My portable gaming girlfriend

Chapter Seven - Please be friends with me (3)

So she made such a request, she wanted to understand 'feelings'.

"...A friend is not a little brother, you have to give your 'sincerity'."


Is it a muscular organ that drives blood circulation in humans and vertebrates, or is it a symbol of emotion, or is it the source of ideas that the ancients believed?

Sincerity is a description of the heart?

"It's not that heart!"

The other party covered his face and said this to himself, his tone was a little hurried for unknown reasons.

She knew that the sudden change in speech rate must mean that the other party had some kind of 'emotion', but she couldn't understand and perceive what this emotion was.

She surpasses ordinary people in terms of intelligence, agility, and physical fitness, but she cannot understand emotions. This is the only failure of her 'experiment'.

——The battle in the snow field in front of me is about to break out, and everything will happen in an instant.

The battle of the strong does not require extra actions, just shoot the opponent's head at the moment of aiming at the opponent.

The wind was blowing and the snow was dark, and the afterglow of the searchlights reflected on the white ground. In this aurora town where there were only three people left, she stuck to the wall and moved forward gently, because the enemy was an unknown person, so she couldn't take it lightly at any time.

Even if the medicine is injected, as long as the other party observes carefully, he will find himself in this snowy day. This means that if the blow is not successful, the opponent will find out that the opponent will immediately counterattack him. Once injured, the blood splashed will also make the invisibility invalid.

The opponent's strength is mediocre, but she has fought against countless strong people in the past three months since she joined the "Scramble Arena", and she has a correct assessment of her own strength, but [Nameless] is by no means easy to deal with one person.

Other players said that his eyes under the mask can see through everything, and the bullets fired by his two guns can block all the opponent's paths. Facing him, even a small mistake will only result in a headshot.

Of course, he has no advantage against large enemies like [Freedom]—this may be the reason why he didn't become the first.

I remember that after a certain competition, she and Su You were standing on the podium in the virtual world waiting for the ranking to be announced. Su You suddenly whispered to her, "I have to say, you are really a terrifyingly powerful person". She didn't know why it was scary, but she had a feeling that her real identity was discovered by Su You, the professor said that her real identity would be kept secret, if that was discovered...

"Don't be nervous, I like to guess the other party's thoughts, but I always feel that I can't figure out yours, so I said that."

Su You then smiled and explained to her that although he didn't understand why he said that, it was good that he didn't reveal his identity.

Withdrew from the memories, and the battle was still imminent.

It's getting close, I don't know what number 1 is doing at this moment...?

"Sure enough, it's here."

Xiwu raised her head in surprise, and saw a pair of golden eyes looking at her on the roof.

Is it hallucination? Before I could take a closer look, the eyes of the nameless man's mask immediately returned to pitch black.

With no time left for hallucinations, the Nameless Man's Beretta M92 bullet was fired.

She immediately rolled backwards and dodged the bullet with precision.

"Oh, you are still flexible."

"How did you find me?"

After opening the distance, Yugiri held up the MP5 to fight back.

"Well, using the word 'flexible' is like describing a monkey. It's very disrespectful to a beautiful lady like you..."

Taking advantage of the time when Yugiri finished reloading a magazine, the man in the black windbreaker jumped down from the roof——

"'s better to use agility."

"answer me."

"It's very simple...but I just won't tell you."

There was a flash of golden fire beneath the mask. The reloading is over, and it's another round of fighting.

After being dizzy in the dark room, he finally found the right direction of the gunshots. I thought the battle would take place in the room, but now it seems that it is outside on the snow. From here, I can see everything on the snow, and there are two identical houses on the opposite side.

In my field of vision is the scene of two people fighting fiercely on the snow. By the way, Yugiri's 'invisibility potion' has expired at this time, so I can see her.

It was clearly an open space, but the two of them were able to aim at each other as hard as they could and at the same time use their positions to avoid waves of bullets. Normal players would never be able to react so quickly.

These two people are worthy of being the top 10 players in the 'Scramble Arena'...

Wait, can't you? Seeing their lips moving, I blinked my eyes in disbelief, two people are doing such difficult movements and at the same time still have room to chat?

