The biggest news about Inazuma recently is the fall of Tenling and the defeat of Kaijima.

Including soldiers and logisticians, nearly 200,000 people died.

Even the leading general, Kujo Jurao, was captured alive by Haiji Island.

For Inazuma, this is definitely an earthquake.

But the fall of the Heavenly Leader was only circulating among the powerful classes.

The people at the bottom are now wearing filial piety, and everyone is mourning.

And Tianling pursues the operation of checking its own.

This is naturally a ridiculous operation in the ordinary world.

Can be placed on the continent of Teyvat.

But it can already be called merciful.

Once the gods are really allowed to make a move, the consequences will be much more serious.

After the gods made a move, they were even inferior by several points.

The lockdown order and the eye-hunting order continue.

General Raiden did not change his mind about this.

Because it’s about eternity.

When Yae Miko placed the Void Terminal in every town and village.

With the power of Nasita, even if you don’t need to wear a void terminal, it is enough to affect people’s dreams.

In the dream, the grief and yearning of the people of Inazuma are collected.

Then, when it was enough to influence the gods, Nasida made a decisive move.

With the help of the link between the heart of God and the faith of the people of Inazuma.

The consciousness of Raiden General and Thor was forcibly pulled into a consciousness space, a consciousness space left over from the previous Thunder God Baal.

The past Inazuma Thor was a twin.

On the bright side, it is Raiden Zhen, and behind it is Thunder Movie.

Raiden is really more suitable for wisdom, and Thunder Movie is better at fighting.

The two rarely come forward at the same time.

When wisdom is needed, it is Raiden who really comes forward.

When it is necessary to fight, it is Ray Movie who comes forward.

So for most ordinary people, the Thor in their eyes has always been one person.

But only the seven gods knew that Thor was two.

It’s just that five hundred years ago, when Canrea destroyed the country, Raiden really died.

After that, it was Ray who ruled Inazuma in the movie.

And with his own eternal ideas, imprisoned the development of Inazuma.

As the god of wisdom, Raiden really has a consciousness space, and he can’t hide it from her at all.

In this space of consciousness, Barzeb finally recognizes his eternal paradox.

It is precisely because of her purity that she is able to persevere for eternity.

Also because of her purity, she does not hide when she finds that there is a problem with her eternal idea.

It’s just that she herself admitted it wrong, but the Raiden General doll will not admit it.

The two fought a shocking battle for their own ideas in the space of consciousness.

However, the two did not fight for five hundred years.

Because Nasida intervened.

Thunder God Balzeb disconnected herself from Sky Island, and the Heart of God meant little to her.

But that doesn’t mean it’s meaningless.

By manipulating the beliefs of the people of Inazuma, Nasida blessed Thor and Raiden General through the Heart of God, respectively.

Faith in the gods, which was supposed to increase, was polarized at this time.

On Thor’s side is the desire for a better life in the future, which belongs to the increase.

On General Raiden’s side, however, is the curse of the people of Inazuma who suffered and grieve because of the death of their relatives in the war.

The two were evenly matched.

Under the gap between the increase and the curse, the winner and the loser were quickly divided.

And the wishes of the people of Inazuma also inspired the residual thoughts left by the space of Raiden’s true consciousness.

When the real voice of my sister Raiden appeared, whether it was Thunder God Balzeb or the Raiden General doll, they couldn’t help but show their thoughts and touches.

The two are the same as each other, and even the memory is consistent.

Naturally, his feelings for his sister Raiden are also consistent.

Raiden Zhen expressed his apologies, expectations, and final help to his sister Shadow here.

That’s a seed.

A seed that penetrates the past and the future.

When a seed is planted in the space of consciousness, the seed from the present germinates in the past.

This seed represents Raiden’s ultimate conception of the concept of eternity, even to the point of interfering with the past and future.

And the god of thunder Balzeb also realizes where the sacred cherry tree that helped Inazuma through the difficult time came from when his sister died and Inazuma was most dangerous.

She didn’t know it before, but it didn’t prevent her from using it.

Now I know that it was a gift from my sister, and I planted it myself.

Thor Balzeb temporarily stopped Raiden General’s consciousness and was controlled by her own consciousness.

She has now denied her eternal idea, but it does not mean that she has abandoned the eternal idea.

She wants to find her own eternity again.

Until she reorients her eternal concept, she will not modify the consciousness of Raiden General without permission.

Because that could repeat the consequences of the present.

Wang Dong and Nasida showed the thunder god Balzeb Liyue, Meru, and the way back to leave the city.

Let the god of thunder Balzeb realize the true thirst of the people of Inazuma.

If you can’t meet the people’s yearning for a better life.

Then everything makes no sense.

This is Wang Dong’s philosophy.

Thor, who controlled the body of the Raiden General, finally made his voice after a long time.

Instead of issuing its own decrees through the Heavenly Domain.

The Lockdown Order and the Eye Hunting Order were abolished.

But there is another prerequisite for the return of the stolen Eye of God, that is, wearing the Void Terminal.

This is to prevent the owner of the Eye of God from doing evil.

Because of the backwardness of Inazuma’s overall philosophy, many Inazuma samurai fell into rebels.

These people kill people and commit countless crimes.

In the past, there were many types of officials who forced the people to rebel, but now on Thor naturally wants to avoid the resentful owner of God’s Eye from committing crimes.

Thor personally intervened, and the investigation pursued by the Heavenly Leader quickly entered the end.

Kujo committed suicide by seppuku with his belly.

Kujo’s home was raided and exiled, with no chance of resurrection.

The entire chain of crime pursued by the Celestial Lords was uprooted, so that the Inazuma order was almost paralyzed.

In the end, the god of thunder, Balzeb, through the little auspicious grass king, built a void in Inazuma with his own god heart.

Then, by forcing the Void Terminal to be worn by Inazuma’s officials, a large number of criminals were once again clogged.

And those who can be spared are not much related to interests in the three practices, and the society in charge of sacrifices and celebrations has practiced.

Because there are too many vacancies for officials.

And Thor is disappointed in Inazuma’s own personnel.

The backward concept derived from hundreds of years of backward system.

To ensure that the new Inazuma official is honest and clean, even if there is a Void Terminal as a surveillance, she is not at ease.

In the end, at the suggestion of Wang Dong, Thor chose to recruit temporary officials to manage Inazuma in Guicheng.

The people here were baptized by the idea of equality, and they were accustomed to the Void Terminal, and they also carried out basic literacy education through the Void Terminal.

It was naturally impossible to let the scholars who had returned to the city go to Inazuma to become officials.

There is too much difference in treatment and life between the two places.

If the civilians who have left the city can go to Inazuma to become officials, especially the people of Inazuma District, many people will be willing to return to become officials.

Even if it is not a permanent official position, it has great appeal.

As long as the salary offered by Thor after the pro-government is high enough.

At the same time, Thor Balzeb personally announced that Inazuma and Rigetsu, Meru had reached a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement.

I want Inazuma to get rid of the shackles of five hundred years as quickly as possible and catch up with the current trend of development of the seven countries.

Then it is best to cooperate with Liyue, which has the most developed science and the most prosperous economy, and Meru.

More importantly, both Wang Dong and Nasida have proved their sincerity with their actions.

Wang Dong took the initiative to return the Heart of God.

While helping Thunder God Balzeb defeat Raiden General, Nasida also facilitated her meeting with Raiden Shinen.

If she simply relied on herself, she didn’t know when she would be able to find out that her sister Raiden was really left.

The union of the three countries fundamentally changed the situation on the continent of Tivat.

Wang Dong wants to save the continent of Tivat and get rid of the control of Tianli.

Only do your best!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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