The three shadow guards opened up a field as dark as ink and completely disappeared.

The shadow domain spread like a piece of ink to the side of the large square mechanical domain, stained with a layer of black.

At the same time, the three shadow guards in the shadow domain took action again, each using a dream domain and superimposing at the same time!

A little bit of foam appeared outside the shadow domain, like a dream, sticking to the body of the Rubik's Cube Domain.

Four-layer superimposed prototype field vs. Rubik's Cube field.

Cheng Shaofeng used his fourth-level peak power, used all he had learned, and used his genius-like understanding of the field to create this ultimate realm of superposition of stitch monsters!

Even if it is only the prototype of the fourth-order domain, it has become extremely huge after four superpositions, and it has withstood the spread of the Rubik's Cube Domain!


Players trapped in the Rubik's Cube field found that there was a shattering sound in the entire cube space, the countdown that had always existed was suspended, and the murderous intention around them also temporarily subsided.

"Huh? Am I stuck?"

"What the hell! Someone outside saved us!"

"The block on my side is broken! I'm out, hahaha, it's so dark outside, it seems to be the lord's shadow domain."

"Hiss~ The head coach is out? It's been a long time since I've seen the lord take action."

"I giao! Can Lord Lord be able to resist the fifth level now? Are you so stupid that you can't live forever?"

The players originally thought they were dead, but now they were able to survive for a while, and they were very surprised.

Cheng Shaofeng didn't listen to the players' comments. He devoted all his mental energy to the three shadow guards. He was maintaining his own four-overlay field and the Rubik's Cube field to compete. The battle situation was extremely stalemate!


The intersection of the two realms constantly collides and annihilates, and colorful particles emerge, as gorgeous as the collapse of the pixel world.

"God's Punishment Attack. Turtle Breath Defense Clear Observation"

In the Shadow Realm, Cheng Shaofeng multi-purposes three things. The three small dream realms supported by the three shadow guards constantly adjust and attack each other's realm. Every action is as rigorous as a high-level math problem.

The fifth-level Rubik's Cube mechanical body seemed to be very surprised. It could see several fourth-level life forms dealing with it in its perception, but the night-like field erupted with such powerful force that it was unable to push its own field at all. He was pinned down in place.

The players who were imprisoned by it took the opportunity to break open the square space that enclosed them and crawled out.

"Enter my shadow!"

There was a passage where the two realms collapsed. The surviving players followed Cheng Shaofeng's instructions and successfully entered the Shadow Realm and escaped.

Metal boxes floated out from the Rubik's Cube mechanical field, trying to catch the players back.


Cheng Shaofeng's shadow domain stretched out many tentacles and flew out the metal box. In this collision of domains, Cheng Shaofeng actually managed to survive!

Moreover, this was the first time that Cheng Shaofeng used the shadow guard's four-domain superimposed form in actual combat. The more he used it, the easier it became. His experience and strength improved rapidly in the confrontation.

After some manipulation, I had a 50-50 draw with the Rubik's Cube machine!

No one can do anything to anyone.

Cheng Shaofeng smiled slightly: "So this is the fifth level of power. I reached it one step ahead of time."

"Leap level battle. I never thought I could do it."

"Could it be that I'm still a genius?"

You know, what Cheng Shaofeng was best at doing in the past was to use high to defeat low.

A first-level extraordinary person bullies an ordinary person, a second-level person bullies a first-level person, a third-level person bullies a second-level person, a fourth-level person bullies a third-level person, or several level four people bully the other person.

I didn't expect that one day he would be able to do the following!

The fourth-level shadow guard is strong against the fifth-level machine!

This allowed Cheng Shaofeng to have a more intuitive judgment on his own strength.

"I didn't realize it was so strong. Shadow Guard's characteristics are quite powerful."

"But that's the limit. Now I still lack some strength to crack the opponent's domain."

When the two realms collided, Cheng Shaofeng's shadow guard turned into a black dragon and fought with a large Rubik's Cube in the air. Both sides continued to attack and consume and replenish their supplies. If the fight continues like this, whoever can't withstand the realm first will lose. It will be broken first.

The broken side is death.

After the domain is worn out like this, it will lose all strength almost instantly and be slaughtered by others.

"My staying power isn't great."

"If I continue to fight like this without the intervention of external forces, I will definitely lose."

Cheng Shaofeng gradually realized this, so he stopped attacking fiercely and turned to consumption and replenishment to cover the players in the battle.

"I can hold off a level 5 machine to earn blood. As long as they don't have enough level 5 machines, my people will be at an absolute advantage in battles below level 5."

The melee players who were rescued by the Shadow Realm came out, glanced at the big Rubik's Cube with lingering fear, and then plunged into the battle again.

The combined power of other players was one step stronger than the three shadow guards. They broke through the opponent's fifth-level domain and dealt heavy attacks to the opponent's fifth-level machinery.

For a time, the fate of the fifth-level mechanical body was speculated by the players, and it directly broke through the defense!

Summons and players once again take advantage!