Although I am very curious about what these two great gods are talking about, I have to make a move. Yes, to find out who the awakened AI is from the two of them, and push that person into the summoned 'door'.

I waited behind the glass, and when the unknown man was facing this way, I picked up the M16A4 and shot him directly in the head. This guy wears a helmet that can prevent bullets, but it doesn't mean his mask is invincible.


This unexpected sneak attack, but he dodged the vital part of his face. This guy's reflexes were on par with Yugiri's.

The bullet still hit the helmet, but at the same time, the huge momentum also knocked off his mask...

Because of the dodging action, his head is now facing me, and the hood blocks the face of the unknown man from my perspective.

"Heh, teammates..."

The nameless man said so, but chose to pick up the mask and put it on again—it was precisely because of this that there was a loophole in his dodge, which caused him to be hit in the back by Yugiri's bullet.

Well, now...

I immediately took out the Desert Eagle and shot at him, even if he was shot twice at the same time, he would be seriously injured, right?

"Your cooperation is really good."

He didn't even look like he was seriously injured at all?

"...Unfortunately, in addition to the [Advanced Titanium Helmet], I also have a matching [Nano Body Armor]."

How much equipment is there... After all, 43 people were not killed for nothing, this guy is full of treasures.

"By the way, the 'Rage Potion' is very useful, right? I just happened to get one too, so I'll give it a try."

"not good……!"

Does the nameless person also have the 'Rampaging Potion'? If there is potion in the decisive battle, a player who is ranked in the third echelon of the "Scramble Arena" can crush the second echelon player, not to mention the duel between two top players...

While avoiding Yugiri's bullets, he took out the 'Rage Potion' to inject himself. Seeing the outcome of the battle, I could almost predict, no, I have to do something to save the situation...

At this moment, Yugiri has already hid by the wall of the house where I am, and the nameless person should be somewhere behind the wall of another house.

"What is awakening AI."

"I'll tell you after this game is over, but I'm sorry, there is one thing I must do now, and I need your help..."

"Please hit but don't kill the Nameless."

"Haha, what a way to drive away tigers and wolves."

The nameless man laughed, what is this guy talking about?

"...The end of the time realm? Tsk, how did you come up with that kind of name, let's call you Shi Yuanxing."

"How do you know my real name?"

"Of course I know, and I also know that you are looking for 'awakened AI'."

"I know a lot, so what is your purpose?"

"Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never end in a hundred battles. And do you think you are the only ones extracting the 'awakened AI'?"

"I understand...but I have a question, are you an awakened AI?"

"You should ask me based on your strength."

As he was talking, something seemed to fly over from him, a black round object...

"Pulse grenade!"

The black object is a pulse grenade, a rare item in the game, much more powerful than ordinary grenades...

The grenade was heading towards Yugiri, but she reacted quickly, and immediately moved out of the range of the pulse grenade. But it also exposed her...

The head was hit by the shock wave, the helmet fell off, she covered her forehead, and I saw the red hair again.

She raised her head and looked at the unknown person. Her face was turned away from me, as if she was about to get serious.

"Miss Xiwu, why do you work so hard for him, have you ever thought about it? You are just meeting for the first time, is it really worth it?"

The Nameless One asked her.

"Because number 1 is 'friend'."

She raised the MP5 again, and the unknown man shot at her, but she dodged waves of attacks with even quicker reflexes than before.

"Friend...? That's ridiculous! Let's fight to the end."

I took the AKM and aimed it at the Nameless, and I saw the golden flames in his eyes.

Although it is really cool, I don't remember such special effects in this game!

"This battle is going to be very interesting..."

The nameless man was speaking in ordinary voice, but I could hear it clearly, as if his words were coming from the earphones.

Yugiri supported the low wall where the unknown man was avoiding with her left hand. When she climbed over the wall, the unknown man also counterattacked her from below, and the two shot each other a few times at the same time.

The ensuing battle surpassed the reaction ability of ordinary people, neither of them made any unnecessary movements, and the bullets almost all shot against each other's head.

Fighting entirely with precise calculations, and playing a shooting battle into a close combat where you chase after me.

