My players are all acting

Chapter 243 The Beginning of the War

"Oh? So my goal as an assassin is to assassinate Wan Yansheng?

"That's right, it's reasonable."

After hearing the plan of these green forest people, Li Hongyun instantly realized that this seemed to be his mission goal!

What is the mission of the Assassin Trial? Kill the emperor!

Then this time the identity of an assassin appeared again. Isn't it obvious what the main goal should be?

In fact, since the service of "Dark Sands" was launched, the positioning of assassin players has been a little awkward.

Military players can make contributions on the battlefield, and one horse can be worth a thousand;

Scholar players can maneuver freely in the court and make generous speeches;

Ranger players, although their sense of presence is a little weaker, they can harass, detour, and lure the enemy in such small-scale battles. In short, there is a lack of particularly big famous scenes, but there are still many small scenes.

Only the Assassin players had an embarrassing position.

It doesn't mean that assassin players are completely useless. After all, their combat ability is not weak, especially in street fighting when defending the city, which can play a very important role.

The previous Xia Ruoling had played a very important role in the battle of the two dungeons of "It's a matter of waiting to close the coffin" and "Feng Hou is not my will".

Moreover, after the Assassin players completed the upgrade trial, their innate skills also gave them a certain frontal combat effect.

But many assassin players are still a little bit uneasy.

Because in their opinion, the professional characteristics of this profession don't seem to be fully utilized!

After clearing the trial dungeon of assassinating Emperor Yan Ling, many players who got the status of assassins had the illusion that they are now very powerful, and assassinating an emperor is simply a matter of grasping.

Some players even think that maybe when other players are trying their best to clear the level, as long as they assassinate the final boss, won't the dungeon be self-defeating?

A proper skipping job!

But in the formal trial illusion, they realized that this was not the case.

Not to mention assassinating the real emperor, even assassinating some key figures in the dungeon is even more difficult.

For example, in the previous copy of Sheng Taizu, when he played the role of "commander", he fought to the death with the northern barbarian cavalry in Wulan Tula Mountain. At that time, could an assassin player rush into the thousands of troops and directly assassinate the generals of the northern barbarians?

That's impossible!

That's why many assassin players feel a little aggrieved. It's not that they play a small role in the dungeon, but that there seems to be a gap with the positioning of this profession.

Many players have also complained about this on the Internet.

Again, no official answer has been given.

However, the game "Dark Sand" has been in operation for such a long time after all, and everyone has become accustomed to the tone of the game, and players have already learned to answer their own questions.

So many players figured out the answer by themselves.

"Maybe it's because the closer to the later dynasties, the stricter the guards around the real senior officials and commanders, and the harder it is to assassinate them?"

"It makes sense. In fact, looking at historical records, those assassins were famous before the Great Chu Dynasty. Especially before Dayan, rangers and assassins were very active. After that, only the 'ranger spirit' and' Assassin spirit' gone."

"This is because after two consecutive unified dynasties, in order to maintain the rule, the local powerful forces were severely cracked down. Few people kept followers, and naturally there were fewer rangers and assassins."

"The later dynasties also attached great importance to this point, so the later, the fewer famous assassins, basically all of them have disappeared."

"But does this mean that assassins are actually a late-stage job? Maybe when we get to the copy of Da Chu or Dayan, assassins can play a pivotal role in it?"

In short, after some analysis, the players finally reluctantly gave themselves an acceptable answer, which temporarily calmed the anger of the assassin players.

For Li Hongyun, he was not as entangled as other assassin players.

After all, he is not a serious assassin.

However, seeing that the assassin seemed to have an exclusive mission goal at this time, he was quite excited.

"Assassinating Wan Yan Sheng, well, just thinking about it makes one's blood boil!

"So, what should I do?

"Make a simple plan first: first step, stay and hide, and try to survive before the first round of Jin soldiers attack; second step, wait for the supreme commander of the Jin people, Wan Yansheng, to appear in my field of vision In the third step, an arrow shot him to death.

"Well, a very good plan!"

Compared with other assassins, Li Hongyun's biggest advantage is that he can use bows, arrows, and muskets to snipe and kill targets from a long distance.

Don't modern assassins use guns? As long as the target is killed, it is considered an assassination, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After having a goal, the next thing will be a matter of course.

