the others, who just reacted at this moment, hurriedly showed their figures, and they came to the side of Dole who had hit the ground, and then saw Dole use his hair slightly. Sword propped up, said with a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

"Sure enough, that guy has always had a guard by his side, but this Juggernaut’s blow does not seem to be a big deal!"

With Dole and others winning the Victory Dragonhawks, the entire academy trial has come to an end. Basically, the remaining teams are secretly praying not to run into the Dole Five. After all, Navik The Dragon Eagles represent the highest combat effectiveness in the Royal Mowu Academy. Even such a team was defeated by the Dole five. The Starlight Team actually set a place to participate in the mainland Academy trial.

Unsurprisingly, in the next two games, the two teams that ran into the Dole Five directly chose to abstain, and Starlight became the first team to win the spot, and Dole Five. People quickly returned to the spire house.

"Huh, fortunately, Grandpa Fei had deterred the sword saint in the dark before, otherwise, Dole, your life is probably going to be left!" After a short rest, he sat beside Dole. Lilith said suddenly worried.

"Well, I didn't expect that there is a swordsman behind that guy, but I don't know who he is in the empire!" Mia on the side was also slightly worried and looked at the Dole who was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath to recover from his injury. , And then said slightly angrily.

At this moment, Archbishop Fei, who had not spoken, frowned slightly and said: "It is strange to say that when that guy appeared just now, I tried to release a breath to frighten him. I didn't expect him to There is no idea of ​​killing Dole at all, and I didn't even feel the breath I released, which makes me very suspicious of his identity as a Juggernaut!"

After hearing Archbishop Fei's words, the slightly worried two women also looked at each other in surprise, and then they seemed to think of something, but they chose not to say it, but both frowned slightly.

However, at this time, Bossi's burly body also pushed open the door of the house, and then entered the hall with a good news.

"Haha, the royal family of the Navek Empire withdrew the previous order, claiming that there was an error in communicating the order. Now we have a quota that can formally represent the Royal Demon Martial Academy of Vic to participate in the trial of the Continental Academy!"

And this good news also made the slightly frowning few people immediately happy, and at this moment, that Dole, who had been treating his injuries, also slowly woke up thanks to the potent healing potion. He also smiled slightly after hearing the news that Bossi brought back. Then he looked at the darkening sky outside the room. Suddenly sighed and said: "The real darkness, only then will they show their fangs!"

At this moment, at the other end of the Royal Demon Martial Academy, in an ordinary student dormitory, a dark figure is standing in the room, and a pale-faced man is sitting beside him. Before that, Prince Wincherstadt and the mysterious sword master, and this time. Along with a slight spatial fluctuation in the room, a kind man also slowly walked out of the void. As soon as he appeared, he looked at the whitish Winchersteer with a slight surprise, and then said: "My dear brother, if I guess correctly, you didn't complete your task this time?!"

Winchersteer was about to open his mouth to find a reason to shirk himself, when he saw that the standing shadow suddenly took a step forward, then lowered his head and said: "Under Kent's hips, this time there is indeed an accident. That's it. The kid’s hole cards are probably no weaker than us!"

And after listening to the Dark Shadow Swordmaster slowly describing what happened on the Bidou platform today, Kent also suddenly sank. It seems that I feel a little bit tricky about the strength of this unexpected variable, Dole. After listening to Kent after a little thought, he slowly said: "In this case, then we still have to separate from that guy in the future. Farther, let the guy Lexil lose more manpower first, and we will take advantage of the fisherman's profit in the end! But before that, it seems that I still have to meet the amazing kid named Dole!"

And the black shadow nodded without understanding, and then stepped back slightly. The whole person suddenly seemed to have merged into this world, and disappeared into the room without revealing the slightest breath.

"The games in the future will become more and more fun!" And then Kent also looked at the slowly dimming sky outside, and said with a sunny and confident smile.

The next day, many academies came to the trial square that was transformed into countless platforms yesterday. At this time, the competition platforms that were originally built had disappeared, but were in the trial square. A huge crystal stele stands in the middle, and the three sides of the triangular crystal stele are also carved with the three teams representing the Royal Mowu Academy to participate in the Trial of the Continental Academy this time, and the first side is written on the four Weiwei stars. Big characters exuding gloomy light.

"Look, that's the Starlight team! I heard that they defeated the Victor Dragonhawks strongly yesterday!"

At this moment, a cry of exclamation suddenly sounded from the back of the crowd surrounding the stone tablet, and several people from Dorr also slowly walked to the stone tablet, and then everyone walked forward to hold the badge of the college student in their hands. Placed on the surface of the stone tablet with the words "Starlight" written on it, I saw that the gloomy light surrounding the font was absorbed by the badges of several people, and several people took back their badges. .

However, just as the people just turned around, they saw the Victory Dragonhawks with the sign carved with a dragon eagle with spread wings standing in the crowd closest to them, almost everyone’s eyes They all revealed a hint of coldness, but no one came forward, and when Dor was slightly surprised by the performance of the pale Prince Wincherstadt with his face standing in the front, one looked The men who seemed like those ordinary college students suddenly walked out of the Victory Dragonhawk team, and then came to Dole and said slowly.

"Hello, I didn't expect to meet for the first time now! My name is Kent, I wonder if I can become friends with you?!"

After hearing Rodsilk’s, the crowd onlookers could not help but want to kneel to the ground. However, with Dole’s sneer, the inexplicable thought was also instantaneous. dissipate.

"Friends? Anyone who just walked out of the dark will smell musty. Sorry, I'm allergic to this smell!"

But Rodsilk's face remained unchanged. He still gave a smile and glanced at the five of Dole, then slightly bent over and said, "Then, there will be a period later!"

cháo The wet sea breeze blows from the surface of the endless sea to the behemoth that is faintly visible on the shore, and at this time, in the city of Peilos, rectangular banners are hung on the originally prosperous Tianjin Avenue. And that banner is engraved with the symbol of the Cangyun Dragon Eagle representing the Royal Demon Martial Academy. Unlike the logo of the pure-blood dragon eagle of the Wick Empire royal family, the Cangyun Dragon Eagle looks more like an eagle in body shape. The residents of the city of Eros also stood on both sides of the road, seeming to be waiting for something.

Finally, after a while, a long line of carriages came slowly from the north of Peilos City, and the carriage at the front was carved with a symbol similar to a star under the night sky. (To be continued...)


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