After seeing Liu Feng's figure, Maki walked over step by step with her small shoulder bag on her shoulders.


  "Maki, good morning!"

  Seeing Liu Feng greeting her, Maki didn't speak, she stared at Liu Feng coldly with a pair of eyes.

  After a few minutes, she said coldly:

  "Liu Fengjun, I think you owe me an explanation."

  "Why do you know the student council president, why do you know Kosaka-san and the others."

  "I joined the Ryos because I wanted to help them realize their dreams, right?"


  Glancing at Zhen Ji, Liu Feng smiled and said:

  "Let's talk as we walk, otherwise, if we keep standing here, others will pay attention."


  Seeing Liu Feng's figure walking forward, Maki clenched the shoulder strap on her shoulder bag tightly, and in the next second, she moved slightly and walked forward with Liu Feng.

  In the process of walking, Liu Feng said to Zhen Ji:

  "Probably three years ago, when you and I met Maki, I also met Nan Xiaoniao and the others at the same time."

  "Actually, there is no special reason. I personally think that it is the fate bestowed on me by God to know you all."

  "Whether it's Maki you or Xiaoniao and the others, they are all friends I cherish very much."

  "I suggest you join the Ryos group, not only to help the bird, but also to help you."


  "To help me?"

  Hearing this sentence, Maki's footsteps stopped.

  She raised her head and looked at Liu Feng calmly:

  "I don't understand what Liu Fengjun is trying to express!"


  "The meaning is very simple. I think you are really tired, Maki, and I want you to find something you like to do and relax."

  "Isn't it a good thing to come out and sing, dance, and make more true friends?"

  "After all, from childhood to adulthood, you didn't really have any real choice, Maki, what choices are you making for yourself."


Chapter 188

  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Nishikino Maji turned his attention elsewhere.

  "Have you considered my feelings when Liu Fengjun said this?"

  "It is precisely because I am considering your feelings that I will make suggestions for you."

  Liu Feng looked at Maki's graceful profile curve, he smiled slightly and said:

  "How can I say it, we've known each other for so long, so many things don't need to be seen so much."

  "I know very well about your experience, right..."

  "It's really not easy for people to live in this world. If you don't want to find some way to find some happiness for yourself, how tiring it is to live."


  In lovelive's original work, Nishikiye is often called a cash withdrawal princess.

  No way, the eldest lady from a rich family lives in a world that is different from ordinary people.

  But there is an obvious problem that can be reflected from here. Having money does not mean that people will be happy.


  From childhood to adulthood, Maki has always followed her family's arrangements. What her parents asked her to learn and do, she has never resisted since 03.

  So under the arrangement of her parents, she has been learning all kinds of knowledge,

  Calling her a scholar is an understatement.

  But from a long time ago, she was tired of her busy school life.

  Just like when I chatted with Liu Feng before, there was a sentence that Liu Feng remembered very clearly.

  "How would it feel if you could do something you love?"


  With a simple sentence, Maki's own inner voice was almost completely revealed.

  Otherwise, in the original book, she would not be determined to become a campus idol in order to burn her youth to the fullest in high school life.


  Looking at Maki, Liu Feng smiled and said:

  "Actually, if you say too much to persuade you, Maki, you may feel a little disgusted."

  "So on this date today, I want to take you to experience something interesting."

  "Want to go somewhere with me?"


  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Maki raised her head and looked at Liu Feng.

  "Interesting place?"

  "Where are you going to take me?"

  "I'll tell you when I get there. Say it now, but there will be no surprises."


  Seeing Liu Feng walking forward, Maki hesitated for a while, then followed closely with small steps.

  After crossing the pedestrian street and coming to a shopping mall hall, Liu Feng stopped, turned around and said to Zhen Ji:

  "It's here."

  "What are you taking me to the mall for? Are you planning to go shopping with me?"

  Hearing Maki's question, Liu Feng smiled and said:

  "I remember that you like shopping very much, Maki, but you came to the mall today, not for shopping. Look at what's over there."

  Liu Feng stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction,

  Maki looked in this direction,

  What I saw was the piano hall on the first floor of the shopping mall.


  In many cities at home and abroad, there will be pianos placed in stations or shopping malls. Sometimes some travelers waiting for the train or passing by can go up and show their hands.

  This is also a form of street performance.

  In the piano hall in front of Liu Feng and Zhen Ji, there was a piano.

  So Liu Feng plans to take Zhen Ji to play with this.


  Looking at the piano, Liu Feng said to Maki:

  "In the past, you were all alone looking for a place where no one was there and playing your piano with your head sullen."

  "Honestly, I don't think it's a good way to go."

  "Music is an art, an art that is shown to all."

  "If music loses its listeners, then the essence of music simply doesn't exist."

  "Good music belongs to oneself, but also to everyone. Expressing your own sound to everyone is the real charm of art!"


  "I don't want to play the piano here."

  Glancing at the endless crowd around, Maki's eyes did not waver.

  When Liu Feng saw this, he just smiled slightly.

  He walked directly to the piano and sat down.


  "Maki, let's have a 1v1 solo!"

  "If you lose, promise me, can you join the Ryos group?"


  Seeing Liu Feng sitting in front of the piano and saying these two words to herself, a hint of surprise flashed in Shinji's eyes.

  "You also talk about the piano?"

  "Yes, not only playing the piano, but I am also proficient in many other things. After all, I can become a good friend of Maki, what if I don't have any real skills, right?"


  Liu Feng stretched out his fingers and pressed a few random keys on the piano.

  After a simple audition, Liu Feng continued to Maki:

  "I know your piano skills, Maki, are great, but I'm a little more confident in my own level."

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