The tragedy in Chang'an City is not over yet.

Huang Xianzhi's army tore off the mask of hypocrisy and began to burn, kill and loot the city wantonly.

And this move will naturally arouse the dissatisfaction of countless people.

It's just that they can't do anything no matter how dissatisfied they are, because in front of Huang Xianzhi's 600,000 army, resistance will only usher in more brutal treatment, making this kind of killing more difficult to stop like burning oil.

What's more, ordinary residents in Chang'an City have no resistance at all when facing powerful soldiers, and it is useless to have more people.

But the resentment was still accumulating.

Someone wrote a poem on the gate of Shangshu Province to mock the army of Huang Xianzhi who entered the city and killed innocent people indiscriminately.

And in this poem, there are a few lines.

"Every family is bleeding like a spring, and there are voices of grievances everywhere. Maiko and singers donate secretly, and babies and girls are all abandoned. ... A man jumped up the golden steps, slanting his shoulders to shame him. He refused to come out with his clothes. The rich family died under the red powder balsamic knife....The prosperity of the past is buried, and there is nothing left behind. The inner treasury was burnt to splendor ashes, and the sky street was trampled to the bones of the princes!"

Although Huang Xianzhi is a private salt dealer, he is also a scholar who has tried and failed. Of course he can understand the meaning of these poems.

Therefore, Huang Xianzhi was furious and gouged out the eyes of all the officials and soldiers guarding the gate at that time.

Then, he hunted down people who could write poetry in Chang'an City, and killed more than 3,000 people in a row.

Even those who could not write poetry but could read and write, he did not want to let them go, and they were all escorted to the battlefield to do coolies.


Chu Ge watched all this silently, with mixed feelings in his heart.

In fact, judging from the scene he saw, the description of this content in the history books is mostly exaggerated.

After all, there are so many people in Chang'an City, there should be more than 3,000 people who can write poetry, and there are so many people who can read, it is somewhat unrealistic to send them all to the battlefield to do coolies.

But Huang Xianzhi was really furious because of this poem, so he arrested and killed many people. This really happened.

Just as it is recorded in the history books that Huang Xianzhi used big stones to crush bones and kill people to make military rations, this must be made up by later generations of literati who demonized Huang Xianzhi. Because as long as you cook and cook, you will know that after crushing people directly, you will only get a mixture of excrement, internal organs, and bone residue, which is impossible to eat.

Cannibalism is not such a way of eating.

It is fake to use big stones to crush bones and kill people to make military rations, but it is mostly true to eat people.

Perhaps the records of Huang Xianzhi in the history books are exaggerated and fabricated by many later generations of literati. The real Huang Xianzhi is not as hideous and terrifying as a monster in the historical records, but it is estimated that there will definitely be various evil deeds.

The reason is very simple. If he can really enforce the order and prohibit the people, then he can't sit on an army of 600,000 and fail completely.

Sometimes it's as simple as that.

Although Sheng Taizu was also from a rebel army, he was able to enforce the orders and prohibitions that were difficult to do in that era, cherish the power of the people, not plunder and persecute the people, and he was able to know people and do them well, which attracted heroes from all over the world to come to serve.

If Huang Xianzhi can do it, then even if he is stigmatized by later generations, he will at most be stigmatized like Sheng Taizu, and he will not become a demon with nothing but chaos and tyranny.

When seeing all this from God's perspective, Chu Ge's heart was complicated.

As a modern person, Chu Ge certainly sympathized with the peasant uprising.

Because they are all poor people of the oppressed class, under the rule of the faint king and the courtiers, they can't survive after being hit by natural disasters, so they can only rise up.

This world doesn't treat them as human beings before they are forced to become evil spirits.

However, after seeing their behavior, it was difficult for Chu Ge to continue to sympathize with them.

When the strong are angry, they draw their knives at the stronger ones; when the weak are angry, they draw their knives at the weaker ones.

If an uprising that truly conforms to the general trend should be like a spark that started a prairie fire, then Huang Xianzhi's army is more like a merciless and aimless wildfire.

Wildfire only cares about taking advantage of the wind and burning everything, good, bad, beautiful, and rotten, all in one big fire.

And after the wind died down, the wildfire would go out, leaving only a field of ashes.

