When it comes to neon schools, then you will definitely think of clubs, no matter which school, there are many types of clubs, all kinds of clubs, everything.

After experiencing campus life, students basically go to choose clubs.

This also makes those who do not participate in the club [Homecoming Department] seem very unsocial, and sometimes it gives a negative impression, which in turn affects interpersonal relationships….

“Guys, what club do we go to first?” The mushroom-headed teenager Kentaro Yamamoto looked through the freshman handbook in his hand, which contained information about various clubs.

“Do you still need to ask? It was a swimming club! “It was Yoshihiko Uego who spoke.

Except for Fang Dongyang, the boys all shook their bodies, and then muttered about the swimming club.

“I’ll see… The swimming club is in…” Kentaro Yamamoto looked for the introduction of the swimming club and quickly found it: “The swimming club is on the west side of the gymnasium. ”

“So what are you waiting for? Take a walk…” Shangxiang Xiyan couldn’t wait to lift his footsteps, and Fang Dongyang and the others hurriedly followed.


About five minutes later, the group arrived at the west side of the gymnasium, outside the swimming club.

The swimming club’s club activity classroom is very large, larger than the indoor basketball hall.

One of the four walls of the club classroom is transparent glass – so you can clearly see inside from the outside.

When Fang Dongyang and the others came here, there were already many boys wandering in front of the glass.

Yoshihiko Uego saw it, joined their team without hesitation, and then something like ‘Wow, that senior sister is so good’ popped out of his mouth….

“I decided! I’m going to join the swimming club, is there anyone with me? Kofu Tanaka asked aloud.

Fang Dongyang took the lead in waving his hand, indicating that he was not interested, and Kihiko Uego and Kentaro Yamamoto refused, and the last boy was a little moved.

Seeing this, Tanaka immediately talked about the beauty of the swimming club.

Swimsuit seniors, swimsuit students in the same grade, and swimsuit students in the future… The last boy was so confused by him that he signed up.

As a result, the five-person team has now been reduced by two and become a three-person team!


“Why would Shangxiang-kun refuse?” Leaving the swimming club, Fang Dongyang looked at Kihiko Shangxiang with some curiosity, he thought that the other party would join the swimming club.

After all, going to that club was also the first thing he proposed to do.

“I joined the club mainly to find a girlfriend… People in the swimming club are not suitable for being girlfriends…” Kihiko Uego paused, as if organizing language.

Soon, he said: “It’s not suitable to be my girlfriend anyway, I can’t stand other men paying for my girlfriend all day.” ”

“Uh…” With this answer, Fang Dongyang suddenly didn’t know what to say, and Yamamoto Kentaro was a little excited: “I think so too!” ”


The two men looked at each other, suddenly held each other’s hands hard, and looked at each other with some excitement… Confirmed eyes, you are my soulmate!

However, this picture is a bit of that no matter how you look at it….

Fang Dongyang felt the gaze from all directions, and couldn’t help but feel his scalp numb, he coughed lightly and said, “That, where are we going next?” ”

“How about going to the afternoon tea house?” Kihiko Uego thought about it and suggested again.

“I learned before that the president of the afternoon tea club is an aristocratic lady, and the requirements for joining the club are relatively high, so there are many high-quality senior sisters in the club.”

“This society … Kihiko-kun, I remember that the afternoon tea house only accepts girls. Yamamoto Kentaro remembered the club introduction he had read before and reminded.

“Hey, Kentaro-kun, you are very wrong to think so, it is impossible for a club to accept only girls.”

Kamigo Kihiko said, “As long as we express our willingness to take on all the coolies, we will definitely be able to join the company!” ”

“You guy… It’s really hard to fight for the sake of puffing girls! Fang Dongyang couldn’t help but complain, and Shangxiang Kihiko laughed, and continued, “Together?” ”

“I’ll forget it.” Fang Dongyang waved his hand, working as a coolie in order to get close to girls, he couldn’t do this kind of thing.

Kihiko Uego looked at Kentaro Yamamoto, and the other party did not hesitate to express his willingness to go… It seems that someone is also very hard!

So, the three of them parted ways in the gymnasium, and Kihiko Umigo and Kentaro Yamamoto went to the afternoon tea house with excitement, Fang Dongyang thought about it and wandered around the gymnasium.

He quickly lost interest in walking around and walked in the direction of the classroom.

Passing by the propaganda board, he casually flicked and his footsteps stopped sharply.

“Food club?” Fang Dongyang walked to an advertising sticker, he looked at it seriously, the name of the club is called the Food Club, and the main activity is to cook and study food together.

Fang Dongyang suddenly became interested… No, it’s not so much interest as having an idea.

The meals in the cafeteria are obviously not edible, so what to do with lunch? Nibbling on bread?

For a day or two, Fang Dongyang didn’t have anything, but he was unwilling to gnaw bread for a long time.

In this way, you can only make your own bento… But making bento is too troublesome, and when eating bento is already cold, Fang Dongyang also has no love for cold rice and cold dishes.

“So, join the food club… Go to the food club for lunch and solve it yourself. Fang Dongyang held his chin and whispered to himself.

“Decided, I want to join the food club!” He looked down, glanced at the address of the food club, and then lifted his footsteps….


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