Chapter 99: The Building of Gods, the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Kagome Nippori, who chose to become the sister of Naxi, the god of wisdom, also received her own meeting gift. Grass attribute god eye.

and a void terminal.

She possesses the powerful spiritual power of a witch. He also mastered the ability to manipulate plants.

The ability to stay awake and learn in dreams. She finally doesn’t have to worry about running out of time to study. Because she can learn in her dreams.

The Void Terminal gave her the ability to learn in her dreams. It is also equivalent to AR glasses that only exist in science fiction.

Using the Void Terminal, she can learn.

This is also the function that the Void Terminal was made in the first place. However, because of the influence of Wang Dong.

The Void Terminal also has a lot of other features. Watch movies, play games, listen to music.

In short, Kagome, who became the sister of Naxi, the god of wisdom, was quite satisfied. Solved the incident caused by the arrival of the killing pill.

There are also three gods, each with its own author. Then it’s time to build a new world.

For the gods, faith is also a question of chicken or egg.

From the perspective of the gods, believers believe first, so the gods have the divine power to bless.

From the perspective of believers, faith will be provided before the blessing of the gods is given, otherwise who knows that this god is not spiritual. It’s just that this problem is not a problem for the seven gods of the continent of Tivat.

Because the gods of the continent of Tivat did not believe in gods. Faith is important to the seven gods, but it is not indispensable.

Considering that the total population of this Warring States period is only about 7 million. Also scattered to various places.

If you want to rely on faith as an energy source for construction, you will never be able to make ends meet. So they can only choose the route of investing first and then reaping the faith.

Anyway, with their perception of the future.

The total population of the country can reach more than 120 million. It’s equivalent to long-term investment.

So all the gods worked together.

In this Warring States period five hundred years ago, a plan to create a united god kingdom was released. It is necessary to know the location of Kaede no Village, according to the geographical location of the Sengoku, it is in the territory of Musashi Country.

According to the modern understanding, it is around the city of Tokyo. It is ideal for the development of mega-urban agglomerations.

After going through the investigation of the eight gods, including Wang Dong. They each chose an area and got their hands dirty.

Wang Dong first built a magnificent temple of the god king in the central area, swearing his sovereignty. The rock god Morax built his own rock temple in the Liyue style.

Barbatos, the wind god, built his own temple at the wind vent. Barzeb, the god of thunder, built his own temple of thunder on the mountain.

The grass god Naxijie built her own temple of wisdom in the forest. The water god Phucalos built his own water temple by the river. The Vulcan built his own fire temple in a geothermal place. The Ice God built his own Ice Temple with immortal ice.

All God is Himself.

And Tianli also temporarily walked out of Hades and built his own Hades temple.

The priest Xiaofu was attached to the Temple of Hades and became a god of heaven. The Martial God Night Dou was attached to the Fire God Temple and became a god of the Fire God.

The god of the right machine skirmishers attached themselves to Wang Dong’s god king temple and became Wang Dong’s god. Even if skirmishers were created by Thor Balzeb.

But he couldn’t forgive Barzeb for creating himself and abandoning his own practice. Even if we meet again now.

He also did not want to meet the god of thunder Balzeb. First, the respective wonders were completed to build shrines. And then the construction of the city.

Morax, the god of rock, dominated the construction of land for roads, foundations, canals, channels, farmland, and more. Sister Naxi, the god of grass, provides a large number of wooden houses.

It was simple for her to build a wooden house.

A tree was planted and grew into a wooden house on its own under the urging of divine power. The water god Fucarus provides purified drinking water for irrigation.

The wind god Barbatos built a wind mill, air drying base and storage equipment. Vulcan established a base of geothermal hot springs.

Thor did nothing but the Temple of Thor.

The same goes for the Ice God.

Now the two don’t have much room to play. A shallow megacity was formed. The huge movement here cannot be hidden at all. And Wang Dong and other gods did not think of concealing it.

Therefore, the noble people who witnessed the miracles of the gods poured into this newly established land of God. In order to better guide, Sister Naxi sent a void terminal to everyone.

With the help of the void terminal, it guides people to recognize and believe in gods, and plays a role in enlightening the wisdom of the people. They need faith.

You don’t need fools. There is no danger here, oppression.

As long as you sincerely worship the gods, you can get the blessings of the gods and the protection of the gods. As long as you join the Kingdom of God, you can choose your favorite wooden house or rock house for free.

You can get your own land free of charge. First come, first served.

These are all dreams that the people of the Warring States dare not imagine. The Void Terminal can be shocking enough.

I didn’t expect the basic benefits to be so good.

A large number of nobles, samurai, and people all entered the kingdom of God. The original old system of Musashi Kingdom collapsed directly.

The daimyo of Musashi Country did not dare to go against a god with such magical powers. In the end, he also fell into the arms of the gods.

In the infinitely beautiful kingdom of God, where they have everything they can get.


Under the guidance of the Void Terminal.

They can learn all kinds of knowledge for free, watch beautiful movies and TV shows, and listen to beautiful music. This comes from Sister Naxi, the god of wisdom.

The rock creations they saw as far as their eyes, including farmland, were given by the rock god Morax. They drink clean water, and the irrigation of the land comes from the water god Phucalos.

They need flint for cooking, provided by the Vulcan taking geothermal heat. In contrast, there is an induction cooker provided by the Temple of Thor.

Just put an iron pot, press the switch, and you can heat yourself without a flame. If you want to eat cold drinks in the hot summer, you need to go to the Ice Temple, which can be provided for free. When you go to the Temple of Fire, you can soak in the hot spring.

To go to the Wind Temple, you can use the wind installations, air drying bases, and warehouses there. None of this theoretically requires money, but faith.

As long as you sincerely believe in the gods, you can display the faith value in the void terminal.

Faith values can be spent directly as money.

Of course, when the faith value is insufficient, the God King Coin issued by the God King Temple is needed. This is the universal currency of the kingdom of God on earth.

It can be said that the kingdom of God on earth is currently a dual value system of faith and currency. The faith that each person produces in a single day is actually quite limited.

This is true even for believers in sincerity. It can only be used as a supplement to life.

Money is the current mainstream.

It is only the fact that faith can be exchanged from the temple for benefits that some currency cannot buy, that it is precious. The addition of a large number of human beings quickly filled the kingdom of God on earth with the breath of life.

For the kingdom of God on earth never restricted the faith of which god the people would choose. Nor are the gods allowed to forcibly bind the beliefs of the people.

Under such rules, each citizen can believe in different gods according to his or her needs. If you are a farmer, you can choose to believe in the rock god Morax, who has now derived the godhead of the land god. You can also choose Sister Naxi, the god of grass.

Because the seeds given by the Temple of Wisdom can produce more, and the fertilizer sold has the most nutrients. There is also the option to believe in the god of wind, thunder, and water.

These three gods joined forces to bind the miracle of calling the wind and rain. If it is dry early, or waterlogging.

Joint prayers can be launched. As long as the faith is up to standard.

You can ask the three gods to join forces. Or bring rain, [or disperse rain clouds.] The divine work achieves the effect of smooth wind and rain.

At present, the earthly kingdom of God is still in the running-in stage.

But it has already shown a prosperous scene that the people dare not imagine. With the continued development of the kingdom of God on earth.

This area has a strong siphon effect on the surrounding area.

A large number of people have continuously joined the kingdom of God on earth, which has had a far-reaching impact on this Warring States period.

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