From a positive point of view, the wildfire burned down the old system and dealt a heavy blow to the crumbling and decadent dynasty; but from a negative point of view, the wildfire greatly destroyed the production at that time, but did not establish a new one in the tyranny Order, on the contrary, led to greater chaos.

From this scene in Chang'an City, it can be seen that it is impossible for Huang Xianzhi to win the world after all.

Wildfire, after all, is just wildfire.


Chu Ge's vision departed from Chang'an City and headed west.

After suddenly crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, his perspective caught up with Liang Xizong's car.

Liang Xizong was about to flee from Chang'an and headed straight to the middle of Shu, just like the route during the Anshi Rebellion.

It's just that when I passed Maweipo this time, I couldn't blame the woman.

Suddenly, a group of people appeared ahead and stopped Liang Xizong's car.

Liang Xizong was frightened out of his wits, but he finally felt relieved when he saw an old official who turned over on the horse in front of him.

"Your Majesty! I'm waiting for death!

"So far, the country has been wronged by the generals, please behead your ministers to thank the world!"

Liang Xizong hurried forward and helped the old minister up: "Zheng Qing, how could this be your fault? I plan to go to Xingyuan (place name) and order all the envoys to recover the capital. Zheng Qing, are you Jiedu Envoy Fengxiang, we must defend all strategic points, and we must not allow the power of the bandit army to expand again."

The veteran nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty!

"However... the road to Xingyuan is difficult, and it is difficult to move forward. If there is an emergency, I may not have time to report it to His Majesty. Your Majesty, please allow me to do it cheaply, and make a decision at the camera."

Liang Xizong thought about it, and agreed: "Okay! Gouli Zongshe, Ren Qing will do it!"

At this point, Chu Ge's field of vision finally sank rapidly, and came to the body of the veteran.

Then, the talent skill card finally appeared.

[E. Observation into the subtleties (blue): Your observation and memory of details are improved. 】

[E. Generous Speech (Blue): Your speech becomes more contagious and convincing, and at the same time, it will also increase the effect of awe-inspiring righteousness. 】

[D. Formation of troops (golden): You can naturally master the basic strategy of marching and formation, and reach the level of commanding troops of general veterans. 】

In addition, there are also three golden talents that are already included by default, "memory fragments", "increasing morale", and "survival from a desperate situation".

Looking at the three talent and skill cards in front of him, Chu Ge fell into deep thought.

After the conversation between this old official and Liang Xizong, Chu Ge has naturally confirmed his identity.

Zheng Tian, ​​fifty-five years old at this time, had served as the prime minister of the Liang Dynasty and is now the envoy of Fengxiang Jiedu.

Chu Ge has read the historical materials thoroughly, so he basically understands this Zheng Tian.

Although Zheng Tian's ability was limited, it was impossible to really save the Liang Dynasty in this precarious situation, but in the court at that time, he was one of the few normal people who could really do things and were willing to do things.

During his tenure as prime minister, he disagreed with another prime minister. The two sides disagreed on whether to appease Huang Xianzhi or destroy Huang Xianzhi.

Another prime minister, Lu Xie, believed that Huainan Jiedu envoy Gao Pian was enough to destroy Huang Xianzhi, so he did not agree with the plan of appeasement.

And Zheng Tian has already realized the threat of Huang Xianzhi's "millions of people and defeated officials and troops", so he suggested to appease him first, grant him the Lingnan Jiedu envoy to appease him temporarily, and then exterminate him when the time is right.

Many of Huang Xianzhi's subordinates were rioters caused by the famine. Once they got official positions, they would be homesick in the affluent land of Lingnan, and Huang Xianzhi's army would definitely disperse.

As a result, Liang Xizong did not adopt Zheng Tian's views.

As a result, when the edict was issued, the two prime ministers had a dispute, and Lu Xie was so angry that he threw the inkstone on the ground. Liang Xizong was furious, thinking that it was difficult for the prime ministers to compete to set an example for the world, so he dismissed both prime ministers and demoted them.

Judging from what happened afterwards, it is clear that Zheng Tian was right.

Huang Xianzhi only occupies Lingnan at this time, so a Lingnan Jiedu envoy can still be recruited. But the imperial court did not meet his request, so Huang Xianzhi was furious, and continued to send troops northward, heading straight for Jianghuai.

However, Gao Pian, the Huainan Jiedu envoy that Lu carried highly, did not attack at all, but passively defended and allowed the rebels to cross the border.