In particular, the assassin players who had been ambushing around the battlefield from the beginning broke into the mechanical legion while hiding, strangled a large number of central devices, damaged various functions of the entire legion, and forced a large number of machines to stop.

The mechanical legion was still dissatisfied and sent out more fifth-level machines, but they were intercepted by the five-man group that exploded.

"Your opponent is me!"

Taotao, a fifth-level field user with a blast inheritance, wore a prosthetic magic eye on her head. She could see through the fifth-level mechanical dog in front of her, and launched a precise attack when she came up, making the opponent's field tremble.

Even without their help, the battle on the Western battlefield was still fought with an advantage from the front!

A mechanical joint force. A joint force that is not inferior to players!

"Brothers in the southern battlefield, wait for us!"



After two hours of hard fighting, the sounds of insects on the southern battlefield were getting closer and closer to Dali City, and they were about to knock down the first shrine.

The new players who were brought closer began to die one after another.

Their defense is too weak, and every Zerg attack that passes through the fire barrier will kill a wave of players.

At the same time, the [Clone Production Warehouse] in the Dali City sub-base behind is quickly resurrecting players. After resurrecting, the resurrected players can take some equipment and ammunition from the sub-base and go back to continue fighting.

This ensures they can delay longer.

Wei Long took a look at the real-time battle report on the World Channel. Fierce fighting was taking place on the western battlefield. He was currently at an advantage, but the mechanical legions were huge in number. If they did not retreat, they would still be fighting for a long time.

He could only try his best to maintain the situation here.

"Hurry up and withdraw! Don't be disrespectful! We are waiting for the veteran players to save our lives."

"I was killed by a miner Zerg that attacked underground just after I was resurrected. Please be careful where you step."

"The rangers have an Earth Dragon skill that allows them to patrol from underground. Let them use it quickly!"

"We've been patrolling. There are too many. How can we catch them?"

"Fortunately, there is a signal from the base here. Even if you die, your level will be saved. It's not a loss. If you can't defeat it later, you can just resurrect from the central city and knock it down."

The new players muttered to themselves.

To them, everything in this world seems virtual. This is just a type of siege warfare. If it doesn't work, just retreat. They can just destroy a city and then find a way to regain it.

But for veteran players like Wei Long, the forest rangers, shamans, Dali City, trees, and bluebirds here are all living things, and they have already developed an emotional bond with them, a feeling of protecting their home and country. .

He is absolutely unwilling to let this place fall into the hands of the Zerg.

Nothing will be left after the Zerg crosses the border. The entire Dali City will be eaten by them and turned into nutrients for them to hatch again.

The Zerg have no individual will, only racial will, and they are also the race least afraid of death.

"Is there any way to restrain their movements?"

Wei Long frowned and thought.


The ground beneath the feet of a rookie unit guarding the shrine and shooting on the hillside collapsed, and countless black bugs appeared and swallowed them up instantly.

Densely dense insects appeared around the entire shrine, feeding on the corpses of fallen players on the ground.

The shrine was lost.


Wei Long was disrupted by the sudden change.

"If the shrine is contaminated at this time, can they still teleport here?"

This is an issue that has not yet been confirmed.

Because players can only use the teleportation function between shrines after unlocking all contaminated shrines. At this time, the Zerg knocked down a shrine and contaminated it again. Can people from the Western battlefield still be teleported?

"If so, then the southern battlefield is over."

Their only chance of winning now is to wait for the troops from the western battlefield to quickly resolve the battle and provide support. This must rely on the teleportation function of the shrine.

At this time, Wei Long shouted on the world channel: "The players who were resurrected in Dali City can still teleport if they take a look at the shrine behind them?"

The newly resurrected ‘Me’ happened to take a look.

The milky white crystal energy that the shrine had previously spit out was slowly becoming turbid.

He put his hand on the shrine and silently said 'teleport' in his mind.

The shrine showed no response.

"It's broken! It can't be teleported!"

The news came too fast like a tornado, and most of Wei Long's defensive plan collapsed in an instant.

He didn't have time to think about it and quickly said to Shen Jin: "We need to get the lost shrine back immediately. We can't let the Zerg continue to pollute it, otherwise the follow-up troops will not be able to come."

At this time, we can only rely on masters like Shen Jin.

There's nothing you can do about it.

Shen Jin thought for a moment and said, "I'll kill the bugs over there myself, and then let your soldiers take over again."


Wei Long asked in surprise.

"Well I am enough on my own."

Shen Jin floated in the air with his physical strength. Without any movement, he had already hit the missing shrine like a missile.

boom! ! !

The earth trembled, and a large number of black insects flew out.

After landing, he didn't sink too much and just opened his hands.

"Field - Tai Chi Dao!"

Two realms, one black and one white, opened up in his hands like a Tai Chi diagram.

It looks gentle but is actually fierce!

Whenever an insect comes into contact with his domain, its body will turn into powder as if it were crushed by a boulder!

His whole body was like a black and white millstone, crushing all the insects in the shrine to pieces!

[Hey: "The aura of the shrine is becoming purer! The milky white crystal energy will be restored soon!\

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