My Master Is A Tsundere

Chapter 105 - Cultivating To Reach The 10th Mana Condensation Stage

"I see. This makes me feel like you appreciate me, Master."

Rant Valo smiled at her gently. Wearing the sect robe that his master attended from made him feel like he became closer to her.

"Fufufu, Disciple. Your master will never be unfair towards you."

Floriana Sabina chuckled as she reassured him. She was still his master. If she can't even take care of his basic needs, she doesn't think that she deserves to be his master.

"I'm really lucky to have you as my master."

Rant Valo beamed in delight. Her words reassured him of their relationship.

"Of course you are lucky!"

Floriana Sabina nodded her head candidly. Rant Valo is the luckiest man the moment she took him as her disciple.

"Right, Veia. What do you think of my new look?"

Rant Valo asked Veia who was behind a tree. She was peeking behind it and her eyes were sparkling as she looked at Rant Valo.

"Master…. You look divine!"

Veia praised. The way Rant Valo looks with the long robe was just so perfect. She felt like pouncing on him. She was just holding herself back by hiding behind the tree.

"Really? Thanks."

Rant Valo scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. She was just too overblown with her praises just as always.

"Oh, right. Master Floriana, where would I cultivate?"

Rant Valo asked in curiosity. He needs to be in an enclosed space to cultivate. Right now, they were in the middle of a forest.

"I'll build one for you right here."

Floriana Sabina replied before she raised her hand into the air and brought it down to the ground. She closed her eyes and intense heat melted the ground under them. A small opening opened.

The opening was sloped and red bubbling rocks can be seen inside. It finally grew to the size that an adult human could fit inside. Then a small room was created inside.

Then after hardening the walls, Floriana Sabina removed her hand from the ground.

"Wouldn't we be cooked if we enter that?"

Rant Valo couldn't help but tell her his number one concern. The cave was glowing red hot and it would be impossible for them to stay inside without being cooked.

"Don't worry, Disciple. Do you know that you can make wind with fire?"

Floriana Sabina smiled smugly at Rant Valo. She flicked her finger and a huge flame appeared at the top of the entrance to the cave. Rant Valo and Veia walked back from the heat.

A dozen minutes later, Floriana Sabina stopped.

"There! I made a small opening on the other side so the hot air made by the flame rose and sucked out the air inside the cave. In turn, the wind generated cooled the cave rapidly."

Floriana Sabina explained. It was full of technicality and even Rant Valo only understood half of it.

"So it's safe to enter now?"

Rant Valo asked her cautiously. He didn't want to be cooked alive just because she made a mistake.

"Of course! Trust me, Disciple."

Floriana Sabina answered confidently with a raise of her chin.


Rant Valo nodded his head and entered the cave very carefully. The floor and walls were very flat and smooth. It was like a molded plastic.

Rant Valo was fascinated by Floriana Sabina's amazing control. She could even control molten rock so precisely.

"Wow, it's merely warm inside."

Rant Valo exclaimed in amazement. Although it was hard to believe. What she did earlier was really effective. It was not as hot as he thought it would be.

"Hmph! And you even doubted me."

Floriana Sabina snorted in displeasure. Her own disciple doubted his own master's capabilities. Of course, it would leave a bad feeling for Floriana Sabina.

"Hahaha… I was just being cautious."

Rant Valo defended himself with a wry smile on his face.

"So, I can just cultivate here? How about the journey there?"

Rant Valo asked her. He had to make sure that nothing was forgotten or he would be working hard for nothing if he missed the competition.

"You can cultivate as much as you want, Disciple. I will fly us there."

Floriana Sabina assured Rant Valo. She knew that it would be impossible for Rant Valo to cultivate and travel at the same time so she decided that she would just fly him there. It would just be easy peasy for her anyway.

"That's great. I'll cultivate now."

Rant Valo was satisfied with her arrangement. He sat crosslegged at the center of the room and closed his eyes before he started to cultivate.

"Disciple, open your mouth."

Floriana Sabina told him before she pulled a petal off the Evil Sacra Lotus Flower. Rant Valo opened his mouth and Floriana Sabina put it inside.

Rant Valo knew what it was the moment it touched his tongue so he swallowed it in one gulp. It was somewhat hard to swallow without any water to push it down, but he did it anyway.

Rant Valo looked inside his core. The 5 strands of white mana that connected to his body were still there. The mana flowed from the center of his core through the mana channels.

Rant Valo imagined that he was sucking out luck off the surroundings. He breathed in and more white mana entered his body. He repeated that cycle repeatedly until he was able to create another strand.

Rant Valo did it four more times before he stopped. The moment he did so, he felt like he was at the precipice of something. It was an illusory feeling, but Rant Valo was sure that it was real.

The white clump of white mana inside his core had already occupied most of his core. It generated with it a strong feeling of power.


Rant Valo thought inside his mind. Seeing the results of his cultivation, he couldn't help but feel satisfied. He finally reached the 10th Mana Condensation stage after cultivating in repetition.

"Master Floriana, I did it."

Rant Valo opened his eyes and spoke to Floriana Sabina in excitement. Floriana Sabina was also cultivating on the side. She opened her eyes and greetedRant Valo.

"You did it, Disciple."

There was a beautiful smile on Floriana Sabina's face. Her disciple just leaped in cultivation so quickly that she herself was astounded by it.

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