My Name is Kobe Bryant

: 痗? 8 绔? ?? 娌?? Draft Kang?? MVP

The 68th chapter of the text, the most suspenseful MVP

"This year's mvp should be the least suspenseful year." Stern looked at the results of the media's voting on this year's mvp without any surprise.

Averaged 41.9 points, 6.1 rebounds, 7.2 assists, 2.5 steals, 0.6 blocks, and 2.7 turnovers!

Averaged 27.9 shots per game! 51.5% hit rate hits 13.9 times!

8.9 three-pointers! 40.2% hit rate and hit 3.5!

7.2 free throws per game!


Kobe Bryant! Played a phenomenal season and once again led the Lakers to a perfect record of 70 wins and 12 losses!

This was won when O'Neal only played 69 games!

This was won by the crazy double-teaming of other teams in the league, and even three-person double-teaming!

This is the face of countless legendary superstars, one by one on their faces!


What is dominance?

Kobe's performance this season interprets such a term!

Kobe Bryant-47 first ballots, 1 second ballot!

That ballot, no doubt, espn.

Almost unanimously elected!

This kind of grand occasion hasn't appeared in many years, especially in this era with a dozen superstars. Kobe deservedly became the facade of the league.

"Is it not in line with the development policy of the NBA?" The bald man Xiao Hua stopped talking.

In his opinion-yes, the league needs countless superstars, but these superstars should be a court battle, everyone takes turns to shine, so as to best meet the needs of fans like new things.

After all, a story, once a classic, is told a hundred times, and no one wants to continue listening.

"No, on the contrary." Stern's glasses gleamed with the future of the NBA.

It was a glorious age!

The stars are shining.

Every year, players have played historical levels, legendary performance.

Countless great players and great teams collide with each other.

Each play style, each position competes with each other.

The war between the stars should not be manipulated!

Only the most realistic game is the most attractive to the audience.

If there is a star, it can crush the world! Stern will not stop this world from ups and downs.

Just like Michael Jordan, Stern will only support!

And Stern saw such an invincible shadow on Kobe!

Even though the stars are shining!

No one can hide Kobe's glory!

And he is only 20 years old!

At the age of 20, many players are still in the college league at this age, averaging 20+5 per game, and then touted to heaven, becoming a once-in-a-year genius in the media.

After entering the league, most of the geniuses fell into the sand. The NBA will have 60 players joining the league a year, but most of the players have only three short careers.

The lucky few have developed their potential and gradually learn to become a star.

Some succeeded, some failed.

And Kobe, when these talented players are still growing up like a child, he has already fought the greatest player in history!

Overpower the stars! Play all kinds of incredible performance! Take down two mvp!

This is only Kobe's third year of performance.

He has a long future!

Kobe may become the greatest player in basketball history.

Stern looked forward to that day.


The League's final battle was amidst the noise of Indiana.

The Hornets vs. East Fourth Pacers game is being played.

The fourth quarter!

The game reached the final critical moment.

Michael Jordan sticks in his waist, with no intention of taking over the game.

Because this team is no longer his own team!

Grant Hill glanced at Jordan!

Take a deep breath!

Throw away God's left hand Mullin!

Get inside and complete a layup in front of Rick Schmitz and Dale Davis.


Hill killed the game.

32 points, 14 rebounds, 16 assists, 2 steals, 1 blocks, and 3 turnovers! !

Grant Hill used an exaggerated large triple-double to bring this season to an end!

"Well, now we need to prepare for the playoffs." Hill patted the non-existent dust on the shirt.

Looking in the direction of Los Angeles.

"Yes." Jordan nodded slightly.

This year's Hornets is a legend.

If this year's greatest player is Kobe Bryant.

So the greatest team is none other than the Charlotte Hornets.

They played a historic team offense! 31.2 assists per game! Score 121.5 points!

Overpowered the Lakers who lacked O'Neal and scored 73 wins and 9 losses!

Michael Jordan won 70 wins for three consecutive years!

Grant Hill averaged 27.5 points, 10.1 rebounds, 8.2 assists, 1.5 steals, 0.9 blocks, and 2.9 turnovers.

Hill's data is a strong contender for mvp in any year!

And he also won 70 wins!

Hill's performance is perfect!

But Kobe's performance is not as simple as perfect, he is a legend.

Legend has overcome perfection.

Hill, unlike Kobe, has completely become the spokesperson of the team. After all, with Michael Jordan by Hill's side, many mvp votes are shared by Jordan.

But he also became the second player in the mvp ranking!

And now! Zen masters can rest assured to speak boldly!

No team in the East is their opponent!

"Our goal is only one, and that is the champion!"

The perfect ending with 73 wins! The Zen Master’s face was a little bit of joy, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is a bit dignified again.

"Yes, guys. Get ready, the small fight is over, and then, it's war." Jordan said deeply.


The playoffs are men's stage, men's war!

This year's Hornets, with home court advantage! Go against the Lakers!


This is the best chance to win!

Michael Jordan knows that his peak time is running out.

When he scored 30,000 points in a game against New York, he knew that he was about to age like Chamberlain and Kareem!

but now!

He still has energy!

Grant Hill made Jordan's consumption this season very small!

Unlike the Bulls, the **** of basketball has to bear almost all the heavy responsibilities on his shoulders!

This year's Jordan, especially in the second half of the season, his body load is the smallest in the past few years.

Although his scoring average dropped to 28.5 points per game, his shooting percentage rose to 47% instead!

The three-point shooting percentage has also increased to 42.5%, and he can average 1.8 three-pointers per game!

this year!

Maybe it's Jordan's best physical condition.

His dynamic talent is declining, but his projection and experience keep him at the top!

If another year passes, it will be in doubt.

Jordan watched Kobe step toward the altar step by step, Kobe's progress was rapid, and Jordan's body declined quickly!

Only chance!

This is the last year in which Jordan has a chance to win as the core!

Michael Jordan knows this very well.

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