At this time, Liang Xizong regretted that he had not listened to Zheng Tian's words, and asked him to serve as Fengxiang Jiedu envoy.

Then, when Huang Xianzhi's army captured Chang'an, Liang Xizong fled in a hurry, and met Zheng Tian who came to rescue him on the road, and that's how the conversation above came about.

Judging from the results, although Zheng Tian still failed to save the fate of the Liang Dynasty's demise, he successfully gathered the army, recruited the Shence Army scattered around and Jiedu envoys from all over the place, and successfully defeated Huang Xianzhi's army. Followed up with a sigh of relief.

Chu Ge guessed that at this time, he had to find a way to reproduce Zheng Tian's operation back then.

Just looking at the innate skills in front of him, Chu Ge hesitated.

"By default, it comes with three golden talent skills, the two skills of 'Increasing Morale' and 'Survival from Desperation' are very useful.

"Survival from a desperate situation can make a character explode to the limit in a desperate situation, and it is not only a blessing for warriors, but also a blessing for literati.

"Not to mention boosting morale, it's almost a panacea skill.

"This time, the talents of two blues and one gold have been refreshed, and they are all talents of E and D levels, which can be said to be quite powerful.

"It's just that this fifth-level golden talent is somewhat useless.

"Arrangement of troops allows me to naturally master the basic strategy of formation of troops, reaching the level of an ordinary veteran.

"If you're a player who doesn't know battle formation at all, this will improve you a lot. But I also know how to march and fight, so I don't need this...

"If it is a talent that directly improves the ability to fight, it can be considered.

"Observing the details doesn't seem to be very useful. Then, speaking generously can be used with 'morale boosting'. It should be the most useful talent, right?"

After some analysis, Chu Ge clicked lightly on the talent card of "Speaking generously".

Zheng Tian is a literati, so taking combat talents is not very useful.

Arranging troops is indeed worthy of the golden talent, and it can directly allow players who don't know anything about the military to reach the level of a veteran. But for players like Chu Ge and Zhao Haiping who already know how to fight, it doesn't mean much.

Unless this skill can continue to improve the ability to lead troops and directly raise them to the level of Han Fuyue and General Deng Yuanjing, then it is worth getting.

Therefore, a comprehensive analysis is more useful than a generous statement.

Because the most important reason why Zheng Tian was able to defeat Huang Xianzhi was not how capable he was, but because he successfully persuaded his generals and Jiedu envoys from various places to send troops to besiege Huang Xianzhi.

It is impossible to win with these people under his Fengxiang Jiedushi alone.


After selecting a natural skill, the surrounding scene changes rapidly.

Chu Ge found out that he had played Zheng Tian and returned to Fengxiang Jiedushi's mansion.

All the generals of the military government have been summoned.

Next, it's time to show the real mouth escape technique.

Chu Ge is still very confident. After all, he has the two talents of generous speeches and morale boosting at this time, plus the awe-inspiring righteousness that scribes players already have.

Three talents face riding, how to lose?

Chu Ge is convinced that his eloquence may not be as good as the real Zheng Tian in history, but at this time with the blessing of the three talents, he will definitely be able to surpass him.


"The traitor Huang Xianzhi has already invaded the capital, and my Liang Dynasty foundation of more than 200 years is already in jeopardy!

"This thief started his career as a smuggler of salt, instead of farming and weaving, he was born out of plunder, linked up with murderous gangs, and harassed the countryside.

"Plagiarized my town, overthrew my capital, insulted my clothes, and slaughtered my scholars. Treating human life as trivial, saying that a great treasure is as easy to steal as a game of chess. Instead, stealing from the palace and falsely claiming a name. Worshiping with a rotten sheep's head Jue, continue the dog's tail to order the official. The swallow's nest curtain is used to praise security, and the fish is still playing in the cauldron!

"Huang Xianzhi has gone against the law, acted recklessly, and plundered wantonly. He has already lost the hearts of the people. We are all loyal people, and we are trying our best to help you. It is time to raise a million soldiers to fight against the bandits in the pass. It is shameful to be bloodthirsty!"

Chu Ge made a generous speech and spoke for nearly a quarter of an hour.

These remarks are naturally made from two aspects of Liang Chao and Huang Xianzhi, and some of the details are excerpted by Chu Ge from Zheng Tian's "Appeal to Thieves" in history.