Damn, it's moving too fast... I can't aim here at all.

There is no pause in any part of the body.

If this continues, they will not enter the 'gate' at the end of the game, they must cooperate with No. 3...

But the operation of the two great gods in front of me is indeed too high-end. Whether it is the countless bullets rubbing against the body or rolling and dodging on the ground, it has surpassed the limit that the average player's vision can keep up with...

"Number 3, make me a shot... trust me."

"Understood, I'll be the bait, right?"

"Huh? It's not like that..."

As No. 3 said so, she, who had been keeping a distance, suddenly approached the unknown man regardless of the danger—she threw a fist at the face of the unknown man the next second she threw away the MP5 in her right hand. She held the opponent's M416 with the other hand, and pulled the weapon out of his hand with a kick——

The price was that she was hit in the abdomen by a pistol bullet.

But at this time, my AKM also fired a bullet, and the target was still the mask of the unknown.


The bullet shattered half of his mask, and he covered the other half with his hands.

"Don't kill him yet, why do big men always wear masks, by the way, let's see what good things are there!"

I immediately stopped No. 3 who wanted to shoot, jokingly, if he is an awakened AI, where would I go to find him now that I have left the game?

"You suspect that I am an 'awakened AI' and want to take me away?"

The nameless man also lost M416, he covered half of the mask with his free hand, and the other half was displayed in front of Yugiri, from my side only his hand could be seen.

"Hahaha... You guessed right, but you can't take me away. Not only will you fail to complete the mission, but you will die romantically hugging each other in this ice and snow world."

"What does it mean?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

He stretched his hand to his chest, and then took out something...

"It's a pulse grenade again... No. 3, get out of here!"

I don't know why I had an ominous premonition in my heart, and at the same time I shouted, Yugiri also rolled away from the unknown person.

The pulse grenade exploded, and the shock wave centered on the nameless person spread out. The snow raised made me close my eyes, and when I opened them again, there was only a snow pit in front of me.

The nameless are gone, and we are the last winners.

But the game is not over yet.

"Why... it didn't end..."

[The blizzard will cover the entire map, please escape by helicopter as soon as possible. 】

If there is no winner in this game, Blizzard will kill all survivors indiscriminately.

We are the final winners, but the game is not over, and this is not the first time I have encountered this situation. Is this the fulfillment of my ominous premonition just now.

"Quick...try to log out of the game!"

I hurriedly said to Xiwu, I also tried to log out of the game, but without any surprise, I failed.

[Programmer... Programmer! 】

Successive calls to 'programmer' have failed.

"Unable to log out."

When Xiwu said this, he still had a calm tone, and this guy even bandaged his abdomen...?

"You... do you know how serious the situation is?! The nameless person actually closed the game and trapped us while committing suicide!"

Unable to log out means that we are trapped in the game like in "Sakura Story". The difference is that what threatened my life was not drinking or eating for a long time, but this time it was a snowstorm in the game.

I don't know what it would be like to be blown away by a blizzard and lose our lives, the worst case scenario is that we are actually brain dead.

In "The Story of Falling Sakura", I left the game with the help of the "programmer" and Shen Qing and was rescued...

"The help of the 'programmer'... is the door, the 'programmer' left me the door, and there is still help!"

Yugiri turned her head to look at me who suddenly yelled, and since she no longer had a helmet, I could clearly see her expression——

She has no expression, and she also has a calm face at this time, not like someone who knows that she is going to die.

"Come on, door!"


I yelled this sentence like a second-level mage, and then a black hole-like 'door' appeared in the middle of the snow - the gravity of the 'black hole' was so strong that the wind and snow in front of me seemed to be sucked in... …

"What's this."

"The thing that was intended to extract the 'awakened AI' may now be the only way to leave the game."


"But... let me tell you in advance that when you enter this 'door', there may be some things that the creators can't explain. You have to be mentally prepared."

What the 'programmer' told me at the beginning was that there would be some data turbulence when entering the 'door', but he didn't tell me what it was.

Whatever it is must go in.

"Number 3, are you ready?"


Number 3 nodded.

"Let's jump in together." "After all, there is no other way out."

I jumped and entered the 'door'...

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