The owner of the computer shop showed a smile.

  "Ni may have a good friend like you, and I'm really happy."

  "But boy, you came in time. Although her computer was sold to me, I haven't sold it yet."

  "And if she uses recovery software, she should have time to restore all the data on her computer to its original state."


  "Can it be restored to its original state? This is good news. How much money is needed, I will transfer it to the boss now."

  "Ten thousand yen is enough."

  "Is it [-] yen, okay, no problem."


  After transferring [-] yen to the store owner, the owner also took out the pink laptop that Nicole sold here.

  After recovering the data with some professional software, the boss put the computer in Liu Feng's hands.

  "It's all over."

  "Nicole cherishes this computer, so many things are well maintained by her."

  "Thanks, boss!"


  After buying Nicole's computer, Liu Feng came to the place where Nicole used to work.

  I saw Nicole wearing the work clothes in the store and selling products hard in front of the shelves.


  "Sir, would you like to see the fresh vegetables in our store?"

  "These tomatoes were all delivered this morning."

  "Fresh beef is on special price, and interested guests can come and see."


  Nicole is usually used to ghosts and animals. Seeing her suddenly become a serious working girl, Liu Feng suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

  But looking at her from a distance, Nicole really showed a unique charm at this moment.

  Although she is not tall and looks like a loli, her shoulders bear a weight that many adults can't bear.

  Seeing her attitude when she was shouting hard, Liu Feng suddenly felt a trace of pity in his heart.

  This girl has always been very strong in her heart since she was a child.


  Nicole was still trying her best to attract guests, but suddenly, she saw Liu Feng's figure.

  "Why did you come here?"

  "Do you want to buy something in our store again? If it is Liu Fengjun's business, I will not continue to do it."


  Liu Feng understood what Nicole wanted to express.

  She didn't want to spend any more money in this store.

  If she needs money, she will earn it herself. She is already very grateful that Liu Feng can take care of her once, but then, Liu Feng does not need to do anything for herself.


  Looking at Nicole, Liu Feng calmly said:

  "I have something very important to tell you."

  "Pause today's work for now, and accompany me to the cafe across from you to sit for a while."

  "No, no, I want to chat and wait for the evening. You are working with me after I get off work, but now I have to continue working."

  "But I want to chat with Nicole now. If you don't want to take the initiative to come with me, I'll buy your supermarket and make you a compulsory career."



  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Nicole gritted her teeth and looked annoyed.

  "Why don't you listen to persuasion, can't you talk to me when I get off work?"

  "There's no way. I'm just impatient. I'll never procrastinate what I want to do."

  "Nicole, I'll give you 1 minute to think about it. If you haven't made a choice for more than 1 minute, I'll continue to sweep this store out."


  "Damn rich man!"

  "It's... disgusting to death!"

  Nicole squeezed her fist tightly, and finally she chose to give in.

  No way, she didn't want to see Liu Feng continue to make senseless splurge in the store.


  After asking the store manager to ask for leave, Nicole changed back to her previous outfit.

  With jet-black double ponytails, a pink pleated skirt, and a pair of short white legs, she wears small white shoes and knee-high white silk.

  After walking into the cafe next door angrily, Nicole looked at Liu Feng fiercely.

  "Come on, what do you want to say when you come out to Miss Ben!"

  "If there is nothing important, I will be angry!"


  "Put your anger aside for now, I have something I want to give you."

  "This, take it and see if it's yours."

  Liu Feng handed the packaging bag in his hand to Nicole, and Nicole took it over curiously.

  "A present for Miss Ben?"

  "Could it be that Liu Fengjun will confess to Miss Ben later."

  "Tell you, I'm not as easy to deceive as that idiot in Eri..."

  Originally, she was still muttering, but the moment she opened the package, Nicole's expression froze.


  "This...this is..."

  " computer!"

  " could it be in your hands?"

  "This... what the hell is going on with all this!?"


  "I heard you sold your beloved computer, Nicole, so I bought it back."

  "All the data and materials in it have been restored. You can open it to see if there is any less."


  "No, that's not what I asked!"

  "I'm... want to ask, what do you mean!"

  " did you know that I sold my computer!"

  "And...why did you buy this computer back!"

  "Liu Feng, what are you trying to do!"

  "Why do you know about this."


  "I happened to pass by your house just now, and chatted with the neighbors around your house for a while. It's not just about your computer sale."

  "I've heard all the things that happened in your house."

  "I think it would be too much of a loss to sell such a cute laptop like that, so I thought about buying it and returning it to its original owner."


  (Continue with Yazawa Shin's picture.).

Chapter 196

  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Nicole's expression froze.

  The next second, she stood up suddenly and clapped her hand on the table.

  "You followed me?"

  "Following you? I'm not that busy..."

  "Then why are you inquiring about me!"

  "Because I care about you... After all, Nico is one of my best friends, right?"


  Liu Feng's simple words instantly left Nicole in a daze.

  A few seconds later, she bit down on Bo Feng and lowered her head.

  "I... don't need anyone else - mercy!"

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