My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 109: Capacity development

   Looking at the serious look of Elemental Spirit, Shao Zifeng nodded in satisfaction.

   After thinking for a while, he decided to try his ideas about skill development first. As for the shaping of talents, you can check the status of the elemental spirit at any time during training to summarize which behaviors will cause the progress bar of talent shaping to increase.

   "The spirit of the element, first release a small wooden thorn." Shao Zifeng didn't hesitate after he made the decision. As soon as he spoke, he added: "The one that is smaller than the one you released last time."


   Elemental Spirit pulled Shao Zifeng’s ears dissatisfiedly, his little green face rose greener, it seemed that it was very unhappy to mention its black history.

   But it did not hesitate too much, the eyes of the elemental spirit shone, the flowers and plants in the room swayed, and the green element visible to the naked eye condensed into a sharp small wooden thorn in front of the elemental spirit.

   Elemental Spirit held a small wooden thorn in one hand, waved it left and right a few times, and then handed it to Shao Zifeng like a treasure.

   Shao Zifeng took the wooden thorn. The green-black wooden thorn was about ten centimeters in length, like a sharp wooden stick.

   The texture felt by the hand is like touching a real piece of wood. The rough texture and weight do not seem to be condensed by elements at all.

Passing the wood thorn to the spirit of the element, Shao Zifeng touched its little head, and said warmly: "Do you remember how to absorb the vitality of the tree before it hatches? Now you can try to absorb the wood element in this wood thorn. clean."

   Elemental Spirit tilted his head for a moment, then fixedly looked at the wooden thorn in his hand, and then a green light flashed in his eyes.

   An invisible suction force came, and the wood thorns instantly decomposed into the purest wood elements and merged into its body, without a trace.

   Shao Zifeng frowned slightly looking at the empty hands of the elemental spirit.

  According to his idea, he hoped that after the elemental spirit had absorbed the elements in the wood thorns, it could leave sawdust dust, but he did not expect that the wood thorns condensed by the elements would be absorbed again and turned into elements again, leaving no trace.

   He couldn't understand. From the feel of the wood thorn, it was indeed like a real wood branch, without any sense of illusion. Why did it leave no residue after absorption.

   The room was quiet. The Spirit of Element looked at Shao Zifeng in thought, a little embarrassed. It didn't know if it was because he didn't do a good job somewhere that made Shao Zifeng unhappy.

   After pondering for a moment, Shao Zifeng didn't have a clue, so he didn't think about it. He experimented several times to find the reason: "The spirit of the element, use the whip of thorns, it is as small as last time."


The spirit of the element did not hesitate, the green light in his eyes flashed, and his small hand made a concave shape. A small, spiky vine whip appeared in its hand, holding the whip of thorns and whipping out of thin air. , Making a popping sound.

   Shao Zifeng did not check this time, and directly ordered: "Same as before, take back the power of the elements." #br......

r#   After a while, Shao Zifeng sighed.

"It still doesn't work. Sure enough, it's not as simple as imagined that the battle trainer wants to develop new abilities." Shao Zifeng was a little disappointed. After all, it was the first time he tried to develop new abilities. The original smugness was poured cold water by reality. .

   He was sitting on the bed and frowning tightly, the elemental spirit flew to his shoulder and sat down, his small cheek gently rubbed his big face, as if comforting him.

   "I'm okay, you worked hard just now." Shao Zifeng poked the elemental spirit's belly with his finger. The elemental spirit was a little ticklish, rolling on his shoulder happily, making a crisp laugh.

"By the way, I don't know if this attempt has increased the shaping progress." Shao Zifeng murmured while teasing the little guy with his fingers, turning his head to look at the elemental spirit on his shoulder, the blue light flashed under his eyes, the elemental spirit The message appeared again in front of Shao Zifeng.

   Sure enough, in the talent column, the progress of the Thorn Woods talent has increased from 3% to 4%. Other talents have also increased somewhat, among which plant control has increased directly to 7%.

  Plant mastery.

   Shao Zifeng looked at the flowers and plants swaying all over the room, thinking in his heart.

   "The spirit of the elements absorbed the wood elements of the flowers and plants in the room."



   "Xiaofeng, get up for breakfast."

   Early the next morning, Mother Shao got up early to make breakfast. She estimated that it was almost time, so she went to ask Shao Zifeng to get up.

   "Here, good morning mom."

   Shao Zifeng walked downstairs with two dark circles under his eyes, yawning occasionally.

   Mother Shao was a little worried when she saw this: "What's the matter, I am not used to sleeping at home."

   "Very good, but I slept late yesterday." Shao Zifeng spit out the toothpaste foam in his mouth and said vaguely.

   "Really, staying up all night is not good, you don't know how to cherish it when you are young, and you will regret it when you are old in the future."

   Amidst Shao’s mother’s chatter, Shao Zifeng quickly settled his breakfast, picked up his travel bag and said, “Mom, I’m out, and I’ll be back before lunch.”

   did not wait for Shao's mother to reply, and ran out of the house quickly.

   Qiqi glanced at Mother Shao, tiptoed to the wall, and wanted to go out to play.



Qiqi was shivering all over, looking at Shao's mother who was not looking good, she bowed her head Shao Zifeng's family lives in Longcheng County, which is closer to the outer ring, and there is a small soil on the northwest side of the road. Shao Zifeng is going to continue training there today. There is a small hill like a hill, and there is a forest under the mountain.

   After many experiments yesterday, he didn't get the results Shao Zifeng wanted. After thinking about it, he decided to change his mind.

   He wants to try to let the elemental spirits directly extract the vitality of plants, but at home...

There are some flowers and plants raised by Shao's mother, but Shao Zifeng dared not pay attention to those, so he had to wait until dawn to come to the wild to try.

The small forest at the foot of the mountain is relatively simple, and they are all poplars planted in the early years of returning farmland to forests. These poplars have the advantages of drought tolerance and are very suitable for northern lands. However, the poplars in March and April every year are really amazing. Suffered.

   Entering the poplar forest is still a little different from what Shao Zifeng remembers. After more than ten years, this place can no longer become a small forest. The poplars are tall and straight, resulting in a very small distance between trees.

   walked a certain distance inside. After making sure that he would not be disturbed, Shao Zifeng stretched out his hand to summon the deer and the spirit of the elements.


   "Hee hee."

  The wooden attributes they like the environment very much, the little deer's eyes are shining, and then...proficiently lying on his side by the feet of Shao Zifeng, holding his trouser legs.

   Shao Zifeng was speechless for a while. I thought it would let go of his poor pants. I didn't expect it.

   The trouser legs are almost chewed up by it.

   The elemental spirit happily shuttled between the trees, but didn't fly far, it flew around Shao Zifeng.

   "Stop playing, the spirit of the elements will try to absorb this tree."

   "Hee hee!"


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