In the historical campaign against thieves, in addition to enumerating Huang Xianzhi's crimes, they also praised the merits of the Liang Dynasty, saying that Liang Xizong "loved and cultivated deeply, with a broad and broad way", and said that the Liang Dynasty "government is magnanimous, and punishment is not in vain. Indiscriminate, diligently walk in the kingly way, diligently serve the living beings, enough to pass on the treasure to the infinite, and the royal map to the immortal" and so on.

But Chu Ge didn't say this, because in his opinion, Liang Chao himself was just as bad, perhaps a little bit stronger than Huang Xianzhi, but not so strong.

Therefore, he couldn't do such a thing of pinching his nose and praising Liang Xizong.

Although the "Destiny Doctrine" had a great market in ancient times, aside from these, Chu Ge still has a lot to say.

For example, what Huang Xianzhi did in the capital.

Indulging his subordinates to burn, kill, and loot in the city, hunt and arrest scholars who can write poetry, and drive out and kill all the clan and civil and military officials of the Liang Dynasty who are still in Chang'an at this time.

All kinds of atrocities have actually offended almost all classes.

You must know that the capital is in the world, and most of the officials in many places have relatives and friends in the capital.

Their relatives and compatriots were slaughtered, so they naturally hated Huang Xianzhi.

Even if there are no relatives or old friends in the capital, scholars all over the world will inevitably feel a sense of sadness when seeing Huang Xianzhi treat the scholars in the capital like this.

Therefore, Chu Ge hoped to arouse the spirit of common hatred among the people through this point.

With the blessing of the triple talent, Chu Ge's remarks were indeed impassioned, which moved many generals.

However, after his speech was over, what greeted him was not the sound of shouting and killing.

In Jiedushi's mansion, there was silence.

After a long time, finally a general spoke.

"Zheng Xianggong, the general thinks that the bandit army is powerful, so we should wait for the troops from all walks of life to gather before making any plans."

"The final general seconded the proposal. Sending troops at this time is probably tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg."

"Zheng Xianggong, I am afraid that the general trend of the world cannot be resisted by manpower..."

"I heard that Huang Xianzhi has already sent envoys to deliver letters to the Jiedu envoys, Mr. Zheng, let's see what Huang Xianzhi has to say, it's not too late to make plans..."

The extremely rational attitude made Chu Ge instantly realize that if he wants to pass the level this time, it may not be as simple as just talking about it.

Did Huang Xianzhi's actions in Chang'an cause people to scatter?


But so what?

Talk about destiny, talk about people's will, but no matter how you talk about it, you can't avoid two words, that is strength.

At this time, both the generals under Zheng Tian and the Jiedu envoys from all over the country can clearly see that it is the Liang Dynasty... Yaowan.

The reason why Huainan Jiedu envoy Gao Pian stood still and allowed Huang Xianzhi to be plundered was because he saw that the Liang Dynasty was over, so he had his own thoughts.

The Jiedu envoys in various places basically controlled the local financial and military power. When the Liang Dynasty court was unable to control them, once the Liang Dynasty collapsed, they would be the power to separate one side.

Under such circumstances, why did they send troops to help Liang Chao destroy Huang Xianzhi?

It is said that the world is home to the virtuous, but obviously everyone knows that the so-called "virtuous" must be supported by strength after all.

Therefore, Zheng Tian, ​​played by Chu Ge at this time, cannot command these generals.

It's not that these generals are greedy for life and afraid of death, the key is that these generals also think that this move is meaningless.

These generals are waiting for the Jiedu envoys from all over the country to send troops together, so that it is possible to defeat Huang Xianzhi's 600,000 troops.

However, Jiedu envoys from all over the country are also waiting for one Jiedu envoy to be the first to send troops.

Everyone has their own ghosts, and no one wants to be this early bird.

What's more, whether it was Zheng Tian's generals or Jiedu envoys from other places, they all had the idea of ​​surrendering Huang Xianzhi.

After all, those who know the current affairs are the best.

No matter how cruel Huang Xianzhi is, it is cruel to the people and those who defy him. But for those who surrendered to him, there was no massacre after all.

For all Jiedu envoys, it is the best choice to stand still at this time, surrender Huang Xianzhi on the surface, and wait and see what happens.

Chu Ge wanted to say something more, but suddenly felt a burst of urgency, and suddenly his eyes went dark, and he passed out on the ground.

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