Li Hongyun inspected the Cenqiao Station and found several suitable hiding places. He thought about hiding in these places once the Jin soldiers broke through the city.

Several of these are on high places, such as the roofs of various buildings.

After all, simply hiding is not enough, he has to keep an eye on the surrounding situation, and see Wanyan Sheng the first time he enters the city, and find a way to approach and shoot.

As for what happened next, he was ready to adapt.

In short, in Li Hongyun's view, everything is almost ready, just waiting for the war to start.


The wind and clouds were flying in the sky, and the time of the whole trial illusion passed quickly.

The city gate of Cenqiao Station had already been closed, and the defenders of the Qi army on the city were nervously and apprehensively looking into the distance.

In recent days, a large number of refugees have fled south and came to the area around Cenqiao Station. In the early days, the city gate of Cenqiao Station had not been completely closed, and some refugees had been absorbed.

Naturally, the defenders at Cenqiaoyi also asked about the situation of the Jinren, but these refugees knew nothing about it.

Because they all ran over when they heard the news that the golden man had gone south, and they had never seen the golden man at all.

It’s normal to think about it, the refugees’ footsteps are unlikely to be faster than the army, not to mention that if they really see the golden man, the probability of being killed or captured is far greater than the probability of them escaping.

In this panic, the golden man was portrayed as a devil, and the people in the city were panicked.

Naturally, many people think that this seems to be a bit exaggerated. Jinren are also human beings, so how could it be possible to absorb the marrow?

However, the people in Cenqiao Station soon saw those "refugees who had seen the Jinren", and understood that the description of these demonized Jinren was not an exaggeration, but a ruthless prophecy of the facts.

Finally, a small soldier on the wall of Cenqiao Station saw a touch of gray on the horizon in the distance.

At first people didn't know what it was, but soon, these grays gradually became clear in their vision.

It was a lot of refugees who were not fully clothed, covered in mud and dust, and tied together with ropes!

Behind these refugees are golden soldiers with whips and sharp knives.

The cavalry on both wings patrolled back and forth. Occasionally, individual refugees who wanted to escape would be caught up and killed immediately.

Driven like this, many refugees could only show a dazed expression on their faces. They no longer felt pain or soul, so they could only walk towards the city wall in front of them in a daze under the driving of the whip and the pulling of the rope.

Sometimes, the battered and hungry refugee lay in a pit beside the road, but others walked on unawares, dragging his body on the ground beyond recognition.

The closer you get to the city wall, the more realistic this scene becomes.

Even when these refugees reached the bottom of the city wall, when they were beaten by the golden man's leather whip and stabbed to death with sharp knives, the wailing sound pierced everyone's eardrums sharply, and many soldiers on the city were completely frozen.

Or they lost the courage to fight after seeing this tragic scene, or their minds went blank for a while, not knowing how to deal with these refugees.

These defenders have bows and arrows and rolling logs in their hands, but throwing these things down at this time will only kill Qi Chao's own people.

These refugees, perhaps a few days ago, were farmers working at sunrise and sunset in a small village around Cenqiaoyi, or women weaving and making clothes at home, but now, they are all captured by Jin Bing Driven, turned into sandbags for siege.

And there are many more refugees who have already died in the first wave of swords that the Jin people went south, or were killed wantonly, or were tortured wantonly by various unimaginable cruel methods.

The only remaining "survivors" were connected by ropes and driven southward.

The defenders of Cenqiaoyi were not elite at first, perhaps a few soldiers reacted and attacked mercilessly, but after all, there were still some omissions in the defense line of the entire small town.

The Jinren were clearly prepared for this.

Immediately after driving the refugees to the city, Jin Bing had already started trying to climb the city!

They set up ladders or threw hooks one after another, and began to climb desperately.

The Jin people's siege ability is not strong. In the whole process of the Jingping change, they never really broke through the capital. As for Taiyuan, the strong city attacked by the West Route Army, it took nearly a year to attack it before it was captured because of the exhaustion of food in the city and the lack of foreign aid.

Therefore, every time a city is attacked, the Jin people always have to set up camp outside the city, build siege equipment, and then launch a fierce attack.

But the lack of this kind of siege ability mainly lies in the equipment.

It's not about the will to fight.

The Jin people at this time were all the elites of the war when the country was founded, and every soldier was killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

Their fighting will and fighting skills are all at an incredible level. It is by no means comparable to the golden soldiers who have been pampered decades later and whose combat effectiveness has declined in the eyes.

