And on top of the bacon, there is a thick golden-yellow sauce in the shape of a tic-tac-toe.

  These sauces are chicken sauces carefully prepared after mixing thick chicken broth with some light curries.

  Although this candidate did a good job in details, for Feishazi, the highlights of his cooking are definitely not enough.


  After putting the chicken rice bowl in the spoon into his mouth, Feisha Zi began to taste it carefully.

  I saw an incomparably rich fragrance, which instantly exploded out of Feisha Zi's mouth.

  The deliciousness of the chicken juice mixed with the curry also slowly infiltrated Feisha Zi's tongue.


  In an instant, Feishazi gave the dish in front of her a very high evaluation in her heart.

  Although this dish does not look gorgeous on the outside, but inside, it brings unexpected surprises to diners.

  The sudden burst of aroma and the continuous aftertaste in the mouth completely improved the taste of this dish!


  "Kohei Soma-san, your cooking is qualified!"

  "But I would like to ask, what exactly is this fragrance that bursts out in the mouth... Why is such a strong fragrance, I didn't smell it before tasting it, and after eating the food, this fragrance The fragrance really burst out..."


  Seeing Feishazi raising doubts, Soma Kohei grinned, and just as he was about to answer,

  Liu Feng, who was playing games with his head down, made a sound.

  "Hasn't Feishazi felt the secret of this dish?"

  "What an idiot, this candidate used sesame seeds!"


  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Feishazi was stunned.

  Fortunately, the creator of Ping Ping was also completely stunned.

  He looked at Liu Feng blankly,

  "You... how did you know I used sesame seeds?"

  "Did you come to our store and have dinner?"


  "I'm not interested in going to your restaurant to eat. Your dish is so simple that it only takes one bite to understand it? Just think about it and you'll know how you cook it, okay?"


  Kohei Chuangzhen was completely puzzled, but Feishazi asked subconsciously:

  "I obviously didn't feel the presence of sesame in this could it could be this thing 0..."

  "Because of this exam, the sesame seeds are very finely ground!"


  As soon as Feishazi asked the confusion in her heart, Liu Feng gave the answer.

  While staring intently at the game, Liu Feng said casually:

  "On the surface, this dish should have three layers of flavors: one layer of rice, one layer of bacon, and one layer of chicken sauce."

  "Most of the bacon rice bowls made in the market have these three flavors."

  "It's just that this examinee added a layer of flavor to the dish that was supposed to have three layers of flavor. On top of the rice and under the bacon slices, there should be a thin layer of sesame powder."

  "The dried sesame seeds have a very strong aroma after being ground, so you can feel the fragrance in your mouth because of its presence."

  "As for the first two questions, I will answer them for you for free."

  "When the food is served, you don't feel that strong aroma because the thick sauce covers the smell of the sesame powder, so that it can't escape, but the rice under the sauce is "simmering" "Under the situation, the smell of dried sesame powder is blended!"

  "And there is another delicate detail of this dish is the chicken gravy sauce!"

  "A small amount of curry is added to the chicken gravy so that the smell of the curry can be combined with the aroma of the sesame seeds."

  "One of the ingredients in curry should be clove powder. According to the explanation in molecular gastronomy, the smell emitted by clove powder and the smell emitted by sesame will be combined, and a third aroma element will be born, which will lead to The root cause of your unfamiliar smell in your mouth!"

  "How should I put it, there are actually quite a few tricks used in this dish, but the main purpose is to create unexpected surprises for diners in a certain period of time by temporarily covering up a certain aroma. …”

  "In my opinion, I can give this dish about eight or nine points! Feishazi, you should feel very good..."


Chapter 223

  Hearing that Liu Feng said that he could give his cooking an evaluation of eight or nine points, Soma Yukihira suddenly showed a happy expression.

  Feishazi also looked at Liu Feng with some amusing and said:

  "Can you give such a high rating?"

  "Didn't Mr. Liu Feng say just now that the dishes here are hard to catch your eyes? Why is it now... how has this changed so quickly?"


  From just now, seeing Liu Feng's indifferent attitude towards everyone, Feishazi felt that the lecturer invited by Miss Erina was a little too arrogant.

  So now, Feishazi is quite happy to see Liu Feng being slapped in the face.

  As a result, just after Feishazi finished saying these words, Liu Feng raised his head and said in a dazed way:

  "When did I rate him so highly?"

  "Isn't this what you just said? To give eight or nine points, this is already a near-full evaluation!"

  "Please, my lovely classmate Feishazi, I said eight or nine points. Is it okay to use the 03 percentile system as the standard?"

  "If one hundred points is the highest standard, eight or nine points can be considered a pass???"


  Liu Feng's words made Feishazi instantly stiff in place.

  And the smile on Xingping's face was completely frozen.


  To be honest, Liu Feng gave Xingping's cooking a score of eight or nine, and he really didn't deliberately belittle him.

  In Liu Feng's opinion, the dishes prepared by other people in the examination room were basically zero points.

  As the owner of the full-level God's Tongue, Liu Feng's tasting ability can be said to be so powerful that it is difficult to understand.

  As long as there is a flaw in any dish, it will be caught by Liu Feng as soon as possible.


  Looking at Feishazi with a dull expression, Liu Feng continued:

  "The ratings I gave are basically very reasonable."

  "Didn't I say it just now? This is a student named Koping Soma, and the dishes he cooks are a bit fancy."

  "It's okay to add imaginative ideas to your cooking, but there is a premise that you must pay attention to here."

  "If the creativity is added well, it is the icing on the cake for cooking, but if the creativity is not added well, it is superfluous."

  "The dried dried sesame powder can indeed be combined with some special spice powders to create a third fresh fragrance, but these things are too fancy, and actually don't improve the taste much!"

  "And when the candidate was roasting the sesame seeds, the details of the time were not handled properly, and he missed the stage when the sesame flavor was the most full."

  "If the sesame seeds can be taken out in the morning, the aroma of the cooking should be improved by at least 2-3%."


  Feishazi was a little overwhelmed by Liu Feng's comments.

  How did Liu Feng know this kind of interpretation that even the cooking time can be accurate to the second?

  He didn't make this dish, and this guy sat there and played games from start to finish,

  Without even looking at it, he analyzed Kohei-san's cooking so in-depth,

  Could it be that this guy doesn't understand anything, and then fools people around there.


  Seeing Feishazi's suspicious eyes, Liu Feng smiled and said:

  "Do you think I'm making things up?"

  "I think I obviously didn't pay attention to the cooking process of these candidates, and I didn't even take a bite. Why can I comment on their cooking without any basis?"


  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Feishazi nodded slightly.

  "I'm really confused about this!"

  "Mr. Liu Feng has been sitting on the side playing with his mobile phone. He didn't watch everyone's cooking process, and he didn't taste any dishes. What reason did you make for this examinee named Xingping!"


  "Smell it!"

  Liu Feng glanced at Feishazi, and then he continued to play the game with his head down.

  "This kind of thing is very complicated, and now you can't understand it for a while!"

  "That's it for this candidate. Since you think he is qualified, give him the qualification to enter Togetsu Academy!"

  "Okay, hurry up, and when I'm done with today's matter, I have to go back to work."


  Seeing Liu Feng playing the game on his own again, Feishazi suddenly became angry.

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