And this characteristic was brought into full play when attacking a small town like Cenqiaoyi.

A defender raised his bow and set an arrow, and shot right at the climbing golden soldier. He shot him straight down from the ladder and fell on Jin Bing behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the defender turned his gaze elsewhere again, looking for other targets.

However, when he came back to his senses in the next second, the golden soldier who was hit by an arrow had already climbed onto the city wall!

From the point of view of this defender of the Qi army, once the arrow is hit, it will definitely fall, and even knock down all the other people on the ladder, so he subconsciously turned to another place.

But this Jin Soldier was different. Although he fell down after being hit by an arrow, the Jin Soldier behind him held him firmly.

And the golden soldier who was hit by the arrow quickly recovered from the severe pain, and even endured the pain, insisted on continuing to climb, and climbed onto the city wall first!

Cenqiaoyi is just a small county town, and the height and thickness of the city walls are far from being comparable to the strong cities like Jingshi and Taiyuan.

And this kind of height means that a negligence appears, and the chain reaction brought about is catastrophic.

"Block! Block the gap!"

The officers on the city shouted loudly, and many Qi soldiers also noticed that some Jin soldiers had entered the city, and rushed forward with their weapons, trying to block the gap.

However, as soon as they fought, they were defeated by the golden man who had already been hit by an arrow.

Even a defender's long knife had already pierced the golden soldier's lower abdomen. He thought he had won, but the golden soldier still desperately grabbed the long knife in the defender's hand with his left hand, and used his whole body strength to kill him. He was able to push back and crash into the crowd, opening the way for the golden soldiers to follow.

Shouts of killing and screams soon came from the city wall.

Obviously, the city walls of Cenqiaoyi could not hold back the Jinmen for too long. The entire siege battle lasted less than half an hour, and the curtain had basically come to an end.

With more and more golden soldiers on the city wall and fewer and fewer Qi troops, the remaining Qi troops had to flee for their lives in a hurry.

Then, the city gate was opened, and the golden soldiers from outside the city rushed in.

In a house near the city gate, civilians were shutting their doors tightly and shivering.

But soon, there was noise and knocking outside the door, and the murderous Jin Bing broke in with his face full of excitement, dragged the screaming hostess out of the room, and killed all the men and children .

Looting of gold and silver, murder and arson.

The barbarism and cruelty that modern people can't imagine, with the invasion of Jinbing, began to be staged in every corner of Cenqiao Station.

And this kind of barbarism and cruelty has been staged countless times in the northern land before.

What the refugees in the city experienced, the people of Qi in Cenqiao Station will also have to experience it at this time, and after that, they will all become bones burned by wild fire and eaten by wild dogs, with few exceptions.

These golden people were indeed not monsters, but at this time, their behavior was no different from monsters, because they never regarded Qi people as human beings like them, but more like some kind of domestic animals that could be slaughtered at will.


At the same time, Li Hongyun was on the roof, anxiously checking the crossbow in his hand repeatedly.

For a modern person, the things that happened in front of him obviously hurt his nerves seriously, making him wish he could rush down and kill a few golden soldiers right now.

Of course, the reason in his heart told him that this was meaningless, moreover, this was not what actually happened, it was just a reenactment of some kind of memory in history.

But even so, when this scene appeared in front of him so truly, it still required a lot of perseverance to endure it.

Soon, Li Hongyun saw the few green forest people he had seen before.

Like Li Hongyun, they originally chose to hide in a high place, but after seeing the atrocities committed by the Jin people, they finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Kill the golden dog!!"

"Golden dog, take your life!"

These green forest people brandished their swords and rushed towards the golden man, but soon, they were overwhelmed by countless golden soldiers.

The martial arts of these green forest people are not bad, they seem to be stronger than the Qi army defending the city, and their martial arts are nothing more than allowing them to fight and retreat for a longer period of time.

In a brutal military formation, individual martial arts can't actually play much role.

Li Hongyun was going to be excited by these green forest people and wanted to go up to help, but in the next second, he found that these green forest people had been killed by the golden soldiers, picked to death by spears, and pierced by sharp knives. Their bodies were hung on the city gate.

"Something's wrong... This assassination seems a bit different from what I imagined..."

Li Hongyun suddenly realized that the assassination plan he made before was a bit too simple.

A very crucial step in this is that he had to see Wanyan Sheng before he could assassinate him.

But the question is, how can he meet Wan Yansheng?

At this time, Cenqiaoyi has become a purgatory on earth. A large number of golden soldiers broke in, burning, killing and looting wantonly, and the defenders or green forest people here are powerless to resist. Perhaps a few of them are willing to follow The Jin people are desperate, but most of them can only flee like headless chickens.

But in the final analysis, in this chaotic situation, whether it is desperate or fleeing, the final outcome will not make any difference.

Under such circumstances, perhaps Li Hongyun could meet a relatively low-level leading officer.

And what about Wan Yansheng?

He doesn't seem to have any motive to enter Cenqiao Station...

Perhaps, as the supreme commander, he would come to this small town to rest temporarily, but that would be after the golden soldiers plowed the entire small town three feet and slaughtered all the resistance forces before he came.

And at that time, there must have been many personal guards around him.

Li Hongyun was thinking, in this case, should he slip away first? Only by preserving yourself can you gradually map it...


Just when Li Hongyun was extremely tangled, he heard someone shout.

Turning his head to look, he saw a Jin soldier who had climbed onto the roof at some point and saw Li Hongyun from afar.

"What are you...

"Is it sick, why climb the roof if you have nothing to do!"

At this time, Li Hongyun's mind was filled with 10,000 grass-and-mud horses galloping past, as if he was usually playing a game of hide-and-seek. He thought he had found an excellent location, but soon after he hid it, there was a crazy player who didn't know Why did you come here.

Why would a normal person come to this place!

But at this time Li Hongyun had no choice but to raise his crossbow and shoot an arrow at the golden soldier.

With a sound of "poof", the arrow feather sank into the throat of the golden soldier.

He yelled twice, holding the arrow cluster at his throat with his back hand, but he still fell from the roof after all.

Only in this way, Li Hongyun's position was exposed.

The Jin soldiers who were wantonly burning, killing and looting below discovered that there were still hidden resistance forces in the city, and immediately surrounded Li Hongyun's position.

In desperation, Li Hongyun could only barely kill two golden soldiers climbing up the roof with his simple knife, but after a while, he was shot into a sieve by the bows and arrows of the golden soldiers below.


Back to the original starting point.

"I don't agree, come again!"

Li Hongyun was very angry. It seemed that the luck of the dog was not on his side this time.

Jin Bing had already discovered Wanyan Sheng before he even saw his face.

Although Li Hongyun also began to feel that this assassination plan was a little unreliable and the chance of success was very low, he still felt that he could try it a few times.

What if you get lucky once in a while?

Just like the assassination of Emperor Yanling, although he felt hopeless, he succeeded in the end.

Li Hongyun thought that he should search this small town again to find some more suitable hiding places. At the same time, he could also observe the movements of the golden soldiers and choose a more suitable time to ambush.

After refreshing his innate skills, Li Hongyun started the trial again.


A small village somewhere in the northwest of the capital.

Dozens of murderous golden soldiers, armed with long knives or spears, rushed in.

Behind them, a general who looked like a leader was riding a war horse, watching everything that was about to happen expressionlessly, even full of impatience.

"Hurry up, kill all the men, take all the women away, take food and valuables, we don't have much time!"

He waved his hand, as if chasing flies away from the food.

"What are you doing!"

A villager who came out to watch the wind froze for a moment, and in the next second, the golden man's long knife had already pierced his stomach, and then he twisted it along the way.

The corpse fell on the ground, and the intestines flowed out, but Jin Bing didn't even look at it, and continued to walk towards the village.

Kick open the door, kill the man, tie up the woman and take the woman away. If you have enough time, you can vent your animal desire. If you don't have enough time, it doesn't matter, because for these golden soldiers, there are still opportunities like this.

Find the food and money hidden by the villagers from the barn and the cellar, or whip the villagers and force them to ask where they hide their things.

When Zhao Haiping discussed this matter with Wang Fang in the military camp, he was only half right.

He thought that Wan Yansheng ordered the Jin soldiers to march to the capital day and night, so even though the Jin people were brutal, with such military orders like mountains, they might not plunder too many villages along the way.

But what he didn't expect was that perhaps for the Jin people, looting was originally part of the march.

Barbarians like the Jin people, of course, are very clear about the truth of "giving food to the enemy". For them, robbing people, food, and property in the enemy's territory is part of the battle plan.

Therefore, at this time, although the main force of the golden soldiers has been going south, small groups of golden soldiers are constantly being separated on the road, and they begin to burn, kill and loot nearby.

It was like a big net that was opened, covering the entire north of the Qi Dynasty, and swung the butcher's knife at these common people, throwing off the noose.

However, just when a golden soldier kicked open a door again, what came into view was not a panicked woman or child, but a chain thrown towards him!

"Golden dog! Take your life!"

The thick iron chain was drawn on Jin Bing's body, causing him to fly upside down.

A green forest man broke out from the room. It was Cui Zhiyong, the "Tie Suo Town Mountain and River" whom Huo Yunying had met in the ruined temple.

Seeing this scene, many terrified villagers all had a glimmer of hope in their eyes: "Hero!"

It's just that Huo Yunying, who was lying in ambush on the roof, slapped his forehead helplessly.


Let's just say that your weapon doesn't look like a serious person's use!

If it was a sword, then ambush in the room is very likely to kill the golden soldier with one blow. But this iron lock was drawn on Jin Bing's body. Although the visual effect was not bad, the final result was indeed far behind.

Seeing that Jin Bing was still alive, the surrounding green forest people also roared and rushed forward!

Huo Yunying was completely speechless.

This group of green forest people really can't be counted on...

He originally made a very detailed plan: this is a big house, built by wealthy households in the village. Jin Bing will definitely feel that there are many valuable things here, and come to plunder.

So Huo Yunying arranged in advance for these green forest people to ambush around.

When the golden soldier broke through the door, the green forest man who was ambushing him killed him, thus attracting other golden soldiers.

When more golden soldiers arrived, the green forest men who had ambushed before could swarm up and attack them suddenly, killing them all.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional calculations, coupled with Huo Yunying's own arrow skills, it should be no problem to kill seven or eight golden soldiers at once.

At that time, taking advantage of the situation to mobilize the villagers in the village, there may be hope of keeping this small village.

It turned out that the plan was very good, but it fell apart instantly when it was executed.

Huo Yunying regretted it a bit, she knew that next time, no matter how well this "Tiesuo Zhenshanhe" promises, he must not be allowed to ambush in the house.

But at this time, it was impossible to clean up. The appearance of the green forest man had already attracted the attention of Jin Bing, and dozens of Jin soldiers all gathered towards this side!

"Forget it, let's fight!"

Now that the trouble has come to this point, Huo Yunying has no choice but to hope that these green forest heroes can really have some strength, and rely on better martial arts to repel these golden soldiers.

Even if all these golden soldiers could not be killed, as long as they were driven away, the people in the village would be able to buy some time to escape.

"Kill the golden dog!!"

These people from the forest couldn't help rushing over, among them, Zhu Tuo, the "Poison Hand Judge", ran the fastest, and the judge in his hand rushed straight ahead to a tall golden soldier holding a spear!

The role of long spears in an army formation is indeed far superior to other weapons, but this is a small-scale battle after all. There are less than ten people on both sides, and the positions of each other are very scattered. I have been using the judge's pen for many years, and I have a lot of experience in this kind of weapon, so the final result should be...

Huo Yunying still had fantasies about the ending in a few seconds, but soon, the cold reality ruthlessly punctured his fantasies.

Seeing Zhu Tuo rushing towards him, Jin Bing fired his first shot.

As expected, Zhu Tuo had some skill, he swayed suddenly, avoided the point of the spear, and continued to move forward.

Other green forest people couldn't help but praise: "Good! It's good to shoot with one hand!"

In the eyes of these people, as long as they can reach the range behind the tip of the gun when using a short weapon, half of the success is basically already achieved.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the golden soldier took a step back at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time he drew back his right hand, instantly causing the tip of the spear to retreat several feet away.

Then, with a flick of his right hand, the tip of the gun pointed downwards obliquely, aiming at Zhu Tuo's thigh in an instant.

With a "poof", the tip of the gun pierced into it!

Before Zhu Tuo could get close to the golden soldier, he had already been shot through his thigh and screamed in despair.

Everyone clearly saw a disdainful smile on that Jin Bing's face.

That's it?

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